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  1. E

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    I know! It was like my fourth reroll and I was getting frustrated because I kept getting garbage. I got exdeath and chizuru, so kept that one, and then just got insanely lucky on my lapis rolls (especially Terra, I wanted her for raise). I appreciate the advice, I've been conflicted about...
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    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    I just started playing this, rerolled a few times and ended up with a starting group that included Chizuru and Exdeath, so I kept that one. Used the bonus lapis i've earned for another 7 rolls or so, and ended up with Chizuru, CoD, Exdeath, Kefka, and Terra, which I've been just absolutely...
  3. E

    XCOM 2

    I'll look into those mods. Thanks, fellas!
  4. E

    XCOM 2

    It's been a few months since I played this, but I'll be getting back into it with the new DLC. Are there any mods that I should take a look at now?
  5. E


    I love and hate where shaman is right now. For no reason at all I've liked the shaman class the best since i started playing (around Blackwing Lair) and for the first time I feel like its viable enough for me to push to 500 wins without tearing my hair out. The downside is that lots of folks are...
  6. E


    As someone who likes shaman for no particular reason, I'm not all that annoyed at where shaman is at the moment, because before WOTOG Shaman was pretty useless. Never had a viable deck in the meta with the exception of--maybe--midrange, but there were far better decks than that. I'd like to see...
  7. E


    Agree completely. I've been tinkering with the deck and shadow strike was one of the first cards I threw in. I'm considering putting 2 Southsea Squidface and either one or two blade flurries in the deck if I can find cards to sub out, just to help deal with some of the decks that are able to...
  8. E


    I'm salty about the 5/7 druid taunt, but not nearly as salty as I am over the Klaxxi Amber Weaver, a 4 mana, 4/5 card that gains +5 health when your C'thun hits 10/10. Its pretty easy to play C'thun cards on curve and get him to 10/10 by the time you hit 4 mana. It's nuts. I got a golden...
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    Dark Souls 3

    Did anyone else feel like the game was rather short? I wondered after I finished my first playthroguh if it was even finished--the weird overlap between darkmoon and blue sentinel, all the hollowing stuff feels tacked on, etc. Maybe I just expected more out of the third and final installment in...
  10. E

    Windows 10

    Did Microsoft ever state why they were rolling out 10 for free? I've always regarded the saying "If it's free, you're the product" as true, especially in the modern era, so I've been skeptical about upgrading. Is there any reason I should feel that way about 10?
  11. E

    Windows 10

    Alright, so reading the last few pages I'm guessing the answer to this will be "no," but assuming my computer is currently running 7 and is working just fine, should I bother upgrading to 10?
  12. E


    That is a redeeming quality for sure. My issue was that there is very little room left in the deck once it's stacked with an appropriate number of murlocs for much else, so getting a full enough board to get good value out of everyfin can be exceedingly tough with a shaman. Every class has low...
  13. E


    The first game I played against a murloc pally he cast anyfin, I cleared the board with lightning storm, and next turn he cast anyfin again. It sucked. Not sure why that card went to paladins given their current strength. When I first started tinkering with a murloc shaman deck, I quickly...
  14. E


    Shaman is my favorite class. Don't ask me why--it just is. I'm currently rocking midrange and dragon control decks, and focusing more on getting to 500 wins (still newish so I have like 400 to go) than on climbing the ladder. I've been trying to do a shaman murloc deck for some time with no...
  15. E


    I stumbled upon this--Nex Dragon Shaman--deck last night and it was just different enough to make me want to give it a try. I've been having a blast playing it, and have been steadily climbing the ladder. Dunno how it will perform as I move up, but its a really fun, long-game type deck.
  16. E


    Rooting is the process of unlocking "superuser" permission on your phone. Basically it gives you access to customize your phone in ways that a non-rooted phone cannot. I wouldn't buy anything from the app store w/r/t rooting until you've done a bit of research on it first. Some models (such...
  17. E


    You son of a bitch. That worked perfectly. Thank you very much.
  18. E


    So I have XCOM: Enemy Within installed on my Droid Turbo, and I wanted to install it on my new Galaxy Tab S for +10 fun and screen size. However, xcom is apparently not compatible with the tab s, so i cannot download it from the play store. I'd like to try and sideload the apk onto my tablet, as...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  20. E

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I play on both. I main a WAR, and I usually won't do expert dungeons/EX primals on the PS4 because when things get hectic or when there are several targets on the screen, the controller is annoying to use--at least until I've overgeared the content by a particular margin. This makes it kind of...
  21. E


