World of Warcraft: Current Year


A Mod Real Quick
Blowing off the world first race that had 120k viewers including people that haven't played the game. Good plan
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
There was an equivalent to concordance early in the expansion, iirc it was called bonus trait or something. Most people were in it before Nighthold. If you weren't poopsocking but actively playing you had 2 gold traits in the first month. After that there wasn't much to look forward to. The first person to cap their level 20 "concordance" levels was December of release year. *shrug*
No, the first person to reach the initial cap was a DK that December, not 20 points into Concordance. And any excess was converted into AP towards the new traits that were added.

And there's dickheads with 35+ levels into their neck. It's not what can be done, but the number of folks who can reach that point without playing 24/7. You're also discounting the benefits in general vs the bullshit that is the BfA necklace.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Their changes to Azerite just makes me as a player more fucking annoyed. I shouldn't be arbitrarily obfuscated from switching specs as has been forever. I'm sure there's the "he gets gear as dps and can switch to perform even better as tank" is something in the back of their mind, but honestly who gives a fuck. As much as they've softened the ability to swap specs, putting in bullshit restrictions doesn't make any sense. You have to swap gear for ideal stats, different weapons, trinkets, and enchants. No fucking player minds a dps player being able to click a button and fulfill the position of a tank. Why couldn't Azerite traits change based on spec?


Registered Hodor
The response blowing off the world first race is troubling. It’s like the rule for this expansion is to cut their noses as much as possible to spite the player base

Calling it now, the end boss will be massively undertuned for one faction.

Method will be banging their dicks up against an impossible Horde boss, and some scrub Alliance guild will swoop in and take the world first.

(and a month later we'll hear about more "lessons learned" in an inverview)
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Also, fuck you Fyff Fyff for being a Blizzard apologist. You're doing nothing to encourage me to continue playing the game other than annoy me with your false, pretentious devil's advocate attitude that blatantly ignores the bullshit that is the current game.

I love the game (as a whole) as much as anyone, which is why I'm so fucking pissed off. It has been so dissected and minimized that it is literally no longer fun at this point.
  • 1Worf
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Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
I play 2 nights a week atm, not interested in mythic raiding in the slightest (and I cutting edge every tier during Legion). Guild is on mythic mythrax currently.

1 night we steamroll heroic then I do a random M+ the other night. Currently I'm 375 ilevel, low 20s in neck. No interest to grind it higher. It'll just happen naturally.

Ion talking shit about world first was not good. That fucker is so out of touch, blizzard constantly makes the same mistakes over and over and won't fix what's wrong.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Sometimes I can decide who I hate more Ion and his smug shitsucking face, or Lore and his stupid fucking hair.

  • 2Solidarity
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well it's nice to see them do some things to make alt life easier. More rep and flight points unlocked.
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A Mod Real Quick
"we gonna talk about skateboarding?" LMAO

I remembered that up to 20 is free In this game so I levelled a mage. Sigh


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sometimes I can decide who I hate more Ion and his smug shitsucking face, or Lore and his stupid fucking hair.

Both are terrible but I'm going w/ Lore. He reminds me of a randomly generated Morrowind/skyrim character that is super derpy

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also, fuck you Fyff Fyff for being a Blizzard apologist. You're doing nothing to encourage me to continue playing the game other than annoy me with your false, pretentious devil's advocate attitude that blatantly ignores the bullshit that is the current game.

I love the game (as a whole) as much as anyone, which is why I'm so fucking pissed off. It has been so dissected and minimized that it is literally no longer fun at this point.
I'm not playing devil's advocate. There is literally the same shit to do as in legion. Your rose tinted glasses are on. You are factually wrong on every account. Here's a good article for you - World First Completed Artifact Weapon by Cerli - The Maelstrom EU

Why don't you link me the set items from Emerald Nightmare you were chasing after?

You can like or dislike the expansion all you want but the shit is literally the exact same as legion was after a couple months.
  • 1Salty
  • 1Potato
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Tranny Chaser
Suramar City

That post-release quest sequence of slowly unlocked additional content / plotline elements kept me engaged for a great many weeks in Legion. Between the continually shifting quests in the city itself to the semi-independent challenges like the withered WQ there was a nice chunk of solo-based content that was quite engaging.

I'm actually stunned that there is nothing at all equivalent in BfA. I would have thought they'd see what a success Suramar and the later areas like Broken Shore / Argus were and double-down on such continually progressive content and instead they retreated back from it in favor of the Island Expedition and Warfront bullshit. I.Es could be fun but end up being more annoying than anything and the Warfront system is just a bad idea that was poorly implemented.
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WoD felt like a B-team effort. Legion felt like an A-team effort. BFA feels like a B-team effort.

Seriously, do they switch teams for each expansion? Make an expansion > patch the expansion while the other team makes the next one. We're starting to see a repeat of the Trek movie curse.
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Molten Core Raider
Let's see. No gear swapping in m+ means you don't need to collect trinkets other than 2. Grinding AP in Legion resulted in very large power boosts, so there was a point to grind at the start at least. People hated the rng acquisition of legendaries, but they added a lot of flavor to your class, which adds onto the no gear swapping change. Like it or not, m+ is a huge part of the game now and no one doing keys can say they are more fun now than in Legion.


Tranny Chaser
I did look forward to the almost-Diablo-like shift in playstyle that would be afforded once I got a certain legendary. Naturally I never did and ended up with legendaries that were contrary to my preference, but there was always the possibility.

Now I can do content hoping to maybe get something that is +5-15 ilevel higher and otherwise boring as hell.
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Got something right about marriage
Well, they did it. BfA is so bad that people are pining over legendaries. One of the worst systems ever added.
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A Mod Real Quick
Well, they did it. BfA is so bad that people are pining over legendaries. One of the worst systems ever added.
The shame of legendaries is they fixed the acquisition of them in the end, which was really the worst part of it
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Molten Core Raider
Legendaries were great at the end of Legion, when you could purchase whatever one you wanted every week + get a random one. That is what people remember because it is fresh in their memory. So they compare that to azerite, and it's not even close.

Is it a fair comparison? Obviously not, but that is the how the world works. People have short memories.
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