World of Warcraft: Current Year


What do they learn from vanilla to improve the modern game though?

They'd have to scrap entire games systems to have that feeling back, and I just don't think they would ever be willing to do that unless they made a WoW2.

I'd just be happy with no titanforging/random sockets (sockets are fine but chance at socket on any item is dumb)


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
With how slow and pretentious Blizzard are, the question is how many vanilla lessons can they include in the new expansion.
None. They probably designed their expansion's new mechanics earlier this year, way before Classic exploded. And it's going to be too late to turn the ship.

Besides, they probably attribute the popularity entirely to nostalgia.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Let's give classic like a month or two of holding numbers before talking about it like the second coming of Christ. I know a lot of dudes who subbed and have like 15 characters at level 20 and stopped playing. My guess is you will see classic take a nose dive in another month once everyone is at cap and most harder core players have most of their best gear. Since there is no titanforging once people have their gear there is no reason to play.

My guess is the leaks are true and we see the new expansion next summer. I also will take a leap that the new expansion will not be what most people here really want. Without coming out with a new MMO under a totally different premise they will never again release the type of content many of you want.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Let's give classic like a month or two of holding numbers before talking about it like the second coming of Christ. I know a lot of dudes who subbed and have like 15 characters at level 20 and stopped playing. My guess is you will see classic take a nose dive in another month once everyone is at cap and most harder core players have most of their best gear. Since there is no titanforging once people have their gear there is no reason to play.

My guess is the leaks are true and we see the new expansion next summer. I also will take a leap that the new expansion will not be what most people here really want. Without coming out with a new MMO under a totally different premise they will never again release the type of content many of you want.

Jesus I know you were a raging faggot Fyff Fyff and our resident Blizzard apologist but siting Titanforging as a reason to keep playing? Holy shit you are you a stupid faggot, it's people like you who ruin the game for decent folk.

Also the people who you know with 15 level 20s sound like indecisive dipshits who cant even tell what they want to play.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So Booze, after people get their BiS what reason will they have to play?
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Tranny Chaser
If the rats are only willing to push the lever you built for the food pellet that it sometimes spits out that isn't much of an endorsement for the activity.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
So Booze, after people get their BiS what reason will they have to play?

Have you ever considered the possibility they might just enjoy the game? Or they could do some World PvP? Or if they are going after full BiS as you put it in 1-2 months then you never played Vanilla trying to get pants off Rag. Or maybe just maybe it's ok to have a fucking end point and they can chill until the next phase opens.

God forbid they don't have to log in daily for WQ on their blue parsing demon hunter spitting eye beams at dailies like some fucking sperg American Inventor faggot while trying to get some titanforge items that do nothing but spit in the face of the gearing system in the first place.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Veterans will farm as much tier3 as possible when naxx comes out and go for ZG mounts in hopes it will apply them to the full account.

New players will simply play the game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Have you ever considered the possibility they might just enjoy the game? Or they could do some World PvP? Or if they are going after full BiS as you put it in 1-2 months then you never played Vanilla trying to get pants off Rag. Or maybe just maybe it's ok to have a fucking end point and they can chill until the next phase opens.

God forbid they don't have to log in daily for WQ on their blue parsing demon hunter spitting eye beams at dailies like some fucking sperg American Inventor faggot while trying to get some titanforge items that do nothing but spit in the face of the gearing system in the first place.
You can enjoy the current game without doing a fucking daily or anything just like you can vanilla. You people don't though. Why is that? Oh, right, because that's just not reasonable.

I love how I'm just an above average mythic player and you think that's a burn. How's your heroic parses these days....
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Got something right about marriage
The same way you get flying in each of the last 3 expansions without doing dailies. You dont.

Its especially terrible this time around. I actually gave up after 3 days and cancelled my sub. This development team sucks transgender pussy cock.
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Log Wizard
The better(or worse) question is why would you need it unless you're doing dailies.

