Blood Bowl


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Did you actually score with a troll? lol, mine still has 0 SPPs, granted he's only around 3 games old since I didn't start with him.
I've done it a couple of times. Usually what causes it is a ball loose in a scrum and the fucker rolls a 6 on the pickup. Then you've just gotta hope he doesn't go stupid on the way to the EZ.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
So here's some rules from other BB leagues that seem somewhat applicable here. Might as well just save some time and use rules that work well in other leagues.

FromOrca Cola Championship --

- Signing up for a season means that you are committing yourself to playing a full X (won't know X until we see how many we have) game season. We reserve the right to ban any participant from future seasons if they don't finish their season.

All teams starting need to have a team value between 950 and 1000 while fielding a minimum of 11 players.
Stunty teams are allowed to have a team value between 500 and 1000 while fielding a minimum of 11 players.
Starting teams are required to have 0 games played and 0 SPP across the roster.
Existing teams are forbidden to play any games in between seasons.
Existing teams are forbidden to play any games outside of the league structure.

Disconnections --

When you suffer a DC/crash/time-out or game breaking bug; the two affected coaches will have the option of #2,3,4.
2- Coaches agree between themselves what would be the fairest outcome had the game continued. They BOTH inform that decision towards their league admin team and the result gets admined accordingly.
3- Coaches agree upon replaying the game before the end of the match day deadline. They send out a request for reset towards their league admin team ASAP. The league admin team will reset the game as soon as possible. (DO NOT harass the league admin team in case the reset isn't instantaneously)
4- If you cannot come to any of the agreements ruled in #2 or #3 you'll have to face whatever score set by the game at the end of the match day.

Unplayed games --

When a game remains unplayed on the day the League Admin teams forwards the match day and NO information on the coaches scheduling is know by the League Admin team, a 1-1 draw will be issued.
When a game remains unplayed on the day the League Admin teams forwards the match day and information on the coaches scheduling is know by the League Admin team, a 2-0 win will be issued to the coach who did make an effort/attempt in getting it organised.
When a game remains unplayed on the day the League Admin teams forwards the match day and incidentally there was no possible way the game could be played due to personal schedules of the coaches involved, a 1-1 draw will be issued.

Sturm von Stahl

Unplayed games.

If just one coach posts a request for a match and his opponent doesn't reply by Saturday, the game will be defaulted 2-0 in favor of the coach who posted as soon as all other matches in the division have been played and Monday 2am GMT has been reached. If the reply is too late but the current week isn't finished, the coach who posted first will still get the win, if he won't find time to play the match.
If communication from both players has been made, they have until Wednesday 11pm to play the game, at which point the game will be defaulted 0-0.
If neither player has posted then the game will be defaulted 0-0 after all games have been played and Monday 2am GMT has passed.
If one coach misses a scheduled match and his opponent won't find time to reschedule, the match will be defaulted 2-0 in favor of the coach who was online at the scheduled time.

Disconnections --

In the event of a mid-game disconnection or game freezing the coaches involved have the following choices,
a) Accepting the client score.
b) Agreeing on a score set by hand.
c) Asking the league manager to reset the game so it can be played again.
For option b), please keep in mind that wins for either of the coaches involved are treated like concessions by the in-game system. Meaning, the losing coach won't get any SPPs or money. If there were already players with permanent injuries the coaches can't choose option b) as this would wipe out the injuries. They can either accept the client score or replay the match. If the coaches can not agree on how to resolve a drop the incident has to be reported to the division manager who will review the match and propose a solution. If one of the coaches disagrees with the decision of the ass manager, then he can appeal to league management (PM to Krampus). League management will review the situation and determine the appropriate course of action, all decisions by league management are final.
Abandoning matches to avoid any more damage to your team or to prevent the opponent to get even more SPPs is not allowed at SvS. Every game has to be finished. Only exceptions are real life emergencies.


A lot of the other leagues are basically the same type of rules, minor wording changes.

The other important thing to note is the 12 man bug. This occasionally happens when you're trying to sub out players from the end zone to the field. I personally have never had it happen, but it's kind of a big deal. The appropriate action is to nominate who your 12th man is, and then move him to your own end zone, out of the way of play. He should not be hindering your opponent in any way (tackle zones, etc). He is also never to be blocked or blitzed by your opponent. Pretty easy way to deal with the uncontrollable in a sportsmanlike fashion.

There's also a lot of talk of match validation with BBmanager. It's a good program, but honestly, I haven't fucked around with it too much and have no interest on imposing it upon the community here, so hopefully it's not necessary and is just for fun stats and shit. Unfortunately, I can't tell since we didn't get enough volunteers for the trial league!


Trakanon Raider
I had the 12-man thing happen to me.
I've also had it happen where it won't let me put in an 11th, so I'm stuck with 10 on the field (even though it shows a sub available).


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I had the 12-man thing happen to me.
I've also had it happen where it won't let me put in an 11th, so I'm stuck with 10 on the field (even though it shows a sub available).
I've heard some people say the 12th man thing happens when you inspect the other person's players while he's setting up, I've also heard it happens when you place a player from the end zone onto the field. You need to swap them from the end zone to a player on the field, and not the other way around they say.

