

I'm hoping it gets renewed, it's on the bubble but I keep hearing they most likely will give it a second season. It's not like Grimm had the best ratings first season and it made it. The show seems to be hitting its stride.


Avatar of War Slayer
Man, I find using the Station fire as a source for a background element in a fantasy series like this in incredibly bad taste.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, the bad news is the show was (unsurprisingly) not among the list of showsNBC has decided to renew.

The good news is Syfy recently did a Constantine marathon that did relatively well, so the rumor floating around now (and I have no idea how credible this site really is) is that NBC is thinking oftransferring the show to Syfy and rebranding it as Hellblazerso they can go a little darker. A lot of people were complaining about this show not being on cable to begin with considering its darker material, so it'd be great if there was some truth to this. It wouldn't be the first show to make the jump to cable (Cougar Town, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Southland, etc.)


Silver Knight of the Realm
Good finish to the 13 ep series. I agree a move to SyFy would be better. 7pm cst friday night prime time on NBC is perhaps a bit too cray cray for the masses. Surprised there hasnt been a Christian pitchfork and fire riot over this.


Good finish to the 13 ep series. I agree a move to SyFy would be better. 7pm cst friday night prime time on NBC is perhaps a bit too cray cray for the masses. Surprised there hasnt been a Christian pitchfork and fire riot over this.
They could also put this after arrow and flash at like 10 or whatever make it a full DC night.


Tranny Chaser
I did like how the show wrapped up the season. By the end of the original order they seemed to have found their footing and be on the way to establishing a solid overarching story which was missing from the pilot and first batch of episodes. Move it to SyFy and give it the Hellblazer title and I think they would do well.


Golden Squire
Making this a lot darker would improve it a great deal.

Also making Constantine a little more Constantine would be nice.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I thought every episode of this was great, and I am shocked that there are so many people who dislike it.


I don't think it really is a matter of so many people not liking it really. It just doesn't fit the normal network style. It gets almost exactly the same ratings as Arrow does which just isn't enough for network. Constantine averaged 3.34mil per. Arrow 3.68 season one, 3.28 season 2. And Flash is sitting around 3.93. If it were paired with the other 2 it would probably even have better ratings then it did with the arrow/flash lead in.


Tranny Chaser
Yeah the show does not belong on NBC. I know NBC wants to try and get the demographics of FOX and the CW and so are trying things like this but its just not working. Anymore the original networks are as pigeonholed as any other themed cable network and no amount of counter-programming is going to turn NBC or CBS into the CW.

Hell at this point CBS and NBC should just merge and become the Emergency Services Network and air only medical / law enforcement / rescue procedurals with one token evening of multi-camera sitcoms.


Registered Hutt
I actively dislike this show, and would dislike it anywhere else without a change. If they made it darker so I could take it even a little bit seriously, I'd be interested. Sithro said it well earlier, "This is Doctor Who with demons and magic and shit." Dr. Who is lame. It's like Hitchhiker's Guide with a -75% savings on funny and weak dialogue. British people are bad at sci-fi. They keep trying to make it a Mother Goose fairytale with kids and morality tales. Everyone that hated Wesley Crusher raise their hand. I have no idea how close movie Constantine was to the comic, but it was badass, and a TV version of that (make him blond and scruffy - it's not important) would have been a huge hit on any channel.

Some guy tried to get me to watch Dr. Who again recently. He explicitly told me what episode to watch after hearing my complaints. It had manikins that come to life and swing plastic arms at the people from off-screen and some lame explanation that a evil whatever controlled them. No. Fuck that is lame. What is wrong with people that watch Dr. Who? What's next, is the great evil going to make shoes too tight? Who am I kidding? That's probably like a 3 episode story arc. And it ends with a kid in pajamas learning to share.


Avatar of War Slayer
Catching up a bit.

The Black Diamond. The heart of Darkness.
Mined on Apokolips, a weapon of Darkseid.

Prison of Eclipso.
The mad Spirit of Wrath. (counterpart to the Spectre, the Spirit of Vengance.)

I think the other dimensional house was intended to be a reference to "the House of Mystery". I am not entirely sure why they didn't keep it at the end or anything.
Amusingly, The Librarians, did the same story, with a much more accurate portrayal of "the House of Mystery", even keeping the extra dimensional self aware house for themselves... would have been in production at the same time, so it can't be "they did it already, so we can't"

This Constantine is more like nu52 Constantine. a bit more family friendly, and alot more within the DC universe. While hellblazer also was.. it rarely touched on it.

And now for most recent episode.
My personal thoughts are Manny is to be the Spectre himself. The Black Diamond messed him up. He has lost his moral compass. Ends up tied to Corrigan as the Spectre to give him back that moral guidance. Problem here being the Bru dudes, in that he already was controlling them. A few other online options. first of the Fallen, not to be confused with Lucifer, who is differant.


<Gold Donor>
About your comments, they did have at the beginning of the episode "The Spectre created by soandso" which had me wondering. I'm not up on that character at all, but in case you didn't see it I figured it might be relevant.


Vyemm Raider
really enjoyed the show thus far. sure could be better on fx or something.

Manny... i don't get it. why help John all this time, what purpose does playing both sides. makes no sense. maybe he's playing both sides just to get a war as a distraction?