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  1. D

    The Force Awakens

    Yeah were all bad, just like the American Inventors and the jews. Allrite ive had my fill for another 6-8 months
  2. D

    The Force Awakens

    I mean the mod just stated flatly he was getting report spammed, thats how i know. Mods are getting trolled within a troll, im not tanoomba.
  3. D

    The Force Awakens

    Nah they spammed my account with flags because they wanted to shut me up. I know it sounds far fetched behavior for gamergate trolls but hey stranger things have happened right
  4. D

    The Force Awakens

    Was destined to all the resident morons in that thread, if a few dudes got collateral damaged, well, sorry.
  5. D

    The Force Awakens

    Why should i give a fuck, like seriously. I came here to have a chuckle at all the assholes who spammed my account with reports so the mods would ban me. Seeing Quaid Rage post was definitely worth it. I cant post here anyway since the minute i post, these people will just spam my account again...
  6. D

    The Force Awakens

    Ahh geez, i lost my posting privileges? Its not like i wasnt gonna get infraction spammed the minute i posted anyway by conservative justice warriors right? Happy holidays mother fuckers
  7. D

    The Force Awakens
  8. D


    My characters name is haffe, trying this for a while
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    Path of Exile

    Do you have a link to your build? Or people here want to suggest other builds besides a Mara/Templar totem build? Or any solid build really. I Ripped 3 times and stopped playing for a while, maybe mixing it up with another class would get me interested again. Dont have the time and interest to...
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    Path of Exile

    Im curious as to how many tabs you guys got. 11 here and im always running out of space, probably keeping some junk i shouldnt
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    Path of Exile

    Im having trouble even with Daresso. I got destroyed by Piety on first char after lolfacetanking everything up to her. 2nd char died on a stupid mistake i made 3rd toon, decide to play it safe and not try Piety until im well geared and rdy. Since we killed Daresso so easily on my 1st...
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    No Man's Sky

    That was my point though, there has to be at least a couple of tools in the sandbox to make your content with. Its not like i can build or buy a mining station in human space somewhere in elite and start refining the ore players (or AI players) bring to my mining station to supply my ship...
  13. D

    No Man's Sky

    Im not sure exactly where the big differences lie between elite and no man's sky as i havent read much about NMS. One thing though is that NMS plans to have stuff straight off the bat (flying through planet atmosphere and fly over land, exploring planets on foot) that elite plans to add with...
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    No Man's Sky

    I played Elite Dangerous for about a week before going "meh". Probably played it alot more than i should have because it cost me 80$, the priciest game i ever bought, besides subbing to MMOs. It really makes me cynical about these games with "400 billion star systems!" now. Id rather have a...
  15. D


    They have that working in some custom servers im pretty sure
  16. D


    Yeah because creepy stalking and online harrassment isnt something misogynist gamers usually tamper with I shouldnt even have mentioned the thread here
  17. D


    Probably some bitter griefer in the gamergate thread? Ill just destroy this guy's place that isnt really his, thatll teach him to have an opinion.
  18. D


    =/ damn
  19. D

    Path of Exile

    Havent played this in like 8 months, any hardcore, on a budget builds to suggest? Maximum survivability, something to farm with? ill probably die soon after 60 but would be nice to put the odds in my favor a bit.
  20. D


    Right as we progress we could leave our lower tiered stuff in chests at entrance so people getting on fresh can get up to speed a bit, we still havent done much progress. Ill put a crimsonite armor set there, that you get from farming the first 2 bosses. New 7 days to die patch is here so im...
  21. D


    Im thinking we could start another map once we swiss cheese the one were on right now? Cuz its not looking bad but its not something we really worked hard on either. Some people have just noticed we have a server going on. Im just not so sure how it goes for a terraria server thats been on for a...
  22. D

    7 Days to Die

    Alpha 12 is patching, now with mini-bikes, more physics and bears! Id be interested setting up some base of operations on a multiplayer server with some rerolled folks
  23. D


    awww yissss
  24. D


    Msg me in inbox your steam ID, well make it happen. Im not giving mine here, dont wanna get spammed invites on steam by the CJW freaks in the gamergate thread
  25. D


    Ive msg'd you both, add me on steam if you wanna fuck around in a small map farming boss mats or whatever
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  27. D


    You guys wanna start a farming map to fuck around while Machiha gets home?
  28. D


    Yeah im getting the not same version msg now Probably just need to wait for hamachi to get home and update his version
  29. D


    I think the server needs a reset, getting some hiccups
  30. D


    Servers up lol Jellyfish rain right now, too
  31. D


    Will be playing on server in a couple of hours, fun times last nite!
  32. D


    Were doing this, thanks Hachima
  33. D


    On 1.3 right? Thanks! I will start using this right now. Edit: says im not using the same version Had to patch it! Thanks again will be setting up on that server
  34. D


    I would guess that what we need is just one guy with a reliable connection and a good gaming rig. My connection has a tendency to jam once a day, which necessitates me turning off the power on my router to reset the connection. So not good if that happens while im sleeping. But if someone has a...
  35. D


    I could put one up but cant guarantee it will stay up 24/7 unfortunately. Im itching to play this multiplayer but not with some random steam kiddies though. If someone with a reliable way to set this up wanna do it, id get in on multiplayer terraria as well. Starting almost clean, i brought some...
  36. D


    Would enjoy playing this multiplayer, trying to get my friend to play this but hes hooked on McGames like Arkham Knight so i doubt it'll happen. My problem is i plan on going full retard with this, so server would need to be up 24/7 unless im missing something about how multiplayer works.
  37. D


    Each time i go back and try to enjoy the server, seems something stupid like this happens every time. Xp nerf because "things need to go bad before theyll improve" nonsense, Red Dawn imploding because "its created an alliance with Nihilum to destroy Azrael" (AKA an excuse for Lite to grief 52s...
  38. D

    Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarted Sandbox Space Flight Sim)

    Are there rewards for playing Open? Already getting a bit bored and was wondering if i should buy a ship for open play and go mess around. I mean by that getting something you cant get from single player beside the obvious its less boring when youre playing with other players. Like in eve...
  39. D

    Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarted Sandbox Space Flight Sim)

    Having tons of fun with this game since last night, glad so far i blew 80$ on this Can someone tell me how to get out from a mass lock of a gas giant? I jumped in close to planet and now seems i cant fly away unless i manually fly out of the gas giant gravity well and its taking quite a bit...
  40. D

    Your gaming news sources

    What are the sources you use to keep yourself informed on gaming? My favorite one was a blog with lots of games, classed by year and genre, unfortunatly i think that page was canned. I come here often to see what games people are posting about, but im looking for suggestions on news...