Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Cool debating style, bro.

Have you guys tried valtrex on Tanoomba yet?
Oh, I see, you're under the mistaken impression that your linked article supports your assertion. See, there's nothing in the article about manspreading being a "subconscious attempt to assert dominance over women" . There was plenty about men's sense of entitlement to the space around them (described as a result of socialization), though. I'm sure to you that's "close enough", but you're just pulling a Lithose here. You're starting from a flawed conclusion and trying to find whatever you can that you think supports it. Because of this, you're throwing nuance under the bus and oversimplifyinjg/exaggerating the narrative you want to push. This is why I asked you what you disagree with in the article. It's a level-headed, reasonable stance that doesn't come close to being either "crazy" or "fringe", which again was your initial point.

You claim to have given me the benefit of the doubt, but you did no such thing. You thought you had proven your point but you are unwilling and unable to look at your own argument critically, because doing so exposes the flaws within. You're like a 90s Sega fanboy claiming the Genesis is superior to the SNES because of "blast processing" and honestly believing that's all that needs to be said.

And again, your entire stance rests on the ridiculous premise that anybody saying anything silly about a topic (which you haven't found anyway) deligitimizes the entire topic. You're basically failing from every angle here.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>


Murder Apologist

More proof that we absolutely need to prioritize to take the Tay AI and merge it with these qt sexbots and make a Manhattan Project/Apollo Program out of mass-producing a high-fidelity fembot before a whole generation of SJW radfem fatties vote to ban them:

Scarjo Robots will fix SJWism you watch.


Tranny Chaser
Tanoomba doesn't seem to realize that in the last couple years he's proven himself to be someone that there is no value in having a discussion with. Now and then someone is going to step up to the plate and give it a go but basically we're all just done. We're so done.


Murder Apologist
Look on the bright side: she definitely has a future as a lawyer if she was able to convince folks that anyone would want to rape THIS even once:


If only she didn't go around protesting with fellow SJWs instead of studying to pass her bar exams she'd be prosecuting rapists right now.


Buzzfeed Editor
Holy shit...It's happening.

We will give you the opportunity to go to jail for your beliefs...said to students who were doing a sit in to 'demand' a meeting. LOL.


I'm Amod too!
Holy shit...It's happening.

We will give you the opportunity to go to jail for your beliefs...said to students who were doing a sit in to 'demand' a meeting. LOL.
The best part about that is this guy is the President who wasn't taking any of their shit.



Buzzfeed Editor
The best part about that is this guy is the President who wasn't taking any of their shit.
I love their reaction when they are told people inside the building feel threatened by their presence...they all get this face like "Are you serious?!?!?!?!?!?!"....Watching their whole philosophy be turned on them by someone in power is hilarious. Part of their protest is feeling threatened by microaggressions, yet they can't fathom why a mob of angry people running around makes other uncomfortable.

If they had any self reflection at all, they'd find a lesson in this--that there is a reason we, as a people, don't make rules based on individual 'feelings'. Because the moment someone had the power to dictate what you could or couldn't do based on their feelings, everyone would lose the ability to do anything. And even if these idiots believed that 'but muh ideology would be in charge'--all they have to do is read a history book and realize that Mao and Stalin (For example) killed most of the revolutionaries who thought like they did, using the same excuses; because once someone has the power to silence others, and that power is accepted, you'll eventually get someone who will use it for their own gain.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The best part about that is this guy is the President who wasn't taking any of their shit.

I wonder how much he hates these fucking clowns talking about their imaginary problems when he is obviously old enough to have lived through some real shit.