Can of Diet Coke


Potato del Grande
Lady: "Yes i'd like an unopened can of Diet Coke for hygienic purposes please, ma'am."
Flight Attendant: "I'm sorry ma'am we're not allowed to serve cans without opening them."
Lady: "But... you served this man next to me an unopened can of beer. This can't be right unless you are discriminating against me because i'm a Muslim."

*flight attendant quickly opens the can of beer*

random passenger 5 rows down who couldn't even hear the polite conversation happens to turn around and catch a glimpse of the flight attendant talking with this lovely lady and his/her rage takes over as they suffer vivid flashbacks of 9/11 and they scream at the top of their lungs "YOU MUSLIM, YOU NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP."

Then, their rage dissipated through their words, they turn back around and finish the flight soothed by the gentle sobbing of the Islamic lady.

Seems about right to me.