World of Warcraft: Current Year


Golden Knight of the Realm
if they must have a legendary quest, please let it work like the ordos attunement in that my alts can get it as soon as my main does. Like, ohmigosh you found the one ring, excellent, achievement unlocked and you can buy it for alts at @@@@@@@@gold


Molten Core Raider
4 drops out of 10 bosses (just Vale left) on Runestones tonight even with the buff, going to be a while before I finish mine.
5 drops from 7 bosses yay! got pinnacle and SoO wing 2 left to do. I might luck out and get the missing 7 ... knowing me though, I'll be sitting on 11/12 until next week.

Also, people don't even try anymore. Like it's hard to run around timeless isle for an hour collecting 496 gear, no, they jump right into LFR with their 483 boost greens. And as if that wasn't enough, they then start telling other players how much they suck.


Lord Nagafen Raider
5 drops from 7 bosses yay! got pinnacle and SoO wing 2 left to do. I might luck out and get the missing 7 ... knowing me though, I'll be sitting on 11/12 until next week.

Also, people don't even try anymore. Like it's hard to run around timeless isle for an hour collecting 496 gear, no, they jump right into LFR with their 483 boost greens. And as if that wasn't enough, they then start telling other players how much they suck.
You need 496 average to enter SoO LFR, unless they do ToT or previous pointless shit, it's impossible to be even there. Also you don't get a full set in one hour, forget it, if you are lucky a couple pieces and one burden for the 535 piece. Unless you collected it with some other character.


Golden Squire
4 drops out of 10 bosses (just Vale left) on Runestones tonight even with the buff, going to be a while before I finish mine.
Runestones is fucking terrible. I got 1 from 5 bosses yesterday, with the buff. I only needed 4 this week, and I was scared I wouldn't get it.


Molten Core Raider
Runestones is fucking terrible. I got 1 from 5 bosses yesterday, with the buff. I only needed 4 this week, and I was scared I wouldn't get it.
Yeah, fuck runestones. Gotten 4 this week from the boss clears, and two were guaranteed.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
On runestones myself on my Hunter and Paladin. Only way I've been able to keep both going is by doing them at the same time. If I had to do say paladin and turn around and start all over on hunter... F that! Glad I started them both at the same time.


Golden Squire
On the plus side, once I had runestones done, I had my cloak like an hour later.

The solo fight at the Celestial was challenging, but I had read up on it so I knew what to expect, and had some strategies planned out.

I already had the timeless coins.

Then I got lucky last night and people on my server (which is generally 100% dead) were killing all the celestials.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Anyway, I have a question for some lucky bugger in beta: how is brewmaster doing?
Ill highlight a few parts for you. The Brewmaster was already weak in its current iteration, but now these changes have went through and they effect all Tanks. Even so, the weak get weaker and nothings really been done about it. Not to sound like a premadona, but Im not going to play my Monk this expansion unless something changes for the better. Check below the line for speed.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Hey all. I've briefly mentioned this in tweets, but wanted to provide some more concrete info here for you. In an upcoming build, we're making some major changes to tanks.

But don't freak out, tanks, this is for the better. It'd be very easy to see datamining of these changes and think the sky is falling; don't be deceived! If you do the classic "scroll to my class, read datamined changes to my class only", you'll be sad and angry. And I'll be sad that you're sad and angry.

The core issue that we're aiming to solve is with the power level of tanks' defensive abilities. And I don't mean their gameplay. Their gameplay is great, especially Active Mitigation; that's not changing. I mean their total defensive effectiveness. Health, damage reduction (flat, percentage, random avoidance, etc), passive and active, cooldowns, etc.

Tanks have gotten a lot of power creep. A tanking specialized character should be better at tanking than a non-tanking specialized character, obviously. But by how much? 3x? 5x? 10x? It's gotten to be more like 50x or even 100x. Fun fact as a point of comparison: Most of the Mythic raid bosses (first raid tier) we've been testing deal tank damage roughly equivalent to what Heroic Lei Shen (second raid tier) did, after accounting for the squish and level difference. Some even more.

So, what are we doing about it? We're effectively doing a squish to tanks defensive effectiveness, and to dungeon and raid mob damage to tanks. This list is going to sound like a big pile of nerfs, but it's important to understand that it's not. It's happening to *all* tanks, and mob damage is coming down as well, to compensate.

Additionally, before anyone points it out, yes, some of these changes affect the defensive effectiveness of non-tanks. We didn't forget that; this was done consciously, because we think these changes should be made anyway, or we're considering other changes to compensate them if necessary.


Here's a summary of the actual changes (please post this around, and discuss this, not thedatamining which will paint a very skewed and incomplete picture):

Creature damage has been retuned. In particular, the damage of creatures intended to be tanked in dungeons and raids has been drastically reduced to offset the below changes.
The amount of Armor on Plate, Mail, Shields has been reduced significantly.

Many tank abilities that increase maximum health have been reduced in effectiveness: Guarded by the Light,Stance of the Sturdy Ox, Bear Form, Empowered Bear Form, Blood Presence, Veteran of the Third War, Shadow of Death, Ursa Major. In most cases, the magnitudes of these effects have been reduced.

Many tank abilities that passively reduce damage taken in some way have been reduced in effectiveness: Unwavering Sentinel, Improved Defensive Stance, Mastery: Critical Block, Defensive Stance, Sanctuary, Guarded by the Light,Stance of the Sturdy Ox, Bear Form, Blood Presence, Primal Fury. In most cases, the magnitudes of these effects have been reduced.

