World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
That is kinda broken as intended though. The initial raid by design has somewhat shitty stat allocations as they want gear from later raids to be clearly better. A lot of classes that may struggle at the moment likely will start shinning soon enough like mages once they get gear that has better stats for their specs.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Only annoying part is the tanking gear and healing gear for monks is 100% different. I was even getting annoyed at having to keep different pieces of gear here and there for my DPS vs Prot spec on warrior. I can only imagine how annoyed I'd be having to keep two completely different sets.


Bronze Squire
It was my understanding that you no longer get the mounts for the achs right? Or are you doing it just for the achs?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Only a few mounts got removed when their raid tier became trivialized. Ulduar and ICC still give theirs.


The only Achievement based mounts that were removed (outside of the PVP/Special Event ones) are the two from Naxx and those that were made into a FoS (10/25 Man-No Wipes Crusader).


Blackwing Lair Raider
It was my understanding that you no longer get the mounts for the achs right? Or are you doing it just for the achs?
I got my ICC skeletal dragon mount after WOD came out so some are still available. The ones that were 100% drops from bosses in raids now are low percent chances to drop for the most part although there are exceptions.


Toe Sucker
Monks are fantastic, i can't wait until BRF... i'll actually be able to break 20%+ Multistrike again like i had 30 ilvl ago

Still not convinced on the 4P mistweaver bonus though, but the 2p is going to be pretty great!

Mistweavers are definitely weaker in 5mans though compared to a few other healing classes, their mechanics just aren't made for 5 man content.
Mastery needs to be completely overhauled on them, it's a virtually useless stat which sucks


Molten Core Raider
Having a blast (not) pugging H.Imp. I only know the tank perspective; could someone tell me why people die to mines before the first intermission? I've spent an hour in a pug now and we still haven't even hit 2nd intermission. From my perspective, there are 2-4 mines down on the floor... people seriously walk into that shit repeatedly? Why? How?


Bronze Squire
Only a few mounts got removed when their raid tier became trivialized. Ulduar and ICC still give theirs.
You know, you are right and I am just fucking retarded. I solo'd yogg the other day for the last ach and was expecting mail so figured they removed it. I look in my collection and I see the mount there. Didn't even think to look there cause I expected it to be mailed, fuck me.


Having a blast (not) pugging H.Imp. I only know the tank perspective; could someone tell me why people die to mines before the first intermission? Ive spent an hour in a pug now and we still haven't even hit 2nd intermission. From my perspective, there are 2-4 mines down on the floor... people seriously walk into that shit repeatedly? Why? How?
Autism. We have our raid simply move as a group around the outer edge of room, and you'll hear people yell "ZOMG LAG" or "I DIDN'T SEE IT" and those people we remove immediately because their paint eaters. Eventually we end up with about 15 solid contenders down from 30 and kill the boss.


Pretty much this, there's no excuse at any time for hitting a mine. You either didn't move when it spawned, moved directly into one that was already there, or weren't paying attention to where you were standing and got knocked back into it when the add died. All three are personal responsibility, you are fucking bad at controlling your character.


Deus Vult
Pretty much this, there's no excuse at any time for hitting a mine. You either didn't move when it spawned, moved directly into one that was already there, or weren't paying attention to where you were standing and got knocked back into it when the add died. All three are personal responsibility, you are fucking bad at controlling your character.
Funny story, my first Imperator attempts. I joined a raid at Tectus killed up through and had good numbers, didn't die yada yada. So raid leader marks me as ranged to follow guy on Imp. Problem is I've never done the fight and watched the video like once. So I went to outer ring area and just strafed left each time something spawned. Voila.
Dunno if this is fixed yet, but there has been some weird shit going on with Imperator (not my vid). I had this shit going on in one raid as well few weeks ago and it was extremely frustrating. However people taking mines in pugs are just plain sucking with 99% certainty.



Molten Core Raider
I think Imp is a great fight to tank, love the differences between each phase and how we have to deal with the Mark. What's ridiculous to me is that, essentially, the tanks have to play perfectly for 13+ minutes which almost always happens... but the fucking glue-eating ranged crowd can't go a few minutes without setting off mines.

PSA: Heroic Leaped over three mines last night; Leap does trigger mines. Was bad.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
What's ridiculous to me is that, essentially, the tanks have to play perfectly for 13+ minutes which almost always happens... but the fucking glue-eating ranged crowd can't go a few minutes without setting off mines.
I'm sure if every raid had 18 tanks, there would be a lot more tanks fucking up as well. It's all in the odds, man. The more people you add, the better the chance of someone screwing up. DPS is like 70% of the raid, so odds are it will be a DPS screwing up!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Sometimes people can't do anything unless a mod or RL tells them. You wouldn't believe the people we'd lose on patch day because they wouldn't raid without a mod update.


A Mod Real Quick
I'm sure if every raid had 18 tanks, there would be a lot more tanks fucking up as well. It's all in the odds, man. The more people you add, the better the chance of someone screwing up. DPS is like 70% of the raid, so odds are it will be a DPS screwing up!
I don't know man. The problem is 1 or 5 DPS can float by being window lickers without anyone really noticing. If either one of the tanks messes up even a little bit everyone knows it. Neither tank can be a window licker. On fights like Imp where people can't be chugging paint while they DPS it's really noticeable.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
And it's a lot easier to find 2 people who won't fuck up(the tanks) than 18 who won't. The Imp fight reminds me of Overlord Mata MUram from Everquest. It was the first encounter in EQ to really add a feature where one person could totally fuck everything up. It was hilarious to see just how bad people were.