Awesome Games Done Quick 2016 - 2019


How you manage to outdo yourself with the dumbest fucking takes daily is nothing short of impressive

Frustration takes many forms but I do not hate this one in particular tbh

But more seriously and on topic, Trannies Glitch Out Games is a bunch of seat sniffing fags and retards now who can't hold a handle to big dawgs in competitive games

Let em have it, maybe they'll cure cancer (or fund the people who would never let there be a cure cuz there's no money in it)


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
You specifically said "pride." Taking pride in something you didn't personally make or directly contribute to the success of is fucking stupid. Buying it doesn't count as contributing, that's some "consoomer" nonsense that's been fed into you.
This is moronic.

Video games, in particular, are interactive and some of them take skill and practice to beat. Those are obviously things you can take pride in and form a community over.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Wait till you discover professional sports and how people become fans of teams.
That's mainly where this opinion comes from. Living in New England my whole life has scarred me with regards to people taking undue pride and putting misplaced emotionality into shit that has nothing to do with them.

Also 'national pride' from people who didn't serve in the military or have a parent or child serving in the military, or volunteer to serve their country in any way, or make some other kind of sacrifice to the country of their birth or to become a citizen of that country. Otherwise, you were just lucky and popped out of a vagina in the right country.

Now, tabletop things like D&D, MTG, Warhammer, etc are different because they require active participation from the community to function. But video games? You buy it, download it, plug in your headset and yell all at the other 13 year olds shouting "Wakandan dick" and "ew, girls" in the lobby and call yourself a 'gamer.' Pride in your accomplishments in a video game is different than just pride in participating in 'gamer culture' but still the kind of thing you should age out of.

I'm sure these weirdo fucking autist-tranny-chairsniffers have a ton of pride in the freakshow speedrunning community they've built.

Okay, I've said my piece, gotta get back to taking pride in seeing number go up in my bank account as a substitute for having a meaningful existence.
  • 1Pathetic
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
That's mainly where this opinion comes from. Living in New England my whole life has scarred me with regards to people taking undue pride and putting misplaced emotionality into shit that has nothing to do with them.

Also 'national pride' from people who didn't serve in the military or have a parent or child serving in the military, or volunteer to serve their country in any way, or make some other kind of sacrifice to the country of their birth or to become a citizen of that country. Otherwise, you were just lucky and popped out of a vagina in the right country.

Now, tabletop things like D&D, MTG, Warhammer, etc are different because they require active participation from the community to function. But video games? You buy it, download it, plug in your headset and yell all at the other 13 year olds shouting "Wakandan dick" and "ew, girls" in the lobby and call yourself a 'gamer.' Pride in your accomplishments in a video game is different than just pride in participating in 'gamer culture' but still the kind of thing you should age out of.

I'm sure these weirdo fucking autist-tranny-chairsniffers have a ton of pride in the freakshow speedrunning community they've built.

Okay, I've said my piece, gotta get back to taking pride in seeing number go up in my bank account as a substitute for having a meaningful existence.

Yes you have no joy we get it.
  • 5Worf
  • 1Double Worf
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Ssraeszha Raider
Also 'national pride' from people who didn't serve in the military or have a parent or child serving in the military, or volunteer to serve their country in any way, or make some other kind of sacrifice to the country of their birth or to become a citizen of that country. Otherwise, you were just lucky and popped out of a vagina in the right country.

You're on a roll.

Can you go for the dumbest post of all time (so far) hat trick?
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Okay, I've said my piece, gotta get back to taking pride in seeing number go up in my bank account as a substitute for having a meaningful existence.
You could try donating some of it to the Prevent Cancer foundation or to Doctors Without Borders and see how it feels. I hear some nerds are running a charity event for those in the near future.
  • 1Pathetic
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Trakanon Raider
I would agree that it’s unhealthy, but natural, to take too much pride in something like a gaming community or football team that you grew up watching.

That’s why they’re called fans- fanatics!

It is totally natural to feel like you’re part of that team of fans or gamers - that rare connection where you’re a loyal customer base and the producer delivers over and over. There’s pride with that brand choice for sure, because you found something special and you’re proud of it.

Of course people take it way too far, shit, probably 5-10 % of our population has a fuckin Saints tattoo. (Greeter NO population).

would I get a chrono trigger tattoo on my ass? Maybe the frog….But yeah - I have pride that while most of our local culture looked at games like that and laughed, but I went against the grain, lost a few cool points, but really picked the winner.

I was a cool kid that left the cool circle for the nerd hall and I think I made the right call - and I guess all those games were a part of that choice.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
In order to devote your entire life to perfecting obscure 20+ year old games, you gotta have a bunch of screws loose. The purple hair, dick choppin, is just what they are willing to show the world. Just imagine a day in the life of these folks behind closed doors...

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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
It's just like, my opinion, man. I thought you guys were supposed to be into diversity of thought.

I'd say people here are less into diversity of thought and more into... the arena of ideas. The notion that all perspectives should get to compete without censorship. That doesn't mean people can't fight ideas they disagree with, that's the "arena" part. As long as everyone's allowed to speak to begin with.
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<Gold Donor>
Also 'national pride' from people who didn't serve in the military or have a parent or child serving in the military, or volunteer to serve their country in any way, or make some other kind of sacrifice to the country of their birth or to become a citizen of that country. Otherwise, you were just lucky and popped out of a vagina in the right country.
This right here is just dumb take on national pride. And just serves how people popping out of the vagina here in the US, basically winning the fucking lotto of life, and they take the shit for granted. And shit on their country at every turn while not knowing a god damn thing how the other 80% (2nd and 3rd workd) or whatever live in squalor and have no or very little freedom to speak of.
  • 1Truth!
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<Silver Donator>
The older I get the more I see "long time watcher first time donator say my retarded nickname in front of 100k twitch viewers" as a very embarassing form of Twitch simping. I mean who cares? If you care about the battle against cancer why did you donate 5 dollars aka "goes to kill the animals" there and not every christmas to one of the many organizations battling cancer since the goddamn 50s?
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Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
I always chuckled at the ones who just had to point out they have a girlfriend who was watching along with them.

  • 1Worf
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The older I get the more I see "long time watcher first time donator say my retarded nickname in front of 100k twitch viewers" as a very embarassing form of Twitch simping. I mean who cares? If you care about the battle against cancer why did you donate 5 dollars aka "goes to kill the animals" there and not every christmas to one of the many organizations battling cancer since the goddamn 50s?
What a strange take. "People who donate during a charity event are really idiots. Why don't they donate to charities outside of special events?" What? The whole point of charity events is to get donations that would otherwise not spontaneously exist and also, charity events that are reoccurring give an opportunity for reoccurring donations to happen (kinda like your christmas example). Also, 99% of the messages come in two flavors: "keep up the good work" and "here is my personal experience with cancer". So embarassing ! :rolleyes:
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