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  1. C


    Ill take a key if anyone has one to give away. Its worth a shot to ask.
  2. C

    Might & Magic X: Legacy

    If anyone has fond memories of the old M&M games...this is a no brainer. They have really captured the feel of M&M. Really great game here.
  3. C

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    If anyone has a spare beta key, I'd be interested in trying the game out. Thanks!
  4. C

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    From what I have played I think of it as Skyrim with a multiplayer add on. If you limit yourself to that expectation going in you'll be ok. If you are expecting anything more than that you will be very disappointed. The economics matter a lot as well, if they try to make this a subscription...
  5. C

    Everquest II

    Do skill rotations even matter in this game? What about "heroic opportunities"? I remember trying to actually hit HOs the last time I played. On my low level ranger I have dumped all of my ranged and melee skills into 2 macros and just hit the ranged macro until the target dies.
  6. C

    Everquest II

    Mistwalkers baby!
  7. C

    Everquest II

    I thought thery had made beast lord a standalone purchase? Maybe not. Apparently beastlord is the most "modern" of the classes in terms of the number of abilities you have to manage.
  8. C

    Everquest II

    Jesus there is a shit ton of content in this game. There are 4 completely fleshed out starting areas?
  9. C

    Everquest II For all your mod needs. The big ones are ProfitUI, Fetish and ExtremeUI. I think they are all pretty much equal.
  10. C

    Everquest II

    Believe it or not, Mistwalkers is still an open and runing guild. I logged into an old character last night and everything was still in place. Fully stocked bank too.
  11. C

    Everquest II

    I jumped back into this yesterday. Adjust your shadows. I have almost the same exact setup and noticed the same thing. You should be able to run it a lot smoother in extreme with scaled back or disabled shadows. Are you using any UI mods?
  12. C

    EQ Never

    From gamespot
  13. C

    EQ Never

    So it seems like Everquest Next Landmark will be out this winter, (which is the minecraft part?)...what about the base game? Im assuming that will be a longer wait?
  14. C

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I actually have you blocked so I didn't even bother looking at your responses until someone else quoted you. I posted that article because it was the first one I clicked on when I googled TESO release date. I actually haven't followed TESO closely at all, didn't know about the push back nor do...
  15. C

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I'm pretty sure any answer I would give would violate Draegens NDA policies so I'll just keep quiet. EDIT: Public information. This article here in game informer says 2013. I have no reason to disagree with that.
  16. C

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Multiplayer Skyrim And to be fair, more fun than I thought it would be.
  17. C

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Beta invites are still going out FYI.
  18. C

    City of Steam ? Apparently this is entering full open beta tonight. This on anyone's radar?
  19. C


    Thanks. I didn't realize that linked to a trion site with real details. $60 is a bit much TBH.
  20. C


    I do not believe the game is "complete" crap. I enjoyed Tabula Rasa though too. Without breaking the NDA all ill say is that I expect the game to reflect what the previews describe. My long term interest in this game though is completely dependent on the pricing structure(i think most people...
  21. C


    Tabula Rasa. Whatever reaction you have to those 2 words tells you all you need to know about Defiance.
  22. C


    Besides the intro quests, there wasn't much to do except run around and wait for the server to crash, which was the point. It did seem very Tabula Rasa to me (that's not necessarily a bad thing.) I am interested, I don't know if this is compelling enough to be a $15 a month game though...
  23. C

    The Official Guitar Thread

    Thanks...I Was just about to post this. So far by the previews I have seen I think it is worth $99 for the year.
  24. C

    Murders and Shootings

    Trying to have a serious discussion about autism with someone that calls Asperger Syndrome "assburgers" is about as worthwhile as having a discussion about gay rights with Fred Phelps.
  25. C

    The Official Guitar Thread

    Any idea when/if there will be a Jam Play sale? if it goes down to $99 for a year subscription I will bite. i checked out the site and it seems like there are a ton of resources for guitarists at any level.
  26. C

    Parent Thread

    Very proud and happy dad of a 4yo little girl and a newborn boy. Not to be over the top about it, but I am still amazed at how much more fulfilling and complete life seems since becoming a dad.
  27. C

    EQ Never

    Smed did an AMA for planetside 2 on reddit a few months back...IIRC correctly he said the future of gaming is emergent gameplay and that emergent gameplay will be the main focus of EQNext. Also we shoudl get a lot more info about EQN in 2013.
  28. C

    The Official Guitar Thread

    If Stevie Ray Vaughan/Texas Blues style interests you check out free lessons going back to 2007 that deconstruct different aspects of SRV and his songs and influences. Also, his paid lesson packs are quite good.
  29. C

    Lurkers (reloaded)

    Semi lurker from FOH here. My FOH name wasjsspam. I registered a long time ago there and contributed a few times.. I'll register with a "real" handle here as I want to try to be more of a part of the community. Glad to be aboard.