Battlefield Hardline


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This game cost me $70 CAD on Origin. Never had a chance to play the beta. Played hotwire mode. Didnt take long to realized that I couldnt shoot anything while driving the car or flying the helicopter. So there is ZERO incentive to actually pilot or drive in that mode. Played a few more rounds of that and other modes, promptly logged off and returned it on Origin. What a waste, back to BF4 it is.
Lol, of course you can't shoot while driving or piloting the transport chopper. Sounds like you just needed something to bitch about. If you want to shoot while driving pick one of the other vehicles(the attack trucks, mini bird, etc). Did you cry when you couldn't shoot while driving a jeep in any of the other BF games?

You realize you get pts if you're driving in hotwire and you get driver assist pts for anything your passengers kill(in any game mode). The incentive to drive/pilot is "Do you want to be in the vehicle/chopper with a shitty pilot/driver just so you can shoot your gun".

I think this game will spawn a recurring Cops vs Robbers franchise, in the same way Black Ops started to exist parallel to CoD.
I would love another APB style game, by a competent developer/publisher. That was probably the best Cops/Criminal game I've played.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Lol, of course you can't shoot while driving or piloting the transport chopper. Sounds like you just needed something to bitch about..
Aside from the fact that this is hotwire and that functionality makes since had they not just been lame as shit and cash in on re-skinned models of BF4 vehicles. Because you know, this is a fucking horrid cash in attempt at adding a horrible campaign to a game with a fast reskin of the BF4 multiplayer to justify selling it at full retail. That small piece shows it alone.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Aside from the fact that this is hotwire and that functionality makes since had they not just been lame as shit and cash in on re-skinned models of BF4 vehicles. Because you know, this is a fucking horrid cash in attempt at adding a horrible campaign to a game with a fast reskin of the BF4 multiplayer to justify selling it at full retail. That small piece shows it alone.

Your usual rant had nothing to do with his complaint. That functionality makes zero "sense"(which I assume you were trying to say).

There's plenty of things to nitpick, not being able shoot while being the driver of a car/van/transport helo is not one of them. Since there is plenty of precedent in BF games for that, and no one cared then.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Since there is plenty of precedent in BF games for that, and no one cared then.
You missed my point. The point is they had a chance to completely change the formula people were used to, but since this is nothing more than a mod with little effort to change bf4's systems, we don't see anything that could have changed it up as a result of the piss poor cash in.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You missed my point. The point is they had a chance to completely change the formula people were used to, but since this is nothing more than a mod with little effort to change bf4's systems, we don't see anything that could have changed it up as a result of the piss poor cash in.
And you latch on to "I want to shoot while driving" whine , come on, you have more brains then that. Yes they could of did something completely different, and then you can hear the whines about "this isn't BF, they are just using the name"(aka look at EQ:N). Not much has changed in BF over the years, it's pretty standard stuff. If I want something different, I just go play a different shooter. This is still fun(and that's all the matters) and some of the modes are nice compared to the usual(hotwire, blood money etc). It's more infantry based it seems, which is a nice change.

Imo, all that matters for a game is Am I having fun and is it worth the $. I find people who pay $60 for a game that only last 20 hours (sometimes a lot less) asinine, but to each their own. If I can pay for a game at usual price $60 and get 50 hours or more out of it, and have fun doing it, then its a success imo. Since I only care about me, I don't care about others or stockholders.

My real complaint and something you should use as a example of your "cash in", instead of the piss poor example you chose to jump on and white knight(your rage doesn't let you think it seems), is the Premium and day one DLCs. Things like that should be in the original release, instead of picked apart and sold separately. That's called a real money grab. But's that's major game publishers today for you, the all mighty $ is what is most important.


Log Wizard
If you like CoD just play Heist. If you like classic BF play Conquest. If you still don't like the game, that's on you. It's fun and there's no equivalent that was the horror of constant mortaring from BF4. Though the ability to spawn an RPG/Stinger in the back of every fucking car is pretty awful in Hotwire. I literally counted and dodged 6 missiles in a span of 30 seconds in a helicopter before they finally shot me down. This was in a 32 person server, too.

Weirdly I've yet to play the Heist level from beta which was one of the more fun levels I think.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
And you latch on to "I want to shoot while driving" whine , come on, you have more brains then that. Yes they could of did something completely different, and then you can hear the whines about "this isn't BF, they are just using the name"(aka look at EQ:N). Not much has changed in BF over the years, it's pretty standard stuff. If I want something different, I just go play a different shooter. This is still fun(and that's all the matters) and some of the modes are nice compared to the usual(hotwire, blood money etc). It's more infantry based it seems, which is a nice change.

Imo, all that matters for a game is Am I having fun and is it worth the $. I find people who pay $60 for a game that only last 20 hours (sometimes a lot less) asinine, but to each their own. If I can pay for a game at usual price $60 and get 50 hours or more out of it, and have fun doing it, then its a success imo. Since I only care about me, I don't care about others or stockholders.

My real complaint and something you should use as a example of your "cash in", instead of the piss poor example you chose to jump on and white knight(your rage doesn't let you think it seems), is the Premium and day one DLCs. Things like that should be in the original release, instead of picked apart and sold separately. That's called a real money grab. But's that's major game publishers today for you, the all mighty $ is what is most important.
I am not latching onto any "Whine". I am stating that is one of the reasons why the game falls on it's ass and is nothing more than a reskin sold at full price. Building a game around cops and robbers but using the same damn mechanics of BF4 when all that shit should change is ridiculous. I am basically talking about how they just turned what should have been a $20 DLC add on into a full retail game because Visceral (Which is completely turned upside down and doesn't exist of ANY of the people that put the company on the map - this isn't a shock as it happens to anyone that gets sucked in by EA) spent 2 years scripting a boring ass single player campaign and re-skinned BF4 while adding two new game modes. Glad you find it fun - I won't and can't argue that. I can argue a majority out there think it is a train wreck and should have never been full price in the slightest. Combined with the same fucking issues with Frostbite they had with the original BF4. It's like watching the D-Line glitch in Madden over and over again.

