Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Vyemm Raider
Does anyone have that article about a man posing as a trans to spy on girls in a pool changing room? I don't save links because my Google-fu is usually pretty good and now I'm in a lolFacebook argument with someone and when I need it, I can't find it.

EDIT: Nevermind,found it. I should rely on my Google-fu more!

Surprised the school didn't send out an email about this.

Oh wait, no I'm not.


<Bronze Donator>
Right spot? Hopefully Bisi's primer worked.

Curt Schilling canned from ESPN for this meme. The most commendable (only thing) thing he has ever done.



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I don't want that thing in the bathroom with my son, either.


Karazhan Raider
Fucking corporate America. I cannot understand how they have co-opted the SJW agenda so hard and fast.

I truly believe these people that support the PC-ification of America are a very small minority, so how did they get so much influence?


<Gold Donor>
Fucking corporate America. I cannot understand how they have co-opted the SJW agenda so hard and fast.

I truly believe these people that support the PC-ification of America are a very small minority, so how did they get so much influence?
Because its a fucked up situation to put people in. even though you might not agree with it deep down inside and telling yourself "WTF is this shit??" "What are these crazy people talking about??" But on the outside you have to be a conformist so you dont sound like a hating asshole being on the wrong side of things. Because, you know... Politically correct is, well, politically correct. So people pucker up, shut up and take it not to be even considered to be on the wrong side. But im willing to bet its still only a small minority that really believe this way.


Fucking corporate America. I cannot understand how they have co-opted the SJW agenda so hard and fast.

I truly believe these people that support the PC-ification of America are a very small minority, so how did they get so much influence?
It's an evolved vehicle of thought-police for powers of wealth and state to wield against the public. This influence is always around, it just gets redecorated for the times.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I was thinking the other day, I miss the early to mid 90s when it was just nerds and smart people on the internet. The problem with giving everyone a voice is that the people who shout loudest usually have the least or worst to say. :/


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Left Outside the Social-Justice Movement's Small Tent - The Atlantic

"I genuinely cared about these causes-still do," he wrote, referencing everything from anti-racism to LGBT rights to reproductive health. "I believed I was doing something noble. At the same time," he added, "a large part of me was not quite in agreement with some of the views and concepts espoused by social-justice groups. Their pro-censorship tendencies, fixation with intersectionality, and constant uproar over seemingly trivial and innocuous matters like 'cultural appropriation' and 'microaggressions' went against my civil-libertarian sensibilities."

He fit in fine at the ACLU. But interacting with social-justice groups made up of high school and college students, he increasingly found himself having to bite his tongue.

"I never voiced my personal disagreements because having dissenting views is strictly forbidden in the activist circles I was a part of," he explained. "If you're white, you will be charged with being a 'bad ally.' (There's also certain gatherings you cannot come to because your mere presence might be threatening.) If you're a person of color, your disagreements will usually be dismissed as some form of 'internalized racism,' 'internalized sexism,' or 'respectability politics,' among many other activist jargon's thrown at individuals who do not conform the groups views."