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  1. E

    Dead Space 3

    There's no value going down this circular path of 'he says she says'. It's not like people who had a problem with the difficulty of the previous Dead Space games didn't have the option of dropping down to easy / normal to achieve the exact same effect of having more ammo and health packs than...
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    Dead Space 3

    It's a major flaw of the game because of a false premises? This is a classic 'did you stop beating your wife' logic trap. 'You are never, ever in danger of dying or running out of ammo.' 'Uh, no. I was both in danger of dying and running out of ammo...' 'Then you have to be either...
  3. E

    Dead Space 3

    Sorry, but I don't agree that it's a piece of shit game just because Sean doesn't like it, in the same way that I don't agree that the games Sean praises to the high heavens are awesome just because he loves them. Despite what you think, you are not the fountainhead of game evaluation and there...
  4. E

    Dead Space 3

    I'm lying because I'm repeating what the IN GAME description for each difficulty level says? Also: Easy ammo drops: 6 ammo units / drop Normal ammo drops: 5 ammo units / drop Hard ammo drops: 4 ammo units / drop Impossible ammo drops: 3 ammo units / drop Check it yourself and then...
  5. E

    Dead Space 3

    The list from your video for the first five minutes: scene 1: human stabs another human with a screwdriver scene 2: generic isaac vs. necromorph fight scene 3: human gets engulfed in plasma along with a necromorph attacking him scene 4: generic necromorph pops out of a vent scene 5: human...
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    Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)

    Voiced vs. not voiced is less a stylistic trade off than it is a resource trade off. Very few people spurn the fully voiced protagonist when said protagonist has the voice he / she envisions and this has no effect on the amount of customization and dialogue options in the game. Practically...
  7. E

    Dead Space 3

    Survival horror games that attempt to maintain a coherent world and storyline through their sequels always end up degenerating in their horror elements. From Resident Evil, to F.E.A.R., to Dead Space, there is not a single series that managed to avoid this fate. Sequels, less direct sequels, do...
  8. E

    Dead Space 3

    It's obvious what they were going for: It's not obvious what being set in a snow planet has to do with the game lacking atmosphere, because blizzard, fog, and mist all serve the same function in horror: to limit visibility and thereby create the equivalent of 'white darkness.' Besides...
  9. E

    Dead Space 3

    Oh and Sean, negging everyone who 'defends' Dead Space 3 because you hated the game is petty and shows how close minded you are. This despite you yourself saying you had 'mixed feelings' about the game is lulz worthy.
  10. E

    Dead Space 3

    This game isn't that different from Dead Space 2 except that they introduced a bunch of annoying EA DLC faggotry and mini games. People overrate the frozen planet gimmick. Yes, there are encounters with human enemies. Yes, they are terrible. But they are a small segment of the game. The bulk of...
  11. E

    Beautiful Creatures (Not a Twilight Remake)

    Between this, Twilight, and Warm Bodies, Hollywood is milking the crap out of the 'magical girlfriend/boyfriend' genre. As for the film, I don't agree with critics that this is a chick flick, nor that the gender switch in roles is of minor importance. First of all, the 'magical girlfriend'...
  12. E


