Search results

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    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    Confirmed. Exactly what I did.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    The outcome for this wonderful young man makes me squeel with joy.
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    The Video Thread

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    Rainbow Six Siege

    Black Ops III or wait for R6 Siege?
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

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    The Video Thread

    I pretty much feel the same way. I can see why it would be a little cringe worthy, but, if that's what it takes for the kid to be happy and he wants to live in that universe, I hope he's able to for the rest of his life and he doesn't lose touch somehow. If anything, the look on the dad's face...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Any chance we could not shit up the FSR thread with politics?
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    Guys with ass-hair problems.

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    Autoblow's Vagina Beauty Contest.... yea, ummmm

    A lot of below average vaginas out there!
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I guess I'm an Orc!
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    XCOM 2

    I'm pretty excited for this
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    My little town needs your help! TITS, TITS and TITS!

    Tits supplied - vote cast.
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    MTG thread

    Some good friends of mine started up a TCG site recently. It is a mix of reviews, pack openings, deck techs, online matches, etc. We get together and have MTG tournys (also with a few more people not involved with the site) at least once a month. They will be expanding a bit more hopefully and...
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    NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

    Looted a Lammy and Manastone today. The feels
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    NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

    skill icons seem to be shifted partially sometimes... enough to have like 1/6th of another (random?) skill. Anyone else see this yet? Not even complaining.. purely cosmetic. It is actually fun sometimes.. when I get hit hard and the skill icons shift.. it's.. immersive!
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    NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

    Enjoying myself so far - glad this got backed!
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    NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

    In on Veteran level. Good luck!
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    MMO of the Month Club

    Double XP until new module launch! 2 days about?
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    NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

    Umass Amherst, huh? I live like 15 20 minutes away. Work up there all the time doing environmental stuff
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    Can I just say that a character from a show has never made me more angry than Laurel. I want to bitch slap her so much.
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    MMO of the Month Club

    I could be totally wrong but I believe there is only one option (Dragon) and you go through the same intro into the same starting hub no matter what race/class you choose
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Truffles fucking suck. If anything, they're alright if you have an ACTUAL truffle oil and you put it on some hand cut fries or some shit. But the flavor/scent just goes away really quick if you don't scarf the things. Basically, they're a goddamned waste. I'd say if you're going to do...
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    Neverwinter: PC

    FYI, I believe that if you purchase zen through your steam wallet, you do not get the new buyer's pack.. at least I didn't.. you have to do it through the site/Arc. I'm having fun with this, though. It's something that I'll eventually get bored with and quit, just like WoW..but it's fun...
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    MMO of the Month Club

    I'll hop in on this guild next time I'm on. I have a lvl 22 Scourge Warlock right now. I'm actually enjoying this game a lot.. however, it's depressing to think about all the money I could spend on stupid shit that I don't really even need.. bags, etc.. sigh.. these games suck me in. I'll...
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    NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

    I'll definitely be donating asap. Most likely end of the week. Good luck!
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    The Video Thread

    I just binged watch so much of this dude's stuff. Pretty funny
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    The Video Thread

    That was alpha as fuck
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    NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

    I'll donate. Definitely be sure to drop the link here!
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    NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

    Figured it had to be something like that...noted!
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I was just trying to remember the name of a game the other day (Legend of Legaia).. that shit was fun as hell...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Only reason that I can think of is maybe they are saving it for an extremely last ditch effort in case they start to go under - they know it'll work..
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    NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure. It seems like I'm a "rank" off for each.. When I'm in the 3 hit range, it hits 5 times.. when I'm in the 5 hit range, it hits however many times it should in the next level, and so on.. At least the animation/sounds look that way. I haven't actually looked at a log.. so...
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    NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

    For the Shadow Knight ability: Gasping Frenzy - the default number of his seems to be 5. I have not been able to get an actual 3 hits while <100 and >80. Not that I'm complaining!
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    NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG

    I take this back. I must have been sensitive that day. I gave this a try today. Lots of changes. I'm liking it so far. Art and music is great. I like where the Lore is going. Overall, it's pretty fun and I hope that you keep working on this. Good luck!
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    R.I.P Leonard Nimoy

    RIP good sir...
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    The Video Thread

    I hate this world