Avengers: Age of Ultron


Blackwing Lair Raider
This has always been my biggest problem with Hulk. There's dumb comic books where it's like "Bruce Banner is asleep and they nuke him but as he is disintegrating he is getting angrier so he turns into the Hulk and is safe lolololol". Somewhere that became the norm of resolution for the Hulk and it is basically the supes problem where you have to make contrived and ridiculous shit up to pose a threat or make an interesting problem for the character. Bleh.
What keeps him from being supes level of bad is he is as much of an unstoppable juggernaut vs friends and foes. The whole fact he is a barely restrained rage monster means any "control" over him is tennous at best and if he goes off the reservation he is just as hard to stop for the good guys as the bad. Supes is basically always in total control so that level power basically makes him a godling and its difficult to challenge at all.

If hulks enemies understand how to goad him into wild rage he turns from a "good guy" into a total wild card of destruction.

Code green is basically the godzilla code where adding an engine of destruction that is only barely controllable won't make the situation any worse than it already is or were it is such a target rich environment odds are hulk is more likely to be punching bad guys than good guys.


Molten Core Raider
Liked the movie a lot. Title doesn't really make sense though, ultron was alive for what, a week?


Vyemm Raider
I still think the T in "theta" isn't a coincidence. Or well, it IS a coincidence because they don't know his name, but its a giant wink to the audience because they are preparing for another interstellar invasion event and there happens to be one coming named Thanos. Theta protocol is Fury's response to the Chitari invasion - which Stark obviously wasn't in the loop for, given his own "solution." (murderbots, yay!)

To be fair, Fury made basically the same mistake in the first Avengers. Oops, this uber power source we're using can create wormholes. Who knew?

"Misuse of infinity gem" is the macguffin that just keeps on giving.


Trakanon Raider
My wife and I avoid 3d whenever possible, We pre-purchased tickets to a 2d showing, then when we got there they were all "Oops... this is a 3d showing now, we're sorry.." I actually brought home the ones they gave us, snapped off the side stems and built a bracket for my wife. She wears normal glasses, so now she has a pair that clip onto her normal glasses, just in case we ever go to another RealD show.
I got a set like that with my 3D TV. Clip on for normal glasses just like sun glass clip ons. I take them to every 3D movie, work perfectly.

As to the movie, I saw it today with a friend. We both enjoyed it, but like many
- Too many "family" moments for supposed character back story.
- Not enough Ultron. For someone not into the comic book universe at all, he never seemed that imposing. Aliens from space led by an Asgardian god was a bit more intimidating. I knew some of him, but my friend who just likes action movies, he didn't seem that impressed with Ultron as a bad guy.

Nothing else big. Give it around 7.5-8/10 (with a 10/10 scene of Ironman saying go to sleep with the Hulk. I laughed)

I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy more though. Really looking forwards to a sequel to that.


<Gold Donor>
Decent movie but felt it was 20 minutes too long and some ways behind pt 1, gotg, im1, etc. it's rare I'm itching for a movie to end but by the end of this i was checking my watch every 5 minutes.... Tried way too hard with the jokes and snark as well


Log Wizard
I honestly don't know the huge affinity for IM1. It was the best of the IM series by far, and introduced RDJ as Tony Stark, but there was like no action in the movie. I mean it was probably the best origin movie, but I don't think overall it's anywhere near Avengers 1 or Cap 2.


Trump's Staff
Whedon is taking a beating from the social justice community over Age of Ultron. Forced to shut down his Twitter acct.




Vyemm Raider
Once Ultron got swole I don't think Capt or Tony would have been soloing him again. (tank missile, pwned) But yeah even then Hulk still tossed him like a toy. So it was mostly hordes of easily dispatched enemies again in order to keep Hawkeye/Widow relevant while the others take out dozens at a time. Hell in the whole last battle I think only QS/Hawkeye even got scratched (okay more like swiss cheese)

The comic version was resolved with fucking time travel. Ultron's threat was in his potentially unlimited numbers and immortality + his Meteo plan but the next two are going to have The Goddamn Thanos so you'll have your absurd guy that can take on the whole team at once.

Funny how much the X-Men reboot and Avengers movies are in parallel. Future Past and Age of Ultron series are the same fucking story. Now Thanos / Apocolypse, bad guys with ALL the powers.


What the shit does that even mean.
It means Whedon caved to the SJWs and shoved in a romance subplot and tried to make BW seem more special than in the first film, but they were not happy because she was not special/important enough.

Aychamo BanBan

Watched this last night. Whatever rating you want to give out of 10 to Avengers 1, this was 0.5 behind.

- No "fucking awesome" moments like Avengers 1 when Hulk goes "I'm always angry" and knocks down that huge flying beast.
- Too much <3 for Hawkeye and his family (I could care less about his wife)
- Black Widow romance with Hulk was just so forced. No chemistry there at all.
- It felt like the movie was a little bit of a mess. Understandably so, trying to fit every Avenger in, with all these plot lines, etc.
- The creation of Vision was weird as fuck. I'll have to re-watch to understand it. But, it was a robot body with Vibranium being put on it, and it had 70% of Ultron uploaded. Then they decided to upload Jarvis. And then it came out as Vision with the Mind Infinity Stone somehow making this happen. And Vision looked gay as fuck compared to the other Avengers.
- I have zero sense of danger with Hulk and Thor. They're basically gods and they can't even seem to get hurt. I love the characters, but am so unconcerned for them when on the screen.

Minor complaints. Really enjoyed the movie. Not the best. I put it fourth (Avengers, GoTG, CA:TWS).

I can't imagine a more difficult job on earth than being asked to come up with an awesome sequel for a movie like Avengers 1. He did great. It's a great movie. Far from perfect, but it's still a damn good effort. BTW, I only learned like a month ago that Joss Whedon isn't the kid from Star Trek (Wesley Crusher) haha.


Potato del Grande

Missing Gems could be:
Him (Adam Warlock is apparently called this)
Necklace (Dr Strange's Necklace gives him some of his powers or something)

Maybe showing up in GotG2 and Dr Strange?


Potato del Grande
Irrational people ignoring the badassey of Scarlet Witch. Are male characters like Hulk immune from being marginalised by their half of romantic subplots?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So here was a thought I had that I forgot about until I saw that infinity gem image... Thanos gave loki the sceptre... Would thanos willingly give ANYONE a gem once he acquired it? No. Which men's he didn't know. Except ultron knew... So how on earth did thanos not know?