Alts. In Legion, I had a ton of max level characters, and would run WQ's on most of them everyday because it was so quick.

I took one look at Naztaztajarjarbinks and noped the fuck out of the xpac.
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Alts. In Legion, I had a ton of max level characters, and would run WQ's on most of them everyday because it was so quick.

I took one look at Naztaztajarjarbinks and noped the fuck out of the xpac.

My point is that the only reason to unlock it is to be able to do chores easier, as you don't interact with the actual world in any other way. Do chores in order to do more chores faster.


Got something right about marriage
Well that's not entirely true since pathfinder is account wide. So it makes leveling alts a lot faster and helps any herbalist/mining toons if you're into farming.

Honestly though the best thing about pathfinder is leveling new characters after that expansion has passed. Because it really sucks not having it for previous expansions when you come back to the game for the new one and you want to play an under leveled char.
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Log Wizard
My point is that the only reason to unlock it is to be able to do chores easier, as you don't interact with the actual world in any other way. Do chores in order to do more chores faster.

Legion had decent rewards for doing those chores. It took me a long time to get the Valarjarjarbinks Stormwing Drake, for instance. It was a fast way to earn gold.

WQ's and dailies in BFA take forever to do and don't give good rewards or decent there's no point to them in this xpac.

And then there were legendaries. I had 7 characters all max level and nicely geared just futzing around. I had all the legendaries, and was getting ones from classes I do not have.

In BFA, I have a necktie that eventually gives me 3% for stamina 4 different times. It's difficult to keep myself from jizzing myself because of the pure excitement of 3% extra fucking stamina. I mean, think of the pure awesomeness of 3% extra stamina! It lets me go to new places and meet new people! No other game has an item that gives 3% extra stamina, and that's why BFA will go down in history as the greatest xpac of all time. 500 years from now, people will still be talking about that fancy BFA necktie that gives 3% extra stamina.
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Trakanon Raider
I don’t get the fascination with classic at all. Were _some_ things better? Sure but reading original class descriptions will put you to sleep faster than taking a few Ativan. The moment to moment gameplay is boring as fuck and class balance is worse than live.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I don’t get the fascination with classic at all. Were _some_ things better? Sure but reading original class descriptions will put you to sleep faster than taking a few Ativan. The moment to moment gameplay is boring as fuck and class balance is worse than live.

Which I think is what some people miss. In classic, the homogenization of classes and races had not happened yet. Gear wasnt exactly EQ levels of rare & powerful, but a distant memory of how gear is perceived in live. I know what tier my Mage is in, but I would surely die if I had to choose between death or remembering what the hell its called. Where as in original classic, I knew what piece of gear was in every slot of my Hunter's load out. Right down to the arrows and the quiver they were in. These are just the basic differences that I can pick up on.

The classes were and (are *classic*) unbalanced in the grand scheme, and rock paper scissor class design was .. a good idea - but instead of finding a unique niche for each of those classes that were under-powered or even overpowered, they just nerfed or buffed them into them all being at a base line. With the only fluxuations in DPS, HPS and Resilience being based on what tier of gear the game is on in the expansion. Makes me laugh watching classes bitch and whine until the next raid comes out and now they are shitting on everyone, and the same classes that were top tier are now bitching. As if no one could figure out that they routinely just give set classes the spotlight at set intervals in each expansion. Especially when data mining reveals the stats of the gear far before the graphics of the item.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Classic is nothing more then nostolgia, and a classic case of looking back with rose tinted classes. Most of the people I am left playing with are people who never really done vanillia wow to a decent level and by that I mean never really raided never cleared AQ40 or Naxx etc.

I am struggling with classic but i am not sure if that just me done with games in general or just not wanting to redo something I done 15 years ago. i got rank 14, i cleared every raid server first, had full BIS had ZG Mounts. Then i find myself playing classic which is just a watered down version of vanilia, I am only level 46 and struggling to get motivated to log on I reckon I will get 60 pug MC clear it in one run and call it day.