WWYD if your girlfriend said she was on birth control but wasnt and got preggo?


Buzzfeed Editor
Statistically the odds of that being the case are orders of magnitude lower than it being a result of your wife not taking it.
Nah, a ton of external factors effect it. When my wife got pregnant, I know for a fact she was taking it at the same time every day, and she didn't want another kid, not right now, due to some prtty serious medical issues with previous pregnancies. Those percentages they put up on the net don't mean shit without context.








Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
There's pretty much no guarantee that you won't wind up pregnant short of not fucking. It's part of the game. If you would consider it an absolute disaster to get a particular woman pregnant, you probably shouldn't fuck her. Even having the tubes tied fails sometimes. Of course if she's on birth control and you're wearing a condom AND pulling out, your chances are pretty low, but nature finds a way.

Your co-worker was stringing along a woman he hates for the sex and now he's paying the price. If she lied about the pill in order to trap you then congratulations, you got fucking trapped. Enjoy parenthood and do your best not to fuck the kid up too much for the good of society.


Molten Core Raider
There's pretty much no guarantee that you won't wind up pregnant short of not fucking. It's part of the game. If you would consider it an absolute disaster to get a particular woman pregnant, you probably shouldn't fuck her. Even having the tubes tied fails sometimes. Of course if she's on birth control and you're wearing a condom AND pulling out, your chances are pretty low, but nature finds a way.

Your co-worker was stringing along a woman he hates for the sex and now he's paying the price. If she lied about the pill in order to trap you then congratulations, you got fucking trapped. Enjoy parenthood and do your best not to fuck the kid up too much for the good of society.
not me thank god as much as some people are thinking, i think having a kid in general is a disaster women aside.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
All birth control methods have a risk of failure, but vasectomy is the most reliable of all the methods available. According to the UK national sterilisation guidelines (2004), the failure rate of vasectomy should be quoted as approximately 1 in 2000 (0.05%) after clearance has been given.1 Therefore the chances of a vasectomy spontaneously reversing itself are actually very rare. According to Harvard Medical School, "Vasectomy can reverse itself, but it is a very rare event. It develops in only about .025% or one in 4,000 vasectomies".2

It should be appreciated that as late recanalization is in fact very rare, the research into it's exact causes is limited by the small number of subjects being available at the time any particular study is being undertaken. Very often the published literature is in the form of individual case histories, as opposed to larger studies.


Tell your friend to go on one of those day time talk shows and have them pay for DNA testing!
Haha. Im pretty close with their family, and it's funny because even after DNA testing, his own parents call him the "Milkman Baby" and make jokes about the UPS man coming more than he probably needs to.


I saw someone say giving their kid the best shit in life and said private schooling, that shit is laughable and a huge waste of money. My dad has been paying for my sister to goto a private school since she started school, she is now 16. Shit is no different than public schools when it comes to the other students, its actually a little worse because majority of the kids there have rich parents, so parties and drug use is a lot worse there than in a public school. And unless youre living in the hood, the teaching isnt going to be much better either. Doesnt help that the little shits are someone of the most self entitled little fucks youll ever meet, they dont know shit outside of asking their parents for money.
Side note - everytime I hear someone say the words "prego" or "preggers" I get this big picture in my head of Trex's nose screaming "OMG TOTES!!!!!"

I find it insanely immature and immediately judge the speaker as such. *shrug*


privileged excrementlord
Side note - every time I hear fat people say basically anything I get this big picture in my head of their greasy sausage fingers shoveling fried dough into their mouth and chasing it with ranch dressing while ripping farts that could peel paint off walls.

I find it insanely disgusting and immediately judge the speaker as such. I don't type out emotes. That's another thing you and Camerous have in common.


Musty Nester
That's why I say "she's pregs" or "she got fucked fat".

It is our responsibility as its native speakers to keep the idioms of our language classy.

TJ Lazer_sl

Side note - every time I hear fat people say basically anything I get this big picture in my head of their greasy sausage fingers shoveling fried dough into their mouth and chasing it with ranch dressing while ripping farts that could peel paint off walls.

I find it insanely disgusting and immediately judge the speaker as such. I don't type out emotes. That's another thing you and Camerous have in common.
Did your mom molest you or something? Was it an Aunt? It's ok to talk about this stuff big guy. I swear you'll be happier.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Still waiting on male birth control, they have been sayin it was ready for medical trials YEARS ago. Budweiser probably has the labels waiting for it sitting in a file somewhere
Vasagel, basically it makes you completely sterile without fucking with your hormones or requiring any pills. Quick injection into the vas defs and then you're shooting blanks for upwards of 20 years. Easily reversible with another injection to remove the material. It works by blocking sperm, but allowing everything else through. Availability is 2015 assuming they can crowd source enough for the clinical trial, obviously most pharmaceutical companies aren't interested in a product that costs virtually nothing and lasts a decade plus. Fuck relying on women for birth control :/



could he just sign over all rights to the kid to her, AND NOT have to pay any kinda child support? just curious if shes gonna get his money if he puts up a fight or not, because he clearly dosent want a kid and having one is impacting him negatively.
If she agrees then ya you can walk away without any future obligations.

You get some pretty good $ come tax time if you have dependants...


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
True story:

A good friend of mine is the result of a post-vasectomy pregnancy. Pops got his shit snipped, and she still got knocked up. Confirmed to be his son by DNA test too. Shit's crazy.
This is why it's better for the woman to get snipped. That way if something goes wrong you don't have to wait 9 months to find out if your wife is cheating on you.