Ark: Survival Evolved


Comparing a non-voxel game to a voxel game is asinine. There is no mining in this game. Its just harvesting spawn in nodes with prefab base building junk like H1Z1/Rust.

Its pretty much Rust with Tamable mounts.

How long till the QQ starts about hackers wiping out a tribes stuff in seconds that took hours to get.


Molten Core Raider
Comparing a non-voxel game to a voxel game is asinine. There is no mining in this game. Its just harvesting spawn in nodes with prefab base building junk like H1Z1/Rust.

Its pretty much Rust with Tamable mounts.

How long till the QQ starts about hackers wiping out a tribes stuff in seconds that took hours to get.
I dont know how rust is, but at least in h1z1 i can get a gun and go have fun and i dont have to be forced to learned tradeskills in order to get a gun. This game is starting to piss me off. Bases are absolutely worthless right now. I think im taking a break until they do alot more balancing and optimization.

Game has some potential, but we have heard that before.


Molten Core Raider
I have a house on the east side of the island on server 63. I play at odd hours so maybe we will meet up one day!


Molten Core Raider
I have a house on the east side of the island on server 63. I play at odd hours so maybe we will meet up one day!
thats where the house is that we built as well. I didnt log in today though i dont know what kind of shape that house is in though.


Molten Core Raider
I havent logged in in about 4 days. Last time i logged in me and Ash could barely fucking move the lag was so fucking bad.

I dont know how the game has came long in the last 3-4 days, but logging out because you have to go to sleep and dying while you log out is complete bullshit. Maybe that has changed, but this game is just a grind fest. This game kind of forces you to do tradeskills in order to level up.

Game has potential i will play it from time to time. There is fun to be had, but the longer people wait to play the worse its going to be for noobs as players gain better weapons as time goes on. Putting new players at a huge huge huge fucking disadvantage.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Ya'll can use the H1Z1 mumble for this as stated already. Let me know if anything comes up with it.

Pass: RRH1Z155
Port: 5599


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That's the normal Early Access price. It's a good game though, I've got about 150 hours into it. Can't compare it to Rust, H1Z1, or even Dayz as I've never been interested in the survival genre before this. It's got a pretty good crafting system that improves with each patch and there's been like 25-30 patches since EA release so they're actually fixing shit constantly unlike most EA games. Dinos are fun to tame/ride/use, even if the AI is fairly lackluster at the moment.

Downsides are that there's only one type of PVP server now, and there's no point at all in playing PVE (because there players can't mess with your shit unless you leave it unlocked, and dinos aren't a serious threat, so there's literally no reason to build anything but the basics). On PVP servers, it depends entirely on who else is on the server. Some are mostly friendly, some have multiple tribes of bored children and Chinese who have no purpose in life besides wrecking everything they see. Buildings are like tissue paper until you have metal which is fairly defensible, if a bit grindy to construct. Dinos are the problem. Even really low level griefers can easily kill a t-rex you spent 3-4 hours taming in a matter of minutes. If you get on a good server it's much less of an issue of course. Also, I don't recommend playing it alone. I played with a large group on the first server I was on, and it made a huge difference in getting things accomplished without feeling like a horrific grind.

Currently there is also a dupe bug and another bug that people use to walk through walls. The devs are deciding (hopefully today) on whether or not they are severe enough issues that a wipe is required.

Edit: Forgot to mention the other issue with the game currently: a 970 is good for low settings at best right now. They're using UE4 which should be easy to optimize, but at the moment getting even 30 fps out of it requires some pretty hefty sacrifices. I have a bit older AMD card--that ran Witcher 3 at a mix of high and ultra at 40-50 fps--and I get 15 fps around large bases/lots of dinos and 25 fps out in the wild.
Ya having a good time playin on server 63 we got a nice size base with quite a few dinos, server seems pretty good so far, not a whole lot of duche going on.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Heh, I started over with a friend last night and it was a toss up between 63 and 65. We picked 65 though. :/ Mostly just waiting for the wipe/no-wipe announcement at the moment anyway.

Just couldn't take 27 anymore. Too much griefing from the kiddies and the chinamen (who also cheat), chat filled with retards 24/7, and the server is 70/70 about 14 hours a day.


Trakanon Raider
Runs like absolute shit on my SLI 780s. Causes my friend's PC to throw low RAM messages when the game is using 4 of 8 GB available.
I would avoid this one for now on the technical aspects alone. Submitted for refund after 10 minutes. It's just Minecraft mechanics in a non-voxel world with the added feature of punching you in the dick constantly.


Molten Core Raider
Runs like absolute shit on my SLI 780s. Causes my friend's PC to throw low RAM messages when the game is using 4 of 8 GB available.
I would avoid this one for now on the technical aspects alone. Submitted for refund after 10 minutes. It's just Minecraft mechanics in a non-voxel world with the added feature of punching you in the dick constantly.
Runs like absolute shit on just about anyones computer without fucking trickery. I logged back in 2 days ago for the first time in a little over a week and i was rubberbanding all over the place. can be a fun game though.


I'm Amod too!
Looks like this just passed 1 million sales. I've been playing with a few friends and been enjoying it quite a bit.


anyone picking this up, i've got a friend with a private server.. small so far, but lots of fun.

hit me up if you want server infos


Mr. Poopybutthole
So does anyone know if they've improved the optimization of this thing yet? Some friends of mine are considering it, but it sounds like it wasn't really worth it as of a month ago.


I'm Amod too!
So does anyone know if they've improved the optimization of this thing yet? Some friends of mine are considering it, but it sounds like it wasn't really worth it as of a month ago.
They've done quite a bit of optimizations over the past month. Not sure where it stands now though since I've never had a problem with it. They've been releasing 2-3 patches a week pretty consistently, no matter what else you can't accuse these guys of not supporting their product.


So does anyone know if they've improved the optimization of this thing yet? Some friends of mine are considering it, but it sounds like it wasn't really worth it as of a month ago.
lots better than when i started about a month ago. as mentioned above, constant patches for content additions, bug fixes, and gameplay improvement.


A nice asshole.
anyone picking this up, i've got a friend with a private server.. small so far, but lots of fun.

hit me up if you want server infos
I am here with two other friends, we have a decent fort going on the west side of the island. Come on in.