And knowing we have a company that has now been fully called out on releasing Battlefield 4 too early by DICE's QA because "They wanted to beat CoD by two weeks - fuck the player base that has to put up with broken shit for 4 months", this ridiculous cash in which an indie modding team could have done better (And have in the past when the game could be modded years ago); we now get to watch the shit hit the fan again with another BF4 mod in Battlefront, which will have the same broken shit and more than likely even more broken shit because they need to launch the game before the movie comes out?

I would say quit buying this garbage but Hardline already has shit sales numbers. Good! Now everyone is on to the next Battlefront game which will be absolute fucking trash because of the timeline they set themselves up on because of marketing next to a movie launch.

Christ, the only good games on my radar this year that I * Know * will be worth the 60 buck preorder are Bloodborne, Metal Gear 5, and Witcher 3, the New Zelda for Wii U, and the new Arkham game. If Silent Hills happens to hit in 2015, add another. That's 5 games possibly 6 that will not be a fucking cash in rinse and repeat fiasco.

The reason why we cannot have more games like the above? This pile of shit still makes money based off a low cost development copy/paste cycle.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Jesus, how many video games do you buy? I feel guilty spending more than 20 dollars a month on games.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Jesus, how many video games do you buy? I feel guilty spending more than 20 dollars a month on games.
This year so far:

PS4: Dying Light, Resident Evil Revelations 2 - all episodes, Bloodborne Preordered
Wii U: Donkey Kong Tropical Breeze, Metroid Prime Trilogy,
PC: 2-3 on a Steam Sale
360: None
PS3: None
Vita: None
3DS: MH4, Majora's Mask

Is that a lot? I thought that was fairly minimal.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm having a lot of fun in Hardline with friends, basically because it's BF4 minus jets / tanks / mortar spam. Maps are pretty cool in Conquest mode (haven't really tried the other modes), weapons feel good and I have yet to have any serious bug or latency problem. I think they did a solid launch, way better than BF4. Also I bought the game on PC so it's $40 well spent in my opinion. Only thing I'm sorry about is the level of destruction : map like The Block you can destroy a lot of houses, on Dustbowl those houses suddently become german bunkers. Feels lazy.


Hotwire is such a fun game mode. Was playing a match in Everglades and got 10k points because no one could take out my car


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is Hardline good? Yes... it's good. No, it's not just a reskin. It offers a much different type of Battlefield experience.

Hell of a video review from a smart person that knows Battlefield games well:


Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Is Hardline good? Yes... it's good. No, it's not just a reskin. It offers a much different type of Battlefield experience.

Hell of a video review from a smart person that knows Battlefield games well:

Idk about that. Been playing Battlefield since the 1942 demo and this just feels and looksat bestlike small expansion pack, think Special Forces for BF2. The game modes are the only differences of significance, everything else is just a reskin or slight variation(using money to purchase attachments/guns instead of just unlocking them?) of what was in BF4. As most have said in this thread its not a bad thing, but it is when it cost $60 and thats what sours everyone's opinion.

This is the end result when EA wants to be their typical shitbag jewed up must control all the money selves. All content comes from them and it cost money, fuck modders and the community. I wish to god I could sit down with the people who run EA and tell them how fucking stupid they are and little they know about their market and it's dynamics. You would think examples like counter-strike or dota(I actually bought wc3 specifically just to play dota, not for wc3) would convince them that having an open game that embraces community content is the path to maximizing revenue, but nope! Only content you get is our horribly overpriced "game".


Log Wizard
This game is worth 40 dollars, and PROBABLY worth 60 dollars. I don't know what people want to make it a 60 dollar game? A longer campaign? Campaigns are for fucking shut ins.



FPS noob
For $60 it should have included the first and maybe second DLC for free for people who preordered or bought on launch day, imo (zero day edition). A tiny annoyance and not a huge deal, just would have been a nice gesture by EA that BF4 launch was really fucked up and heres a way for us to not ass rape fans who still buy games pre-review.

For me the biggest thing is that DA:I and now Hardline prove that the Frostbite engine is pretty good and that DICE should be able to make a great game with Star Wars Battlefront 3. If a third rate developer like Visceral can make a decent game out of Frostbite and a cliche mod idea, the big daddy DICE should be able to do some crazy amazing shit in Battlefront. Will be a CE preorder day 0 for me for sure.

Also curious what kind of games Mass Effect 4 and Mirrors Edge 2 will be if they are using Frostbite.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
They dropped Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 from Battlefront, so it won't be held back by that. Good sign.


Bronze Squire
If I got it for $40 I would pick it up, but not happening for $60. Did I miss a sale somewhere?


FPS noob
its $44 on direct2play
Buy Battlefield Hardline Pc Game Cd Key Online

i personally wouldn't buy the PC version right now though unless you are playing with friends. for now a cheap rental (redbox etc) on console, this black friday the origin PC version will probably be $20-30 with the full premium pack DLC set.

the next gen console versions also have a ton more players right now, like 4x. not a huge deal, but in 3-5 weeks i could see the PC versions being pretty dead until a huge sale comes around on origin in the fall
Battlefield Hardline Stats