Bootstrappers guide to being successful.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, fuck all those people who won't listen to the anecdotal evidence provided by 5 or 6 posters on an obscure message board! That shit totally invalidates the mounds of evidence that thevastmajority of this country has very little social mobility.
He was talking about her know-it-all-but-still-a-failure complex and probably suggesting she acts similarly irl as she does here.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Is it your position that you and your family were completely dead broke living in govt housing making $0/yr and now you're getting your phd and you support your mom living in a $200k+ house in suburban rhode island?
Yeah, this is what I tell myself when I want to feel better.

But the problem, the root of my unhappiness at the moment and ultimately the source of my constant whining, is that I'mnotgetting my PHD now, because I'm stuck working at this job 60+ hours a week, and had to leave my fellowship offers on the table to pay the bills.

Therefore, all of that time I spent in school feels wasted, because I could have just gotten a shitty IT job without ever going back to college.

The psychologist my company sent me to agreed with this assessment of my situation. He encouraged me to quit as soon as possible and go back to school, but that's not an option right now, and he had no other advice beyond that besides trying to find a slightly less-shitty job.

I realize I'm a whiny bitch who absolutely sucks at every aspect of life. But look at my life from my perspective. My mom has never worked a day in her life (I checked her social security records.) My stepfather treated me like I had absolutely no value as a person and my only worth in life was doing his menial yard work/house chores and taking care of my mom. He did everything in his power to make it so I couldn't leave the house, have friends (insert jokes about how I wouldn't have friends anyway,) drive, etc.

Intellectually I understand that, despite sucking at life to a degree that is nearly metaphysically impossible, I'm still doing better than a lot of people. Especially a lot of people who've been financially wiped out by 2 major natural disasters in the past 6 years.

But slogging into that sewer-smelling excuse for a NOC, it certainly seems like my life is way, way way off track. I've worked hard my whole life, and it hasn't amounted to shit.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
He was talking about her know-it-all-but-still-a-failure complex and probably suggesting she acts similarly irl as she does here.
I ignore 99% of what Mist posts. She's the poster child for what a "fatalist" looks like.

I just get tired of smug assholes that "made it" or do "well" acting like theirspecificsuccess story invalidates mounds of evidence to the contrary. It's agiganticfucking confirmation bias.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, this is what I tell myself when I want to feel better.

But the problem, the root of my unhappiness at the moment and ultimately the source of my constant whining, is that I'mnotgetting my PHD now, because I'm stuck working at this job 60+ hours a week, and had to leave my fellowship offers on the table to pay the bills.

Therefore, all of that time I spent in school feels wasted, because I could have just gotten a shitty IT job without ever going back to college.

The psychologist my company sent me to agreed with this assessment of my situation. He encouraged me to quit as soon as possible and go back to school, but that's not an option right now, and he had no other advice beyond that besides trying to find a slightly less-shitty job.

I realize I'm a whiny bitch who absolutely sucks at every aspect of life. But look at my life from my perspective. My mom has never worked a day in her life (I checked her social security records.) My stepfather treated me like I had absolutely no value as a person and my only worth in life was doing his menial yard work/house chores and taking care of my mom. He did everything in his power to make it so I couldn't leave the house, have friends (insert jokes about how I wouldn't have friends anyway,) drive, etc.

Intellectually I understand that, despite sucking at life to a degree that is nearly metaphysically impossible, I'm still doing better than a lot of people. Especially a lot of people who've been financially wiped out by 2 major natural disasters in the past 6 years.

But slogging into that sewer-smelling excuse for a NOC, it certainly seems like my life is way, way way off track. I've worked hard my whole life, and it hasn't amounted to shit.
This is just your attitude nothing more, everyone works, everyone has a job they detest, you can either suck it up and enjoy your life or not.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
And regardless of how hard you've had it, no one likes a continuous whiner. You have a tragedy and everyone feels bad and tries to help. Still whining 5 years later? Suck it up.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
And regardless of how hard you've had it, no one likes a continuous whiner. You have a tragedy and everyone feels bad and tries to help. Still whining 5 years later? Suck it up.
Yeah, that would be good, but nobody tried to help. My stepdad took what little money we got from the government to fix the house and took off with it.

I got some help from neighbors, at regular contractor rates, after getting ripped off by a few contractors before that. At least they were more trustworthy than strangers.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, that would be good, but nobody tried to help. My stepdad took what little money we got from the government to fix the house and took off with it.

I got some help from neighbors, at regular contractor rates, after getting ripped off by a few contractors before that. At least they were more trustworthy than strangers.
It's almost like if you got rid of your deadweight family, you'd be better off... hmmm...

I wonder who told you that before.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Nobody is going to help because nobody fucking cares.

Things go well for you, people say grats and move on to the next thing because it makes them self conscious about their own situation. Things go shitty, you will get an "aww so sad", maybe a hug and a "yep, sucks for you too uh, welcome to the club". If anything, things going shitty is going to be better received because it doesn't make the others feel bad about themselves. Either way, people have their own lives to care about.

But help? The guy living next door shoveling your driveway, or some gesture of that nature, yeah that can happen. Something life changing, things improving on their own because someone else did something big? Hah! Good luck with that. If you want things to improve you have to take care of it yourself. Life is not a Disney movie where you life turn around all of sudden because of some random chance happening while you were doing your daily routine.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If only you were straight, you could have some white knight save you! Shame there are so few benevolent white knightesses.

Ooo that could be your niche, you could get your shit straight, kill your family, sell their body parts for starting capital, then you are a training montage away from being a hero for all the downtrodden females who want to fuck you!


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
If I was straight I would have just gotten myself into an abusive relationship.


<Gold Donor>
If I was straight I would have just gotten myself into an abusive relationship.
You could of found some nice well off beta schlep to slap around and used the power of pussy to rule over him. Some of you just dont realize how much power you wield.

Its called women's bootstrapping method


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
You could of found some nice well off beta schlep to slap around and used the power of pussy to rule over him. Some of you just dont realize how much power you wield.

Its called women's bootstrapping method
Seriously. Moderately or higher attractiveness female is literally the genetic lottery. Fuck, if you're not a complete moron you don't even have to fuck the dude. You just have to string him along with the implied promise that one day..maybe..


<Gold Donor>
You dont even have to be attractive, case in point that one nasty ass game developer bitch, forgot her name. But her picturs sem to plague this place. Anyway, she found a nice lad to lay with her.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
So Mist is it your position that people are stuck in a can't-escape ghetto death spiral of govt housing and the US is so unfair and rigged against poor people? OR

Is it your position that you and your family were completely dead broke living in govt housing making $0/yr and now you're getting your phd and you support your mom living in a $200k+ house in suburban rhode island?
The way you put it there makes me seem pretty bootstrappy btw.

Boostrappy, just bitter about it.