World of Warcraft: Current Year


A Mod Real Quick
Haven't had a lot of free time to do invasions yet , but my monk is ilvl720. Should I just skip the invasions on him and do it on DH?
Nothing you get will be an upgrade, so just do it on whatever character can either use the gear or can collect the transmogs you want
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A Mod Real Quick
Is someone around to shoot me a guild invite today?
Just do a /who Fires of Heaven and anyone can invite you - there's been a shit fuck ton of people on too (20+)

Also we have the stickied thread at the top for the guild, you might get a quicker response there haha


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Ah okay.

So. If you ant to get the weapons for different specs. Do you just change specs and hope the chest pops one? Is that how this works?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Is there a trick to this? You just cycle your characters during an invasion and you get chests on all of them?
Yeah, I just cycle. There are a few shortcuts (hearth set to shrine, org cape, garrison hearthstone, compass, etc) for faster travel, and I log out in westfall because it seems to be the most often for me (have yet to see a Dun Morogh one).

Haven't had a lot of free time to do invasions yet , but my monk is ilvl720. Should I just skip the invasions on him and do it on DH?
You won't get gear upgrades, so I'd say do the it on the DH. The monk can get the same transmogs. The weapons are "cool", so maybe do it on both to get the weapons. Also the Felbat Pup is only around during the invasion and can be caged. Buy 3, cage them, buy 3 more, cage them, etc. Stock up and resell later (much, much later). I don't think they will be worth much since they are easy to get (as opposed to Hatespark), but it's something permanent out of the event that can be sold later.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
After the Broken Shore she is like "I will not allow the Horde scum in MY Dalaran" and Anduin has to talk her down.

During pandaria the horde used dalaran portals to attack darnassus I believe. There is a reason for them not having access to dalaran initially at the start of legion until the council votes to let them back in. Jaina has just been stabbed in the back so many times after bending over backwards trying to support the horde side of issues she has used up her bag of fucks to give any more.


Resting bitch face gonna set in nice on her

Every Horde dies twice before I move on in world zones


<WoW Guild Officer>
During pandaria the horde used dalaran portals to attack darnassus I believe. There is a reason for them not having access to dalaran initially at the start of legion until the council votes to let them back in. Jaina has just been stabbed in the back so many times after bending over backwards trying to support the horde side of issues she has used up her bag of fucks to give any more.
I missed a bunch of this in game lore :(

Didn't they also nuke theramore during a pre-launch event? I fucking missed that one too.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I missed a bunch of this in game lore :(

Didn't they also nuke theramore during a pre-launch event? I fucking missed that one too.
actually you can still do it I believe. Pandaria has a bunch of scenarios that are 1-3 man lore things and once you are level 90 I am pretty sure you can still go through all of them. I know I did the theramore one and I did not get into pandaria until WOD was about to launch.
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<Silver Donator>
Actually the "exploit" (I know...) around works like this: you collect the chest in Phase 3 and log out. Do it with another char (or multiple). When you log back after a while, the shard mechanics deals you a fresh Phase 1 and you repeat this.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I think you can do them if you go to that place above Mogushan Palace in Vale of Eternal Blossoms, where Loremaster Cho and the archaeology stuff is located. You can talk to some NPCs there, and I think they'll let you play/replay the scenarios since scenarios were removed from the group finder a while ago.
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Molten Core Raider
I was like ill prob resub to play legion and then remembered garrisons and all the other aid's currently in wow

Are garrisons still going to be relevant


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Nope garrisons are gone only to be replaced by garrison 2.0 so I hope you enjoy Facebook games in your WoW American Inventor because fuck you that's why.
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Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
So my highest Horde character is lvl20 and I want the toys that you can only buy while on the pre-quest. Are there any tricks to end up in the phase of someone that is doing that quest without having a high level character? Alternatively, I have a 90 boost still collecting dust, how much effort would it be to use that and get the char to 98 without having seed money/items/heirlooms available?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
After the huge sub drop and community hate I still don't get why they would even think of keeping that follower hit buttons to sent MrFucknuts to fetch you a bag of bear asses around at all.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Probably because it was not so much the follower hit buttons thing that was the problem it was that the major rewarding end game for a lot of people was ONLY that sending mrfucknuts on missions. The order halls have some of this but it is less followers and less frequently so maybe once or twice a week for a lot of the stuff. Also it looks like they got their head out of their ass about dungeons and those will be both viable and rewarding as well as the world quest stuff so there is actual shit to do instead of sitting in your garrison by yourself waiting for minions to get their work done.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So my highest Horde character is lvl20 and I want the toys that you can only buy while on the pre-quest. Are there any tricks to end up in the phase of someone that is doing that quest without having a high level character? Alternatively, I have a 90 boost still collecting dust, how much effort would it be to use that and get the char to 98 without having seed money/items/heirlooms available?

Time to bring out the old Poopsock Mr Creed. Heirlooms are account wide so if you have them you can surely use them.

You have 19 days to get your cosmetic items and toys. Godspeed.

Also I am digging all the streamlining they've done with heirlooms. So nice.
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Molten Core Raider
I mean if i fix my computer in time ill most likely play anyway but literally dont know 90% of what you guys are talking about which leads me to believe they made even more awful changes
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Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Time to bring out the old Poopsock Mr Creed. Heirlooms are account wide so if you have them you can surely use them.

You have 19 days to get your cosmetic items and toys. Godspeed.

Also I am digging all the streamlining they've done with heirlooms. So nice.

I really only play my hunter and priest, never bothered with getting heirlooms besides those you get automatically like the garrison rings. The bigger hindrance would be I fucking loathe the horde so much I might pre-order Legion for a 100 boost as a shortcut. Gotta find a way I guess.
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