Search results

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    Until Dawn

    Didn't see a thread on this. Comes out towards the end of this month. Survival horror/Slasher **Video does have spoilers. Watch at your own risk.**
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    R.I.P Leonard Nimoy

    'Star Trek' icon Leonard Nimoy dies at age 83
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    Lasik Eye Surgery

    This past weekend I went to see a Lasik specialist. I've been putting it off for some time now because I thought needles were involved, I don't mind needles now, but something about putting a needle the eyeball just didn't sit right. I was told that I had a almost 100% chance of getting...
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    The Dead Linger

    They just released it on Steam and it's still in Alpha development... The commentary is pure shit, but good info on it.
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    I didn't see a thread on this. Has anyone played it? Looks pretty good.
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    Joe Rogan's Question Everything

    It's an interesting show. Only seen a couple episodes so far and it seems kind of like Penn and Teller's: BULLSHIT Except Joe actually goes out to the places, questions people and discusses the conspiracies and theories of everything from Chem trails to Bigfoot, even calls them out on their...
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    The Formal, Fine and Atmospheric Dining Thread

    This thread is to suggest and review places for Fine/Formal or great atmospheric dining, whether it's themed or not. Just not places in your hometown, but anywhere you've been or heard of. Please rate the food, atmosphere, price and service with every suggestion. Provide links if possible...
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    Curse of Chucky

    Looks like it's going straight to DVD/Blu-ray
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    Call of Jaurez: Gunslinger

    This game is so much better than the last one. Kinda has Borderlands style graphics.. it's pretty fun so far.
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    The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

    It's a Diablo style game. I just started it today, so not too far into it. Didn't see a post for it. So here you go.
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    Metro: Last Light

    Didn't see a thread for this. Sequel to Metro 2033. Started playing it yesterday but not far enough in to give a fair review of it.
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    Sacred Citadel

    Think you guys will really like this one. Especially if you were a fan of the old Golden Axe games. It's a pretty fun game.
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    Zombieland: The series

    Saw the pilot today, and I'm not sure what to think of it. It's one of Amazons new TV series.
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    Leviathan: Warships

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    Crysis 3

    Comes out Feb 19
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    Deadpool: The Game

    Didn't see this, so remaking it. Was announced for a summer 2013 release.
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    Bates Motel

    Bates Motel Genre: Drama, Mystery First Aired: 2013-03-18 Overview: A "contemporary prequel" to the 1960 film Psycho, depicting the life of Norman Bates and his mother Norma prior to the events portrayed in Hitchcock's film, albeit in a different fictional town and in a modern setting...
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    Puscifer's new EP Donkey Punch the night has been announced and nearing release Feb 19. Here's two of the songs on the EP. Amazon has previews.
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    Kids? or No kids?

    My wife and I will be married 2 years next month. She's on birth control right now, the Nuva(sp) ring. Been working so far. However, she wants kids as I guess most women want a baby or two at some point. I, however, cannot stand kids and have ZERO desire to have kids. I know people say...
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    The Man with the Iron Fists

    Quentin Tarantino Presents The Man with the Iron Fists