Battlefield Hardline


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
They should have just called this: Battlefield: Cars. I mean it's not awful, it's even kinda fun, but not like... longevity fun.


FPS noob
interesting beta playing stats, pc numbers are really good and ps4 lot higher than i thought they'd be

PC: 45900 (24h peak: 53352)
PS3: 22295 (24h peak: 22295)
XBOX360: 23470 (24h peak: 32243)
XBOXONE: 56004 (24h peak: 87490)
PS4: 115140 (24h peak: 115140)

Total: 262809

If only 250k people so far are interested in the beta thats not good for EA/Visceral


<Gold Donor>
I was watching my kid play this last night on xbone and the game looked like shit. I mean compared to BF4 or even BF3 it looked like a shooter from 1999 or early 2000's.


Trakanon Raider
I don't know why anyone is still interested in this shit. It isn't any different from all the other Battlefield games except now you can play cops and robbers from your childhood.


<Gold Donor>
If only 250k people so far are interested in the beta thats not good for EA/Visceral
sounds like this one needs to be put back in the oven for another year? Because Im sure the one wallmart by my house sold more boxes of the latest COD than the above.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't know if it's a "netcode" problem or not, but Hardline seems to have the same player position refresh problem than BF4. It means that it doesn't matter if you're fast or not, you'll always end up dying behind a wall / rock because where you see your character isn't where the other guy sees you. Some people say it's about server load, others say it's to make sure the 1GB fiber optic 9ms guy doesn't have advantage over the 160ms one.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
I don't know if it's a "netcode" problem or not, but Hardline seems to have the same player position refresh problem than BF4. It means that it doesn't matter if you're fast or not, you'll always end up dying behind a wall / rock because where you see your character isn't where the other guy sees you. Some people say it's about server load, others say it's to make sure the 1GB fiber optic 9ms guy doesn't have advantage over the 160ms one.
I noticed this last night as well but couldn't place what the problem was. Several times I would see the movement and position of the guy that killed me from the death cam and I knew that just a few seconds ago their would not be anyway he could have been in a position to kill me. Thought I was just going crazy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I noticed this last night as well but couldn't place what the problem was. Several times I would see the movement and position of the guy that killed me from the death cam and I knew that just a few seconds ago their would not be anyway he could have been in a position to kill me. Thought I was just going crazy.
I'm very bad at FPS therefore I think most of the time it's just me being an awful player but I'm convinced there's a thing with how their engine runs. There wasa debatewhen Battlefield 4 was released.


<Gold Donor>
They got BF3 to run pretty tight and it took them the better part of 6+ mos to fix BF4 and the hit reg issues that game had. But BF4 is pretty tight right now. Supposedly it was the rate at which the server side detection polled your position. They ended up upping the rate and it fixed most of the issues.


Log Wizard
Anyone had any major FPS drops? Like, I'm talking 20 second slow downs of 1-5 fps? It only happened to me on Heist (I switched options and gametypes soon after) and I was on the 'recommended' settings for graphics. It happened several times a game and was super fucking annoying. I have a 570 GTX and it was running at like ~69 C and mine runs really hot so I don't know what the fuck is happening.


Molten Core Raider
I've been playing this on the PS4 and so far I'm not really "OMG next BF! I need to buy!" status. Hotwire and Heist are fun but I don't know for how long. Granted, My buddy and I have been having a lot of fun in Hotwire just jumping in the heli on the dust map and just owning all the cars or jumping into a car and seeing how long we can last. That one game mode is not enough. Overall, I know its beta but after BF4, there isn't enough for me to drop $60 down on this game. I have to agree, it feels more in line with a mod or just another DLC. A DLC that has taken a few steps back from where BF4 is today multiplayer wise.
Also, the game has crashed once after about 4 hours of play today on the PS4. That's an improvement from BF4 beta!

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
I bought BF4 for Xbox 360 at launch and played the shit out of it despite all of its problems and enjoyed it but told myself I wouldnt buy it on PS4 because I was tired of it. All hardline has done so far is to make me really want to buy and play BF4 on PS4. Hardline seems like a few steps back at this point.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I dunno, I kinda had fun with the zipline and shooting explosives at cars today.


Log Wizard
Hotwire is awesome if you go enforcer and just fucking noobtube cars as you ride around like mario kart green shells. Also camping + breach charges are pretty hilarious though incredibly pussy.

Fucking helicopters on Dust Bowl are OP since no lock-on rocket that I've seen spawns there. Just the SMAW.


FPS noob
I'm gonna be buying on PS4 at launch, I had a lot of fun in hotwire and heist even when losing. The graphics are bad, the lag can be bad, the games tend to be super lopsided, and the TTKs are ridiculously low ala COD but end of the day its fun and I look forward to being a super racist cop in the single player campaign.

i just hope i can live out my dreams and be mcnulty, boozing and whoring my way through baltimore


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah this game takes the gay shit you can do in Battlefield and cranks it up to 11.


Molten Core Raider
Fun tip: Upgrade your vehicles to carry a rocket launcher. One hit kills and it comes with 2 rounds. I upgraded my sedan with one. Just jump out of the car and take it out of the trunk. Fun times

Also, heli on the dust map is even more OP with upgrades and two people communicating. I did notice though that some vehicles must have had the defensive upgrades and a person repairing because the seem near impossible to kill without anyone else attacking them. I would just tell my buddy lets find another car, this one is taking to long.