

Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Episode seemed like it was thrown together last minute. Beckett's hair pulled into a pony tail was not flattering for her and just looked sloppy. Ryan and Espo bit could have been done so much better. Her beating him at Scrabble could have been done so much better as well...


Vyemm Raider
next episode is going to be intense

looks like Bracken is going DOWN!..and....



Vyemm Raider
Intense very good episode last night.

apparently there was an audio tape that was ~15ish years old of Bracken admitting to murder and saying that he was getting that "Bitch" johanna beckett out of the way. made by montgomary that beckett has- though she does not know she has(this comes up later in the episode) that bracken & smith are looking for. Bracken admits to being lazarus in their initial confrontation, she definately got framed for simmons murder- ultimately the tape was in becketts elephant family she has on her desk, it has a compartment in it that noone knew about- her mom put it there. Gates now knows...everything, gates castle and crew, and other cops all listen to the tape..fade to black, fade up to Bracken tv interview where he is saying why he wants to be president.. beckett slowly walks up with about 10 cops behind her, he whispers (cuz he thought she was dead- since he left 2 guys at the hotel with order to make it look like a suicide) he whispers, you can't be here. beckett whispers i found the tape. Senator Bracken you are under arrest for conspiracy, corruptions and the murder of my mother, johanna beckett now turn around, end scene is bracken getting shoved in the cruiser.

next week
WEDDING EPISODE- no murder, but..., apparently there is already a marriage certificate on file with Kate's Name on it..


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
So glad they got back to the story line

the look on Bracken's face at the end makes me think there is more to it. At least they seem to leave it as a possibility.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah there will be more for sure. What other threads do they have out there to base the big ongoing arcs on? Castles dad is sort of a pop in character, not really ongoing. As far as I can remember off the top of my head 3XK is about it. Maybe we can get Lenardo to take a break from writing Espo/Ryan fanfic and he can break it down.

I liked the episode, though the ending was actually a little anti-climatic. I really liked how they had Montgomery pop in and sort of save the day from the past.

As for the wedding preview, I am really disappointed they are going with the hacky generic "OMG ALREADY MARRIED!" storyline. But Castle will have fun with it and I like the season ending on a lighter note after sort of wrapping up a huge story with a win.


Vyemm Raider
Oh he is completely pissed atm.

he is doing an interview about his running for president complaining about backdoor dealings etc..and he gets arrested for it...and murder etc. etc.


Vyemm Raider
on going plot points...

Bracken 90% wrapped up they still have to do the trial etc, but pretty much done.

wedding- episode -supposedly- is next monday- and YES i am SO disappointed in them going down the she was already married bit- however from the preview, it looks like she had no idea- one theory I heard could be Castle Getting her BACK for his birthday.

unresolved threads

3xk & his girlfriend- is he alive, is she a mass murderer, etc..

the OTHER mass murderer from season 5's "the ring" episode the one where his body vanished.

Castle's Dad mystery is wrapped up. he is there. he MIGHT be in an episode again.

other than that there are no plot story points LEFT from past cases.

well there is the Rick Castle's Past as to why he was fascinated with murder in the first place but....

and i do not write ryan espo fan fic..if anything it would be a beckett lanie & castle fan fic :evil... (seriously i have never published a fan fic anywhere-don't plan on it either)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
and i do not write ryan espo fan fic..if anything it would be a beckett lanie & castle fan fic :evil... (seriously i have never published a fan fic anywhere-don't plan on it either)
You're our resident Castle superfan, it's an easy joke to make. Hope you don't take it personal, because I can't stop myself.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I need to find a full of spoilers description of the plot lines, because after not visiting it all season, I'm totally lost on the old story lines, and what's happened. Need to refresh!!

Off to Google I go!


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Lenardo has it pretty much summed up, though I am not sure of the 90% bit. Not the first time Beckett has brought justice in that story line. Though I really felt it was weak for a Castle wrap up. They really need to kick it into high gear and bring back the awesome.

Apparently we will not find out if it is renewed till May 13 from my googles.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Episode for the week of the 4th was 11th ranked show for the week and 20th among 18-49, if it doesn't get renewed I'd be shocked. It wouldn't be due to the numbers.


Vyemm Raider
oh the cast has all said see you in july, some writers tweeted about being hard at work for next season.

season 7 is a lock, both stana and nathan's contracts were picked up last year for the final 2 years of their contracts, i know that they are in negotiations for seasons 8-10.

2 sneaks out on youtube for 6x23 and a longer promo you can find on abc's facebook and youtube promoing the wedding episode

apparently stana did get married during a drunk vegas trip - HOWEVER- there are 4 theories going around right now.

theory 1- she did get married during a drunk vegas trip and doesn't remember ANY of it.

theory 2- this is CASTLE getting beckett BACK for his birthday present last year

theory 3- this is a nightmare/dream that kates wakes up from and they have the wedding no fuss no muss...

theory 4.... the past 3 seasons have been a dream because....Kate is in a Coma still from back when she got shot at the end of season 3


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
theory 4 would be fucking epic if they had the balls to do it


Vyemm Raider
for those that follow twitter;

Nathan, the guy playing rogan, luke(the costume designer for the show) and a few others are live tweeting[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */eastern

for those that tend to acquire shows in different manner,i believe it is on at 8pm eastern in canada so you should be able to get it an hr or so early..


Vyemm Raider
Castle driving to wedding suv pulls up beside his car...flash to wedding site kate in dress gets call. runs out drives down road, castle's car on fire in ditch/side of road. end of episode



<Gold Donor>
Not too thrilled with the ending, and the episode itself wasn't even that interesting, but I really like Pete from Warehouse 13 (he played the husband), so that was a plus I guess.

They really stepped up the girly squeaks from Kate this episode, which was pretty out of character in my opinion.


Vyemm Raider
the issue i have is a kate beckett back story issue with the whole thing

spoiling for those that have not watched it.
kate has been married for 15 years.
she is an adulterer, she had many affairs, she lied, cheated, etc. she REMEMEBERED the cab ride.

this DESTROYS her "persona" imo. sure it was a light episode and was sorta funny but if you look at it, without the humor it really really screwed her character bigtime.

the honest truthful, out for justice katherine beckett has been cheating on her husband for 15 years. she also lied on her application to the nypd, to the fbi, lied on her taxes....etc etc etc

all this POTENTIAL and they fucked it up royally, because they thought it was be "funny"

not the question is....

where is Castle...


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
the issue i have is a kate beckett back story issue with the whole thing

spoiling for those that have not watched it.
kate has been married for 15 years.
she is an adulterer, she had many affairs, she lied, cheated, etc. she REMEMEBERED the cab ride.

this DESTROYS her "persona" imo. sure it was a light episode and was sorta funny but if you look at it, without the humor it really really screwed her character bigtime.

the honest truthful, out for justice katherine beckett has been cheating on her husband for 15 years. she also lied on her application to the nypd, to the fbi, lied on her taxes....etc etc etc

all this POTENTIAL and they fucked it up royally, because they thought it was be "funny"

not the question is....

where is Castle...
Apparently the only agency that does a background check is when you apply for a marriage. Married to a con man at that.

I suspect Bracken has something to do with where Castle is.