    Just out of sheer random happenstance, I've gotten most of the cards in this deck in the packs I've opened:Oil Rogue Deck. I have just about everything except for the two preparations (which are second on my priority list if i want to continue building this one), the bloodmage thalnos, the big...
  22. E


    This is great info, thank you. A couple questions: (1) Since it costs 4x more to make a card then to d/e one, shouldn't I just be keeping all the cards I have and d/e any extras? There are certainly classes I prefer over others, but given how the meta can shift, is it a good idea to put all my...
  23. E


    I only started playing a couple weeks ago, so I have a question about building my card collection. I've been saving my coins for the arena, as i understand its the best value if you can do well (I suck pretty bad at it atm). However, I only seem to be getting GvG packs as an arena award, with...
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    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Are you guys using law to get the i170 weapon, or just holding off for the Ravana EX drop?
  25. E


    I'm super new to Hearthstone, so this is probably a stupid question, but: how do you save up your quests? The 40 gold quest I have right now is to play a certain number of minions 2 cost or lower, I think. I can't avoid completing that unless I just don't play other human players. Is there a way...
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    DOTA 2

    I thought static link was only broken by range? I've never seen it deactivate due to a stun. Hell, even a euls won't break it.
  27. E

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I really can't decide how I should spend my time in this game. I just finished grinding out the relic books. With the expansion only a few months away, and SE giving vague information that the current relics will be phased out, I'm thinking I should just get a shiva weapon and be done with it. I...
  28. E

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Not a community site, but this reddit thread:[Guide] From fresh fifty to i105 in 2.5 : ffxivhas been my bible since reaching endgame. Pretty much everything else you will pick up on over time. I've only been playing about 2 months and im like ilvl115. It also helped that I choose a tank as my...
  29. E

    DOTA 2

    I've given myself a pretty effective setup. Of all the things mentioned above, the only one I really can't find good room for is setting control groups. I've never really sweat it though, I suck balls with heroes that require a lot of micro. I really appreciate the input. I think that I'll...
  30. E

    DOTA 2

    Noob question inc. What are the strategic advantages to mouse scrolling over using awsd to move the camera? I started playing mobas when hon was released and I knew dick all about them. I was never good at RTS games so I didn't pick up any skills from those, either. So when I started...
  31. E

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Thanks a ton, man! That is all super helpful.
  32. E

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I have to say, I genuinely like using my ps4 controller to play this game. That said, I'm going to have to use my cross bar a little more efficiently if I even am going to try to do endgame content on the ps4. Do any of you gents main a paladin as a console player, and if so, would you mind...
  33. E

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I think i'm going to start playing this game fairly casually, so i'll try to get on Gilgamesh and tag up with you gents when I can. That said, I've been looking at dragoon as a primary, but I really don't like to play classes (especially DPS classes) that are super popular and a dime a dozen. I...
  34. E

    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Sony didn't seem to have any trouble integrating a "share" button and track pad, I don't think a button with a single dedicated use would be all that hard.
  35. E

    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Yeah I've never heard anyone mention it before either, it just seems self evident to me coming from only playing PC games for the past several years. It makes me sound old, but the implementation of voice communication on consoles is the number one reason I've been console-less for so long. I...
  36. E

    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Just picked up a ps4 over the holidays and am loving it so far, although my biggest gripe about console gaming is the state of voice communication. How the fuck is it 2015 and console controllers don't have dedicated push to talk buttons yet?
  37. E


    Yeah, the rumbling archeum trees were the last straw for me in a long line of incompetent actions. Not knowing what was being released in a patch is even worse. It's just another example of how little trion understands the game they've chosen to put their name on. Shifting the blame to XL, as...
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    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I just quit Archeage, but it left me with a lingering MMO itch. Is this a good game to jump into? Can someone give me a rundown of the state of the game, or a website that I can read about the state of the game myself? Thanks!
  39. E


    Agreed. I probably wouldn't mind so much three months from now. I just can't fathom why they would release them so early. I'm an EQ vet so the grindy aspects of the game I tolerate and even like, but hasla is just too stupid.
  40. E


    I'm really not sure how I feel about the hasla weapons. It's the first thing they've done (well, that and glider normalization) that has really taken the wind out of my sails for this game. I just can't understand why they would do it, especially since mage tanks like me have no weapon options...