World of Warcraft: Current Year


Molten Core Raider
Can always buy a token and sell it for some gold to buy heirlooms
to get above 140 ilvl on my DH heirlooms since its fresh and i would be starting from ilvl 65 lmao raising that to 140 gonna be crazy expensive :( RIP lvling bonus from heirlooms last i played briefly i dont think you had to upgrade them, jus rebuy them everytime or something idk


A Mod Real Quick
As per your question about buying a 110 boost. It's actually cheaper to buy bfa which comes with a boost than purchasing one in the store


Blackwing Lair Raider
I thought about leveling some of my non 120s because timewalking is amazing exp but then I thought about how alt unfriendly bfa is and didnt even play the game at all.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Darkmoon Faire is going on now and makes it easier to raise heirlooms. You also get exp/rep buffs.

BFA is pretty friendly to alts, actually. There's 101 different ways to level up and they've chopped up a lot of the quest lines to be skippable. The new Nazjatar Benthic gear is BoA so you can send it to alts, who can use it once they hit 120 for a huge ilvl boost right out of the gate. The only things you get stuck on are the newest of the new content, but if you manage to unlock flying, its stupid easy after that.


Potato del Grande
my cousin is somehow completely flat broke, i mean not even a copper across 3 chars lmao

where do i go to start legion stuff? never did this im at 100 so i assume thats where i need to be starting

Also how exactly does DH double jump passive work? i dont seem to have any jumps as a fresh DH unless im missing something completely obvious
Jesus Christ. Roll a new DH at 98 and do the starting zone tutorial. If you can't figure out double jump after the tutorial (press jump twice) then uninstall the game.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I am an average player. I guess that's why shit that will never ever effect me doesn't bother me. I'm not currently playing, I always play the new FF14 when it comes out. I like to take breaks from games before I get super upset at them and then complain about them for months while still playing stuff I don't like.

When have I ever said I am something? I raided Mythic last tier and got 4/8 and got the 5th to 1% and it blew my guild up. That meant last tier I knew more about high end gear then you and your LFR did.

I am saying now that esports literally doesn't matter to anyone who doesn't want to get in to it. It doesn't even effect anyone unless they want to get in to it. Your weekly takes 30 minutes. If 30 minutes a week of killing trash kills your soul then maybe WoW isn't for you.

I would like to hear your counterpoint about how the esports aspect of WoW effects the normal player. Of course you won't won't give one. You will be an insufferable cunt again and rage about how I don't know shit without actually making a point.

Here's my logs just for you big boy -

View attachment 218076

The fact that you cannot see the difference between even Legion and BFA. On top of the fact that you think your mythic guild who blew up because you think they are LFR raiders while being a middle of the pack Nightelf Demon Hunter of all things says all that needs to be said without additional explanation.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The fact that you cannot see the difference between even Legion and BFA. On top of the fact that you think your mythic guild who blew up because you think they are LFR raiders while being a middle of the pack Nightelf Demon Hunter of all things says all that needs to be said without additional explanation.
Once again you have yet to ever come up with an actual counterpoint. Good job man.
  • 1Salty
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Tranny Chaser
Read the spoilers for the Wrathion quest on PTR and I sure hope that its some sort of fake because
It reveals that there's a recipe for a potion that can block the influence of the Old Gods and a sample of said potion cures Ebonhorn.

I mean if there's a simple, or even not-so-simple, potion that can prevent the Old Gods from mentally torturing / influencing someone outside of their prison why would that shit not be in immediate mass production? Hell I'd make it goddamn mandatory for every newborn on the planet.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Read the spoilers for the Wrathion quest on PTR and I sure hope that its some sort of fake because
It reveals that there's a recipe for a potion that can block the influence of the Old Gods and a sample of said potion cures Ebonhorn.

I mean if there's a simple, or even not-so-simple, potion that can prevent the Old Gods from mentally torturing / influencing someone outside of their prison why would that shit not be in immediate mass production? Hell I'd make it goddamn mandatory for every newborn on the planet.
Why do I feel like this is gonna be the Fel drink all over again?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Darkmoon Faire is going on now and makes it easier to raise heirlooms. You also get exp/rep buffs.

