Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


Molten Core Raider

What's the most expensive alcoholic drink that you have drank?


Bronze Squire
What's the most expensive alcoholic drink that you have drank?
I routinely drink $18 margaritas at a local mexican place, but they are served in what could be described as a fishbowl and are mostly booze. I also had a $12 mimosa in Vegas that was in a tiny champagne flute and was mostly OJ in one of the damn lounges at Caesars Palace.

What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done?


<Prior Amod>
I routinely drink $18 margaritas at a local mexican place, but they are served in what could be described as a fishbowl and are mostly booze. I also had a $12 mimosa in Vegas that was in a tiny champagne flute and was mostly OJ in one of the damn lounges at Caesars Palace.

What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done?
Fucked on a public beach during a fairly busy time of year.

How many more years do you think (if ever) until we have a nuclear war?(world war 3?) What will be the cause do you think?


Golden Knight of the Realm
12 years, caused by some shitty small nation with penis envy bombing another shitty little nation that is also dickless and we all have to suffer the consequences.

Same topic: Survive and deal with the fallout or quick flash of white light followed by dust in the wind?

Also, nice avatar, Tarrant.
Quick flash of light. That's why I chose to live near Bangor Submarine base.

What's the last secret guilty pleasure you induldged in ?


Bronze Squire
Definitely survive, it would be intense. My luck, I'd get hit by a runaway bus the next day.

Are you a morning person?


Mr. Poopybutthole
No, and even though it's midnight here, I'm so not a morning person that fuck you for asking.

What would it take to get you to take someone's life when your own life or that of a loved one was not in immediate danger?


Silver Knight of the Realm
The right girl, the wrong friends, and barkeep who eggs you on by pouring more and more..

If you knew you had impunity, and couldn't get in trouble.. but everyone would always know... what is the worst crime you'd commit?


Silver Knight of the Realm
The right girl, the wrong friends, and barkeep who eggs you on by pouring more and more..

If you knew you had impunity, and couldn't get in trouble.. but everyone would always know... what is the worst crime you'd commit?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
What's the last secret guilty pleasure you induldged in ?
I assume you have to feel guilty for it to be a guilty pleasure? Whipping my nephew's ass at words with friends. As soon as my niece figures out how to spell my user name, I'll whip her ass by an even larger margin and still feel guilty.

ever got beat up?how and why?
Not really, only in karate class. Well, there was one time in high school on the football field too. I was moved up a level to cover for one of our offensive linemen who had other commitments, and to put it bluntly, I had no business being there. The guy on the other side of the ball completely outclassed me. So I pulled a trick I learned from a special I saw on ESPN classic about some guy named Boom Boom. Boom Boom was a beast, the eagles used to game plan around him being able to block 2 guys. He mentioned that he liked to punch the defensive player in the gut, right under the shoulderpads. If you do that, they get pissed at you and spend the entire game trying to fight with you from snap to whistle instead of worrying about beating you or making a tackle. So, I tried it on this guy, and it worked like a fucking champ. One series of doing that, just 3 plays, and the guy commences to punching me in the shoulderpads and helmet from snap to whistle like it was his job. He throws me around like a sack of potatoes, and I can't stop laughing (which I think made him more mad). The only thing keeping it from being a legit ass whipping is that he only hit me where I was padded. At one point, on a punt, as I tried to release to cover my lane, he tackled me at the line of scrimmage, straddled me, and was treating me like trayvon treated zimmerman. I still to this day can't believe he never got a penalty. I guess it's because we only had 2 refs, and I'm not a pussy who complains.

Anyway, it worked. The guy was in on every play early in the game until they put me in, and once he started beating on me, he was a non factor. My coaches were yelling at me on the sideline about him manhandling me like he was, and I kept saying trust me coach, run it to my side. My guy will not be making the tackle. The bad part though was on plays where I had to pull, I couldn't do it. home boy jumped on me at the snap and wouldn't let me go anywhere. Damn, I wish I had video of that game.

Butter or margarine, and why?

Moglyzoke Moogleman

Not here
<Gold Donor>
Butter for the same reason I don't fuck with anything labeled as diet. Mine as well go all in on the unhealthy rather than half-ass it.

A week of ecstasy with Mila Kunis or world peace? Explain your thought process behind the choice since it might be easy for some to answer.


Bronze Squire
A week of ecstasy with Mila Kunis or world peace? Explain your thought process behind the choice since it might be easy for some to answer.
World Peace. First off, Mila Kunis isn't offering up anything that I'm not getting already, second, I can only imagine what society will be capable of doing once we stop devoting so much effort and resources into fighting and killing each other. We can stop building drones and start building Mila Kunis sex robots.

You just won the Powerball jackpot, what if the first thing you buy yourself (I mean like toy or house etc., not a soda or candy bar)?


World Peace. First off, Mila Kunis isn't offering up anything that I'm not getting already, second, I can only imagine what society will be capable of doing once we stop devoting so much effort and resources into fighting and killing each other. We can stop building drones and start building Mila Kunis sex robots.

You just won the Powerball jackpot, what if the first thing you buy yourself (I mean like toy or house etc., not a soda or candy bar)?
The most bleeding edge PC on Earth. We're talking Crysis on medium level specs here.

In N Out or 5 Guys?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
The most bleeding edge PC on Earth. We're talking Crysis on medium level specs here.

In N Out or 5 Guys?
5 Guys. East Coast Represent. Bunch of faggots out west eating your shitty In N Out.

Are you happy with your life?


Bronze Squire
5 Guys. East Coast Represent. Bunch of faggots out west eating your shitty In N Out.

Are you happy with your life?
I prefer 5 guys as well and I am on the West Coast. Never understood the In-N-Out hype.

No, I am not, but not in a "I'm depressed and hate my life" kind of way. More of a "I am always trying to get more out of life and not being satisfied keeps me motivated" kind of way.

What is your go-to reading material when dropping a deuce?