World of Warcraft: Current Year


A Mod Real Quick
Ended up getting the legendary manacles on my warrior. Been doing everything I could think of and hadn't really done any mythic VoW so decided I'd do a 0 just to remember the pulls and it dropped off the first boss.

Now I just want the gloves to drop.

Also got the dark Moon immortality card and wound up with an animated exoskeleton trinket (2400 Stam, shit 800k absorb on use). Not the best trinket but the HP will help me more than the grotesque statuette I was using I think.
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Vyemm Raider
Serenity is 9/10 now. Also Fusion(Russian guild) got an 8 day vacation for exploiting P3 of Star Augur


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I think more mythic (or formerly heroic) bosses than not had some sort of extra phase/cameo. Archimonde had the Twisting Nether, High Imperator had Cho'Gal, Garrosh had ruins of Stormwind, ToT had Ra'den (ok, technically a whole new boss, not just a new phase), Sha of Fear had a nightmare zone kind of like Xavius' room, etc.

There were a few raids that didn't have anything significantly extra mixed in there (Xavius, Helya, Grand Empress Shekzir, Twin Emps, Deathwing), but I think they like to throw a bone at mythic raiders (and eventually everyone can see it, even if it's just on youtube).


what Suineg set it to
Elisande is one hardcore personal responsibility boss. Sucks being that late on the tier so it's complex as well. Heroic seems doable but we simply don't raid enough hours to get her this week. Oh well, would be soon enough but Superbowl is going to screw us this week.


Heroic Elisande is one of the few bosses this raid that is easier with a smaller group. Banged our faces into her on heroic for a full day with a group of 22. Cut people who died constantly and those underperforming, split into two groups of 10 and 7 (Was 10 people - But 3 had to go from the first group) and she was down in 5 attempts and 4 attempts respectively.

Heroic Gul`Dan is a ball breaker. 11-12 minute long fight with an incredibly tight enrage for 'casual' raiding. Hope to get him down tonight.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
We got Heroic Elisande on the 5th-6th attempt last night (with 16) and then promptly all died half a second later from exploding pools, we weren't even sure we actually had to kill and we forgot to take it off personnel loot so we all got shit - i got a cloak with bis stats but ill end up never using it since i need that spot for 4 piece =/

Gul'dan to 25%ish i didn't think the fight was especially difficult its just people doing dumb shit like dropping the empowered green shit in the middle of the room so when you get empowered bonds you cant help but me thrown off the platform, or people not interupting the add.

Not sure if we'll go back and try to finish up gul'dan or head back to mythic, our best skorp attempt is 16%, CA could be a cockblock and trilliax just kinda falls over.


Gul'dan to 25%ish i didn't think the fight was especially difficult its just people doing dumb shit like dropping the empowered green shit in the middle of the room so when you get empowered bonds you cant help but me thrown off the platform, or people not interupting the add.

22%-0% is the hardest part of Gul`Dan. So much shit that can go wrong and it is tuned so tightly that one DPS down is likely going to be an enrage, unless that DPS was not pulling their weight to begin with.
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Got something right about marriage
See I feel the opposite. Getting to phase 3 on Gul'dan feels like an auto win as long as people don't drop fire on the melee/tanks.


Elisande is a really really fun boss. It's super easy to pick out the baddies who die in phase one to the death frisbees.

I killed her twice this week just as practice and with the exception of guldan looks like it's easily able to pug a Heroic NH group already.

I'd say it's a bit undertuned overall and that's a shame but the fights are very fun very thematically sound.

Astromancer might be my favorite boss because I love the Cthulhu tease at the end.


See I feel the opposite. Getting to phase 3 on Gul'dan feels like an auto win as long as people don't drop fire on the melee/tanks.

I really can't find a spot in the fight that is difficult honestly I don't understand why people are having so much trouble with it.

It's the opposite of Elisande and it requires teamwork as opposed to personal responsibility.


what Suineg set it to
We had I think 28 in heroic Elisande, it's nuts there's so much trash going off everywhere.


Molten Core Raider
I really can't find a spot in the fight that is difficult honestly I don't understand why people are having so much trouble with it.

It's the opposite of Elisande and it requires teamwork as opposed to personal responsibility.
If you don't use a good strategy it is much more difficult. We wiped a full night on it, then changed our strategy and killed it easily in like 1 try.


Got something right about marriage
If you don't use a good strategy it is much more difficult. We wiped a full night on it, then changed our strategy and killed it easily in like 1 try.

Wasn't your strategy the same as ours? Drop the dead weight and kill it with less people?