    The one scene I didn't enjoy of Caesar was the one in which he split the head of the guard who came to be report about Spartacus taking the city. Makes him into a stereotypical bloodthirsty villain.
  13. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    EQ had enough of a novelty factor with yearly and bi-yearly expansions. Blizzard works nowhere near as fast. Even then EQ was at the limit of what was acceptable when it comes to tedium and indeed stepped over it: nobody enjoyed the hell levels and 1 AA / 5 hours grinding the same shit over and...
  14. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    I'm going to make this brief. The difference between D2 and D3 w.r.t. replayability is that you get into that 'minimal novel experience' phase a lot sooner in D3 than in D2. D3's end game is to play one class, grind Paragon, and get +betterer from betterer rolls. It's not that you max out sooner...
  15. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    One was a PBAOE. One was a line pierce. One was a target seeking missile. See how there is zero overlap between these skills? Poison Nova and Bone Spirit have entirely different synergies and support skills and play styles, which is why these two examples were chosen. Even Spear and...
  16. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    Nice argument. Wait, what argument? Garbage post, and I'm fairly sure I played both EQ and Diablo & its clones and predecessors for far longer than you ever did.
  17. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    This has been discussed over and over. But because you asked - Diablo 2's 'put 1 in every prerequisite till you're ready to specialize' was indeed flawed because it resulted in degenerate gameplay through the early levels, but the overall idea behind the system - specialization & progressive...
  18. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    Nostalgia arguments on the internetz are a case of of pop psychology misuse and need to be confined to the domain of rhetorical fallacies. For example, Diablo 1 came out years before Diablo 2 and invokes even greater nostalgia from a younger period of childhood. Why aren't people waxing...
  19. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    You need to go back and read who I was responding to and why. I keep up with the Diablo 3 thread because it's a great case study of game design in this genre - ie what works, what doesn't work, etc. Whether I'm going to pick it up again, that incentive remains.
  20. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    Yeah, and? I'm talking aboutwhyit sucked, and not all of it is irrelevant because I quit in 1.05, which is when all the changes to loot, exp, and difficulty came in. The game was broken on release, correct; but the idea that it was only broken because of a few intangibles and people gave it an...
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    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    I haven't touched Diablo 3 in months. Don't try to direct me to another game because I didn't quit Diablo 3 because a better game came out. I quit because it sucked.
  22. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    Working in an assembly line is more fun than watching a movie because you do more things! Genius logic.
  23. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    My #1 gripe about the game is that it's a shit game on release and that by the time they fixed it enough to be a Diablo 2 clone, the bulk of the game's players have already left. That said, crappy class design does contribute to the game's woes. Were WDs a better class, I imagine there's a shot...
  24. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    Necros were never a shit class. They were weak - because the pet mechanics scaled badly into Hell. But the basic design of the class remained the same throughout and when they fixed the scaling, necros got back to doing the same thing in Hell that they did in Normal. WDs were NOT DESIGNED to...
  25. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    A valid argument - but for the fact that just about every single fucking person who played Diablo 3 on release saw it was a train wreck within 2-3 weeks. Nostalgia has nothing to do with bad game design. Bad game design is bad game design. You don't get what makes Diablo 3 a mudflated game, do...
  26. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    Did you not get where I said 'gameplay was never the high of this genre?' Necros were fun because they walked around and their pets killed shit while they reanimated additional pets and exploded corpses - ie it was a fucking necro. A Witch Doctor's pets are distractions; the actual gameplay...
  27. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    With all due respect, gameplay has never been the high of this genre, and in no way did Diablo 3 improve my enjoyment of the game over Diablo 2 using gameplay. In fact, Witch Doctor is two steps backward from a Diablo 2 Necro when it comes to enjoyment - shit pets that do no damage, terrible...
  28. E

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    Just a heads up for those making mages... Pet tanking nerfs are coming. Ngreth said it's only going to affect raids / 'very very difficult group bosses,' but this is SoE, you just know that 'very very difficult group bosses' is going to = every T2 rare.
  29. E

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    I think what they're getting at is that farming acts is terrible gameplay. Not that killing Pindleskin / Mephisto was great gameplay, but it was easy / robotic. Easy / robotic makes for minimal effort, which makes for low effort repetition. I know that I was still able to stand Pindle / Meph...
  30. E

    EQ Never

    The problem is that you're posting on a MMORPGboard. It's not the MMO side arguing with you, it's the RPG side. There are MMOs out there that aren't RPGs, and which support exactly what you say, but character development and progression is the heart and soul of a RPG. From the time of D&D...
  31. E

    EQ Never

    This argument is also why making a PvP + PvE game is going to take a revolution in player thinking. Presently speaking, no game developer is ever going to risk pissing off their casual player base by giving PvPers the ability to control how they play. 'No, you don't get to PvE without being...
  32. E


    This movie used a lot of jump scares. I understand why directors feel the need to employ them, and hell they do work because of our nerve responses, but it's still annoying because every horror director uses it, even the best ones.
  33. E

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    Mage pets are shit till about level 75. Also, you have a SK, why do you need a pet / merc tank? The biggest weakness of your setup is the lack of a player healer, not the lack / availability of a pet tank. The biggest difference you're going to have between nec vs. mag is that you need less aoe...
  34. E

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    Mage pets are excellent tanks and they're able to do molo what other setups have to two box. Mages give you dps + tanking. This allows you to fill 2/3 roles needed to tackle content. The merc adds healing, bringing you up to 3 with just 1 char. The only other setup that gives the same is necros...
  35. E

    EQ Never

    Monthly subscription = Soviet Communism - theoretically equal, but practically all the benefits go to the uber players and their dev cronies FTP = American Capitalism, theoretically and practically pay to win So we've come to this.
  36. E

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    SoE also understands that there is nobody to group with from 1-70, for that matter 1-90, so yeah.
  37. E

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    Don't think that's going to happen. Max they close off Test a few months before they close off the rest of EQ. The biggest drawback to Test is the following: Infinite plat via /testcopy Infinite potions via /testcopy Infinite trade skill items via /testcopy Ergo, none of that is worth...