Many tank abilities that provide Active Mitigation have been reduced in effectiveness: Shield Block, Shield Barrier, Shield of the Righteous, Mastery: Divine Bulwark, Bastion of Glory,Guard, Stance of the Sturdy Ox, Shuffle,Savage Defense, Pulverize, Frenzied Regeneration, Tooth and Claw, Death Strike, Rune Tap. In most cases, the frequencies ormagnitudesof these effects have been reduced.

Many tank abilities that provided long-cooldown temporary defensive buffs have been reduced in effectiveness: Shield Wall, Last Stand, Demoralizing Shout, Divine Protection, Guardian of Ancient Kings (Protection),Fortifying Brew, Barkskin, Bristling Fur, Survival Instincts, Might of Ursoc, Bone Shield, Dancing Rune Weapon, Icebound Fortitude, Vampiric Blood. In most cases, the durations of these effects have been reduced.

Resolve has been changed to no longer scale with Stamina, only incoming damage over the last 10 sec, and its scaling rate changed.
Resolve % = 100 * MAX(0, 8.5 * (1 - e^(-0.045*DamageMod)) - 1)

DamageMod refers to the % of a basic equal-level creature attacking you that you've had directed at you over the last 10 sec.

We understand that these changes will sound scary, but ask that you keep an open mind and try to comprehend the complete picture. Tuning may be pretty rough for a few builds as we iterate on these changes, so please be patient.
If you care to look up data mined info - .. Best example I can give you is doing Protectors in SoO. A DPS has to take the football and use his cool down that grants him invulnerability for a short period before handing it off, right? Exacerbate the issue behind DPS being relatively in the same playing field as a Tank and you can see what they're are "aiming for" but with the expansion two months away from release and mobs having been tuned in Mythic already to accommodate the current tank changes that were in place before these - they're pressing their time pretty hard and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that some of the Tanks are going to shine, while others are going to have to wait for that "Miracle patch" that's going to come after release. A class like the Monk that excels at avoidance is going to take the short end of the stick with Resolve, for example.


On the topic of legendary items...

It was stated that the Ring will be the 'freebie' (as some people have taken to calling the MoP Cloak. Freebie legendary/welfare legendary/etc) Legendary of the expansion and there will be at least one legendary item that is obtained through the pre-MoP methods (IE: Rare raid drop, followed by tough collection, etc)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I am totally cool with them making my tank abilities matter less, I can totally watch more netflix while raiding then. Pressing buttons was a hassle.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I am totally cool with them making my tank abilities matter less, I can totally watch more netflix while raiding then. Pressing buttons was a hassle.
Well, thats why we were having the combat routine discussion not to far back... :p

But Ill try to explain how people are seeing the changes a little better than a shitty example. Tanks are getting weaker on the whole but can still take a hit better than a DPS, but only slightly. Active Mitigation sounds like the new "game" for tanks. Blues Clues said that Active mitigation isnt decreasing, but its use is increasing. Taking Guard from lasting for 30 seconds down to 10 seconds with a 15 second cool down. (pulled those numbers from my ass cause I cant get MMO champ on my phone) To me, thats the exact opposite of allowing me put my attention somewhere else. More along the lines of micro-management.

Im not even worried about the changes, honestly. I may even like them, who knows? My only gripe is that they are taking so much toughness away from tanks as a whole, and the Brew Master is getting fucked twice as hard now and their isnt enough time to rebalance every fucking tank. I liked my Monk, dammit. Throat Jab bitch ~


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Our 10man roster went from having 2 agi-gear users to our 20 man roster having like 12 (Rogue/Druid/Hunter Explosion). So, abandoning the monk for a Strength Tank next expansion, because fuck that particular loot pile.


What this will allow to happen is good tanks will really shine in WoD, more then probably any other period. Will the min / maxers probably drop monks until a patch? maybe, but don't underestimate a really good player managing to make something work outside of a data mined patch note.

I still remember people outside of the first heroic guilds underestimating Brewmasters in MoP till they watched a vid of Heroic Sha of Fear. They were god damn All Stars on that fight.


People are going to be tanking with DPS left and right. Blizzard will compensate by increasing mob damage and nerfing healers' throughput and/or mana. Tanks will complain incoming damage is too high and survival is only possible by overgearing or chaining raid cooldowns. Everyone else will complain because no one will want to play a tank and queue times will skyrocket. Blizz will cave and buff tanks and we'll be right back to where we're at now. DKs will still be overpowered the whole time.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm not really worried, I main brewmaster right now but with the level 90 boost I'll just go any other tank if my guild wants it. I do highly prefer the gameplay of monks though, so I hope they won't be at the short end of the stick


Lord Nagafen Raider
I like brewmaster tanking, and mildly enjoy mistweaver healing, even if it's imo slightly subpar compared to other healers. I thought this could have moved me to play the class as main, but I'm not really too fond of many class changes, I'll wait for 6.0 to have a better picture of what's going on. I have all 90s anyway, I just wish they'd forever cut off the stupid segregation alliance/horde. Nobody gives a damn anymore and the enemy is always shared (always, fucking always).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I am more than ready for a Story Arch Quest that turns you neutral to both Horde and Alliance. I am so tired of having people on my friends list that I know, but I cant play with them cause theyre on the other faction. Been one of my wishes since, well... the entire life of the game. It only makes sense that they would do it now with how each faction is overlapping each other. Only having design for one faction would cut down on the duplication of town, cities, hubs etc. and maybe they can add more content that matters. But honestly, we probably wont see cross faction shit until the game starts to tank.