World of Warcraft: Current Year


Potato del Grande
I like how keeping a creepy stalker letter is a worse crime than sending one.

I have some sympathy for people with social anxiety like myself, but I was able to mostly keep those feelings to myself and NEVER at work.
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Lord of Guk
Lori is not even the saddest part in all of this, imo. Raiding is fucking dead and Furor just fucks off to Hawaii never once having to repent or otherwise atone for badges. Unbelievable ending to the greatest genre of gaming.

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Registered Hodor
Don't forget part of this gigantic shitstorm is spurred by WoW current state. If we had a great expansion instead of BFA 2.0 with content drought a lot of this would have been mostly background noise. Most WoW content creators figured another content drought is ahead and since 9.1 content is mostly done for them content wise, they're going hardcore on what's currently going on. And a lot of players are concerning themselves with it because they'not busy enjoying the game.

Yup, I mean people were leaving in droves even before this lawsuit came to light. 9.1 was a huge turd and 9.2 was probably 8 months away even without the lawsuit happening. Now 9.2 is probably a year (at minimum) away and will also be a huge turd.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If the current game was still AAA, and the accused devs were still on staff, you would probably see tons of the fanbase running interference because their main priority would be preserving the quality of the game.

The game has been doo-doo for a number of years now, so you have an apathetic fanbase who now latches onto this whole fiasco as an explanation as to why the quality of the game sucks now.

Yep and you could tell who has played BFA, attempted to play SL 9.0 and checked out 9.1 just by the responses to the breaking news of the California lawsuit.

Scores of people don't consume any current product by Blizzard in this thread. This gives them an elevated opinion on the state of affairs at Blizzard. Furor was a callback to the good old days. "that was a sick barbeque " was the first excuse made for Furor. After a few days went by, you could watch everyone of them flip in this thread or shut up. Realizing Furor is likely a shitbag.
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Vyemm Raider
Hey guys!!! Look at all the women in this photo! Can we also take a moment to appreciate all the other great games created by women please.....


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Blackwing Lair Raider
That letter is cringe and pathetic more than creepy. However, what are the chance it's real ?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Apparently they removed the /spit emote from the current PTR. If true holy shit is the world full of thin skinned faggots.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
If I was that girl, I'd definitely keep the letter.

Imagine rejecting this awkward 30 something manchild who has a more senior position than you, and then having to constantly look over your shoulder for the duration of your entire time there in case he goes off the deep end and decides to fuck you by spreading rumors about you, or trying to get you fired in retaliation.

Yeah, I'd definitely keep the letter as insurance.
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<Bronze Donator>
Now that it's knives out, it looks like there's still a lot of unfinished business and infighting:

At this point, I don't know who I'd trust until a judge and jury processed the whole case.

Meanwhile in China:
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Now that it's knives out, it looks like there's still a lot of unfinished business and infighting:

At this point, I don't know who I'd trust until a judge and jury processed the whole case.

Meanwhile in China:
View attachment 364624

I miss the days before call phones and social media. I don't give 1/4th a fuck about this high school level drama. Also anyone with a woke twitter pronouns and gay shit, instantly have zero credibility in my eyes, I don't believe a word.
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Parody Account
<Gold Donor>
They all look so fucking awkward. I honestly don't think anyone is enjoying themselves here, but good on them for trying I guess.

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Vyemm Raider
I miss the days before call phones and social media. I don't give 1/4th a fuck about this high school level drama. Also anyone with a woke twitter pronouns and gay shit, instantly have zero credibility in my eyes, I don't believe a word.
Yeah I don't think unsolicited nudes from females is something many pronoun espousing men have to worry about........


Golden Knight of the Realm
Now that it's knives out, it looks like there's still a lot of unfinished business and infighting:

At this point, I don't know who I'd trust until a judge and jury processed the whole case.

Meanwhile in China:
View attachment 364624

These people are so fucking pathetic. I cannot believe they think airing this laundry is a good look or that anyone should give a shit about it.

Like sure, this girl theyre talking about fits 100% the archetype I mentioned before with the girl who used to work at Riot. You can tell after one night of hanging out in discord theyre an odd person, but who isnt in this space? The whole fucking point is half the people youre hanging out with are fucking weirdos. Then they will turn on people for the most minor of reasons and become the most psychotic, vindictive bitch you have ever met and youre like "okay, that was a bit much" and you kind of understand why they whine about other people not liking them and moving forward their complaints about shit less seriously because it's pretty clear they're causing a lot of their own problems. But that's it, there's nothing else to tell there! I dont need to write a twitlonger or expose them or cut off my dick and put a gay flag in my profile. It's the most minor of minor interpersonal drama and you just move on and avoid them going forward.

Where Blizzard went wrong is they hired an entire company of these people and then tried to play grab ass with them. Which goes back to the same thing I'd tell those girls - you created your own fucking problems
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Log Wizard
These people are so fucking pathetic. I cannot believe they think airing this laundry is a good look or that anyone should give a shit about it.
The primary thing that I have taken away from the recent developments in this thread is that I am very surprised mass shootings aren't a daily occurrence. Reading these Twitter links makes me wonder how these people manage to tie their shoes without having a nervous breakdown and blowing their brains out.
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