

<Gold Donor>
A) It's like one prediction per show based off the comics, and the leaked episode titles with the cast list. So it's not like hes just pulling shit out of his ass. Its more of a question as well to spark conversation at the end of his video. He always prefaces it with " What do you guys think?"

90% of the show is his top 5 moments which is pretty much the meat of the show, and is a breakdown of everything that went down in the episode with the easter eggs. Then he always gives a checklist of comics you can read that were based off those episodes. There is no one even close to doing it as well as him, and delivering content that quick after an episode is aired.

I guarantee I know more about Marvel, and DC then you do ( for instance I can tell you instantly the Marvel artist who drew your Avatar), and that guy is always showing me something I didn't notice in an episode every week with reading material. In fact I look forward to his videos after the show as a post-mortem.

I don't give a shit what you like. I'm still posting those videos.
Since you missed it, I don't mind if you post his videos, as I have the self-control to either click them or not, depending upon how I feel. And because I don't hate him, as I said, I just wish he were better.

Also, you probably do know more about comics since I stopped buying them in the 90s. But, since my avatar is my favorite comic book cover of all time, and that series by Walt Simonson is one of my favorite arcs ever, of course I know who drew it. I still distinctly remember the hammer on the forge and the "DOOM" sound effect from the beginning of that issue. However, I'll freely admit that if it isn't someone famous I'd have very little idea who an artist was. And wouldn't care. But yes, you probably know more about comics than I do.

I realize that the reason you're doubling down is because that's who you are and how you forum, but you need to realize that I don't hate Charlie, I just wish he were better because I do see how much he knows and how much information he has to share. It is like wishing that Felicity hadn't been all weepy most of this season; I still love her, and don't want her gone, but I wish she were better. Make sense?


Millie's Staff Member
I like how that guy didn't even bother to clean his shirt for that video. What the hell is that shit stain on his right shoulder
lol, it looks like he just woke up and he cant even get himself fully on camera. i still subbed to the channel for now in case he gets better.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I guess I can look forward to 50 pages of column trying to convince me that those videos bother me.


<Silver Donator>
My bet is that Felicity eventually becomes a non-paralyzed version of Oracle. Acting as back-office and tech support/coordination for various folks. Maybe with her own watchtower/HQ. That let's her do what she does on team Arrow, coordinate and do tech for Atom , and step in when they eventually have to deal with Harrison Wells on Flash. Just have her primarily on one show and frequent cut away shots on the others. It would also let her be a theme character in this new "Brave and the Bold" style show.

Logistically, once Oliver eventually gets his company back, and Palmer still has his company that's more than enough financial/technical backing.


I don't know about the non-paralyzed version. Looks like they just set up an arrow severing her spinal cord.
She is going to end up in a wheel chair and Palmer is going to make her a badass flying one with blasters and shit on it so they can both fight crime.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So Ray zapped the fuck out of Roy with enough power to send him flying and at the bare minimum knock him unconscious. Ollie disables Ray's suit, gives his big speech, and walks off without even looking at his sidekick.

Worst. Boss. Ever.

I'm pretty sure Ray's suit flying around showed us the limit of their special effects budget on Arrow. It gotverybad looking when it was zooming around. Hopefully they can get that ironed out on the spinoff because like most of you I've quite enjoyed the Ray Palmer character and would like to see where they take him.

The second Deadshot showed up and I got excited was when I realized I've come to really like that character.

And I hope Felicity is sort of over Ollie, because they have never had the least bit of chemistry. Like their scenes together seem like someone forcing a lesbian and a gay dude to pretend.


<Prior Amod>
So Ray zapped the fuck out of Roy with enough power to send him flying and at the bare minimum knock him unconscious. Ollie disables Ray's suit, gives his big speech, and walks off without even looking at his sidekick.

Worst. Boss. Ever.
Haha I thought the same thing.


Trakanon Raider
So Ray zapped the fuck out of Roy with enough power to send him flying and at the bare minimum knock him unconscious. Ollie disables Ray's suit, gives his big speech, and walks off without even looking at his sidekick.

Worst. Boss. Ever.
Electricity aside, being thrown that far requires force similar to being hit by a truck. I know it's comic book physics but still, just leaving him there is pretty cold ;p


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean I realize you guys are joking, but it does seem like pretty sloppy writing, which I've been noticing a lot lately. Has the writing been getting sloppier, or am I just starting to notice it now that I'm not shotgunning all the episodes one after the other?


Millie's Staff Member
this show never had great writing, its not why people like it, people like it because what the show lacks in writing, it more than compensates with a supercharged story pacing and simply brilliant stunt work and fighting choreography. the show also is gritty and doesnt pull too many punches when somebody needs to get their faces murdered. also all the women on this show are hotties even if a few are butterfaces.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I mean I realize you guys are joking, but it does seem like pretty sloppy writing, which I've been noticing a lot lately. Has the writing been getting sloppier, or am I just starting to notice it now that I'm not shotgunning all the episodes one after the other?
Ive thought the same thing, I watch Flash the second it airs, Arrow has gotten worse and it takes me a couple days until I actually sit down and watch it


Throbbing Member
So Guggenheim has confirmed that Deadshot is gone from the show, Warner Bros. pulled him cuz of the movie. So I assume that also means that Deathstroke and Captain Boomerang are no longer available characters for Arrow/Flash.


El Presidente
The writing on this show has never been very good, but lately it's been pretty awful. I still like it well enough I guess, but it's definitely lost it's shine.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So Guggenheim has confirmed that Deadshot is gone from the show, Warner Bros. pulled him cuz of the movie. So I assume that also means that Deathstroke and Captain Boomerang are no longer available characters for Arrow/Flash.
So they pulled him even though it's a different continuity and he'll be portrayed by a different actor? :-/


So I assume that also means that Deathstroke and Captain Boomerang are no longer available characters for Arrow/Flash.
I dont think Deatstroke has been confirmed for Suicide Squad, I thought i read that he wasnt part of it. i know it was rumored that Joe Manganiello was going to be cast, but as far as i know, it was just a rumor.


I seriously doubt they will have Death stroke in the Suicide Squad movie. He is just too much of an A lister when they already have Joker.