BFA is pretty friendly to alts, actually. There's 101 different ways to level up and they've chopped up a lot of the quest lines to be skippable. The new Nazjatar Benthic gear is BoA so you can send it to alts, who can use it once they hit 120 for a huge ilvl boost right out of the gate. The only things you get stuck on are the newest of the new content, but if you manage to unlock flying, its stupid easy after that.

Hi sorry I should have specified :)

Getting reps for essences, leveling your Heart of Azeroth should be account wide. I do have flying and leveled my DK from 110-120 in about 10ish hours. Its the after leveling part that makes BFA not so fun.

I miss the WotLK/Cata days of just running the new dungeon(s) to gear up and that was it.
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A Mod Real Quick
The fyff and booze back and forth is really weird

On the one hand, neither of you have done high level mythic raiding. On the other hand, I would want to punch someone in the head if they quit raiding Everytime a new expac in another game came out. And on my dick, I was a guild leader so I know what I'm talking about.
  • 5Worf
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<Silver Donator>
My guild is 3/8 M working on ashvane, and I personally enjoy M+ despite the steaming pile of shit it obviously is (fuck this trashfest)

I main Blood DK and while fun, they have been down in the gutter as far as raid tanks go for a few tiers now. I got a monk 110, thought about leveling it up (easy) and gearing it up (easy with M+), then I thought about Azerite and neck level and essence.

Yep i'll be a shit blood DK for the time being, fuck all that noise.
  • 1Solidarity
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My guild is 3/8 M working on ashvane, and I personally enjoy M+ despite the steaming pile of shit it obviously is (fuck this trashfest)

I main Blood DK and while fun, they have been down in the gutter as far as raid tanks go for a few tiers now. I got a monk 110, thought about leveling it up (easy) and gearing it up (easy with M+), then I thought about Azerite and neck level and essence.

Yep i'll be a shit blood DK for the time being, fuck all that noise.

Bring the player not the class.
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


any guild can bring the player not the class

except like top 20 guilds

also except fights like aggrammar


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
It is always a fun game to see how far you guy will go in order to avoid admitting class balance is off.

Rogue and DH over 50% of all dps in higher M+, nah this is fine. Mythic raids tuned so tighly that raid participation is at its lowest ever, lol bring the player, PvP lowest engagement in history, lol you just suck.

Oh by the way we all quit the game because it sucks but all of the above didn’t have bearing on it. Sure thing keep telling yourself that.
  • 3Like
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A Mod Real Quick
I didn't quit because raiding sucked. I quit because literally every system in bfa is garbage. Say whatever you want to help yourself sleep at night


Balance really isn't off except at the max possible min/max level.

Rogues and prot warriors admittedly crush in m+ but with essences and new gear you're starting to see (fire) mages outperform them. You're starting to see pally tanks, you're seeing actual casters in very high m+ which is insane because basically every mechanic except beguiling are made to basically fuck ranged. There are shadowpriests ranked top 20 in the entire world for mythic plus which would never have been the case in either season 1 or 2. Or Legion.

The difference in the top 5 teams for m+ and the top 30 teams for m+ are like.. seconds. Go check out and see for yourself on the ladder, it's super diverse but the top 5 or so obv are running hardcore rogues. Don't get me wrong, rogues still represent a huge population but it's changing.

Raids I feel is different, people switch classes for certain utilities in raids. You absolutely need a demon hunter and a monk in your raid for debuffs. Some fights ranged is king, some fights melee is king. Almost every boss is different at what class is the best possible choice for. I'd say shamans are the only classes truly underperforming as healer but that's because it requires your entire raid to play around the shaman for them to truly be god levels of healing. Otherwise they're just pretty mediocre at best. PvP I admit as a healer is real wacky right now. Either I have no problem healing something or somebody just gets 3shot and there's nothing I can do about it. Everytime I play arenas (I'm only 1800s) I just think to myself... why the fuck am I not playing a shaman or a druid right now. But everything has its pros and cons against every matchup. Most games we're just playing for who can burn the other teams mana the fastest.

Idunno I get what you're saying but I genuinely think class balance is the best it's ever been in the entire games history. There's underperformers sure but it's not like early legion or wod where just half the specs were complete shit and you're retarded for playing them.


A Mod Real Quick
Says the Monk tank
I don't know what this means? What are you insinuating ?

I had every tank at 110 in legion except paladin. Monk was the best and most fun so that's what I played

If you're assuming I only played monk because it was good that's wrong. It happened to be a unique and fun class.