World of Warcraft: Current Year

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Liberal faggots have ruined literally everything. Every last thing that was good and decent in this world has been corrupted by these people.
Not every thing has been corrupted. There is still one thing left:

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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Wokeness is a disease and ruins everything it touches. The shameful part isn’t that there are stupid racist dykes out there, the shameful part is they aren’t immediately fired.

Gamer gate is only on the Internet. When asked what it was liked to take a human life he said I don’t know I’ve only ever killed blue hairs.

I just wanted to play video games will be the worlds reality.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah. Now I’ve uninstalled battlenet launcher. Goddamn, I originally just quit because BFA was a dumpster fire and the Diablo shit show. Now I almost regret my time in Legion. This company cannot burn fast enough. All the talent outside a couple people have jumped ship anyway.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
You know in a way it’s a testament to how amazing the original team who made this company was. Even after all the real talent has left the company it’s still the best MMO on the market.

The classic version of the game still holds up and the current version of the game even as a husk soulless shell of what it was is still alive inspite of all these SJW wokeness attempts to kill it.

Still at the end it’s probably best to let it die before it rots so far you can’t even remember what made it special to begin with.
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I'm still going to play it, but I won't care if it burns and I'm definitely not giving any more than my monthly sub from now on. The problem with quitting everything that gets overtaken by "the agenda" is that I'd have to give up literally everything.


The ones you think are probably safe aren't even safe.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I'm still going to play it, but I won't care if it burns and I'm definitely not giving any more than my monthly sub from now on. The problem with quitting everything that gets overtaken by "the agenda" is that I'd have to give up literally everything.

View attachment 307733

The ones you think are probably safe aren't even safe.
We know this has infected everything, why do you think people are getting more and more pissed off.

Video games, movies, sports, even something as simply as going to the local pub for a beer has been ruined by Wokeness. The I want to play video games is deeper than you think.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Suddenly the out of place black Blood Elves make more sense. I was going to pay for a transfer and faction change, but fuck them just for hiring this bitch I'll keep my $55.

I'm still going to play it, but I won't care if it burns and I'm definitely not giving any more than my monthly sub from now on. The problem with quitting everything that gets overtaken by "the agenda" is that I'd have to give up literally everything.

View attachment 307733

The ones you think are probably safe aren't even safe.

Lol what a bitch. Either man up and stand against what you supposedly are against or sit down and shut up. "I am keeping my $55, but I will keep giving $15 sub(+expansions) but its in protest!". This is why companies ignore gamers, all talk zero action. I could almost guarantee the majority in this thread saying they are not going to play at all for w/e reason will end up buying and playing the expansion.

Thankfully outside just seeing overall warcraft lore come to life, I stopped caring about the story a long ass time ago. If my circle of friends wernt playing I wouldnt even bother, but they are, and like usual for the past few expansions, I will probably play and enjoy the first 2-3 months then be done(and cash out everything in bnet balance, haven't given blizzard actual money in a while, thank you WoW for paying for expansions, classic, subs, transfers, CoD etc).
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Not only that, but this forum gets triggered when the PR/social media wing of a company puts some message out, but it has zero impact on the game.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Jesus fuck me.

Is this their audience now? It doesn't seem that way when I play the game, but then again I'm only playing classic at the moment.
Yes thankfully classic has been fortunate enough to avoid this shit, but yeah if this is the new world I don’t want to be a part of it.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
See I don’t care if you have black people in a game, a movie, or a story, but I fucking despise changing shit to be woke. Little Orphan Annie, the Karate Kid, James Bond, the little Mermaid aren’t black. Just like Spawn, Blade, Storm and shit ain’t white.

If you wanna change shit up because of wokeness faggot shit then you are pure garbage. If you do it because that is how it is written than fine. This shit is a problem and this cult of dipshittery has to fucking end.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Imagine how much time it took to have someone go around changing all of that. How much time was devoted the planning and implementing such a change. And you wonder why so much of the game is shit.

They've ruined everything. It's a nightmare but there's no waking up from it. These people are literally the virus Smith pontificates about in the matrix.
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Lol what a bitch. Either man up and stand against what you supposedly are against or sit down and shut up. "I am keeping my $55, but I will keep giving $15 sub(+expansions) but its in protest!". This is why companies ignore gamers, all talk zero action. I could almost guarantee the majority in this thread saying they are not going to play at all for w/e reason will end up buying and playing the expansion.

Thankfully outside just seeing overall warcraft lore come to life, I stopped caring about the story a long as time ago. If my circle of friends wernt playing I wouldnt even bother, but they are, and like usual for the past few expansions, I will probably play and enjoy the first 2-3 months then be done(and cash out everything in bnet balance, haven't given blizzard actual money in a while, thank you WoW for paying for expansions, classic, subs, transfers, CoD etc).
I'd rather not sit and stare at a wall all day. I fully admit I'm not perfect, and I'm not out to be. $50 to $15 is still a difference. That's a couple months worth of extra subs they aren't getting from me. I also realize it doesn't matter either way. I quit WoW for around 10 years and look at them still rolling right along without my monthly subs. If we're entering a woke century, I'll at least get my fun out of it.


Log Wizard
Imagine how much time it took to have someone go around changing all of that. How much time was devoted the planning and implementing such a change. And you wonder why so much of the game is shit.

They've ruined everything. It's a nightmare but there's no waking up from it. These people are literally the virus Smith pontificates about in the matrix.
LMAO. Enslave and subjugate are two ways of saying the same thing....unless it is grammar where you are trying to subjugate your nouns and enslave your adverbs.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
LMAO. Enslave and subjugate are two ways of saying the same thing....unless it is grammar where you are trying to subjugate your nouns and enslave your adverbs.

This is a little off topic for the WoW thread but one of the things you see very much from the SJW's is the control of language these days. It seems innocuous at first, but the psychological effect over time is very real.

This shit goes beyond WoW into things such as them renaming shit like the "Master" bedroom, or "Slave" drive for computing. When I say this shit is a cancer I am not even kidding, it infects, spreads, and destroys. Hell just ask @Lithose he has written plenty on this very subject in greater detail than I am at the moment. With that being said any deeper on this issue is probably best in gamergate or politics.
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Log Wizard
This is a little off topic for the WoW thread but one of the things you see very much from the SJW's is the control of language these days. It seems innocuous at first, but the psychological effect over time is very real.

This shit goes beyond WoW into things such as them renaming shit like the "Master" bedroom, or "Slave" drive for computing. When I say this shit is a cancer I am not even kidding, it infects, spreads, and destroys. Hell just ask @Lithose he has written plenty on this very subject in greater detail than I am at the moment. With that being said any deeper on this issue is probably best in gamergate or politics.

Weak people have weak minds and do actually experinece injury from words.

I mean...for fuck's sakes, it is one of the top three things kids used to be taught right away. 1 Don't play in traffic, 2 Look both ways before crossing the street, 3 sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Too many adults of the current era never learned that concept.

These dipshits will keep pushing until someone teaches them what opera non verba means.