The 10 man bug is a bit different, it WILL put 11 on the field for you, but you don't get to pick where he ends up. Also annoying, and I think there's even less documentation about that one. Last time I had it happen to me, I had a star player/secret weapon on the ground at the end of a turn, and I couldn't place him on the field after (even though he passed the bribe roll). I also saw this happen to Hedeon when we were playing...a level 2 ogre just up and disappeared. He appeared in the reserve box after the kickoff.


Trakanon Raider
Well, this happened to me against a CPU and neither of those things happened that I recall. I don't remember it happening before I started using a custom formation, if I had to guess, it would have something to do with how they save and load your custom formations.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Well, this happened to me against a CPU and neither of those things happened that I recall. I don't remember it happening before I started using a custom formation, if I had to guess, it would have something to do with how they save and load your custom formations.
Ah, yes, that's it. Custom formations will fuck it up too, if you're using those and have an injury or a substitution happen.

I always manually set all my players.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Tournament Trial league is up and running, Gav and I are in it too, with Djay and McCheese, to see how things go. We played our first match, you guys can play yours if you want and have time and the fucking servers are up. It's good, except for the fact that neither Gav nor I can connect at the moment. Learned a lot about how things go, and we're gonna need 4-5 guys to admin the league.

Also, looks like we're gonna have to wait a little bit on getting the league set up...servers will be down from 1/10 to 1/14 or 1/15 for server migration. Cyanide posted over on the BB forums.

Also random hilarity.


Trakanon Raider
Well, if the servers are down until the 15th, I can't play until the 18th ot 19th. :p Leaving this weekend for a conference.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
When the servers are up I'll try to find a time to play a practice match with Djay.

*edit* That's what I get for not refreshing the thread before posting. Oh well.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Dirty player is handier than I thought, i didn't realize it also give you a +1 to the injury roll.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, doesn't happen a lot, but every 3-4 months I have to travel. If you guys want to replace me for the test league, that's fine.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
When the servers are up I'll try to find a time to play a practice match with Djay.

*edit* That's what I get for not refreshing the thread before posting. Oh well.
This is actually great...if the servers are still up later, I'll see if I can replace him in the bracket. This is all great information we're gonna need for later.

Already learned a lot of good shit from the match with Gav. All matches need to be validated by a league admin before they are official, and your guys get their SPP and you get your winnings. That means that a) We'll need a couple more admins for the league to make sure that there's usually one on, and b) Disconnects and shit are no longer an issue...just pop into IRC or the boards, and get an admin to reset your match for you. Honor system on not being a shithead, of course.

Actually, I'll give you guys a draw, and then I'll see if I can replace Djay midseason. That's stuff we're gonna have to know too, as I have no doubts that someone is gonna bail on a 6-8 week league, that's just playing it safe.

So, if anyone else wants to play 2-3 matches with me, Gav, and McCheese, lemme know.

Nope, servers down for 5 days. Single player it is!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
It's been suggested we run 2 for noobs to the game, one for people who understand the mechanics and have played before. I would tend to agree with this principle...Obilio and Djay are 2 of the best guys I've ever played (including my limited time in public leagues), but we've also got a lot of people who have been playing for like, literally a couple of hours and still learning the ropes.

This would help people not get curbstomped and quit, and also create a shorter season, as the round robin format would be less games, since you'd only play people in your division.


Trakanon Raider
Actually, two tiers could be really cool. We should make it so the team that wins the newbie league gets promoted to the top league (and switches with whichever team finishes last). Is there a way we can do this and transfer the same team to the next "season"? I'm actually really excited about this idea for some reason.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Actually, two tiers could be really cool. We should make it so the team that wins the newbie league gets promoted to the top league (and switches with whichever team finishes last). Is there a way we can do this and transfer the same team to the next "season"? I'm actually really excited about this idea for some reason.
Yes. And it doesn't have to be top either, we can move any number of them.

I believe a lot of leagues do top 2 in each division move up/down.

We could make more than 2 divisions too, depending on the amount of people we've got. If we've got 16 players, we can run 4 divisions, we run a quick and dirty 4 game season, see where everyone is sitting skill wise, then split it off accordingly. Cash winnings for the winners of each division, plus you move up a division.

Division 4 - What's Blood Bowl?

Division 3 - Why does Ronne always lose?

Division 2 - I think I know how this game works.

Division 1 - Owned it before the thread.


Actually, two tiers could be really cool. We should make it so the team that wins the newbie league gets promoted to the top league (and switches with whichever team finishes last). Is there a way we can do this and transfer the same team to the next "season"? I'm actually really excited about this idea for some reason.
It's like euro soccer leagues, I think it's a good idea as well.


multi divisions definitely sound good, I am pretty pysched for this, let me know if there is anything I can do to help out


Trakanon Raider
I have one guy with a Smashed Knee, Broken Back, and Cracked Head. He's, like, a level 4 runner and I know I should replace him, but watching him keep adding to the list has become a guilty pleasure of mine.