Craig McGregor just replied on Rerolled. THIS IS GREAT


Trakanon Raider
We had 270k page views in our first week.

Someone tell me if that is a dying community.
This community has evolved into something so beyond gaming you can't really even classify it. Only way it dies is if we no longer have a home or we start kicking the bucket and take our own Gravy Boats to Valhalla.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
ouarkakas is using Ferris Bueller, I'm using Ludacris' move bitch

Yeah just checked that site. Zero new posts in days on almost all the threads. OU made it really easy to see the activity. I don't see the site lasting long enough for Craig to get his money back on ads but who knows.
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The Scientific Shitlord
The admin stuff in that thread is great. They claim they didn't pay 20k for all the sites but rerolled apparently was the massive majority of traffic and was on track to pay for itself in less than a year.
From mmos site above "Of course we knew it was a community forum. What we did not know was that if the ownership changed they would move elsewhere. How could we have known that would happen?

Prior to this happening it was a solid investment and was on track to pay itself off in a year or so (again it was not $20k like the OP stated)."

Wow. No wonder they wanted more than 1k for it. Such a terrible shame they won't recoup that money and going to have eggs thrown at them every chance people get now over it.
In a year or two when they crash and shut down, this will have been a contributing factor.

Dreagan is the most responsible here but they should have told us when it happened as well and resinsured the community nothing was going to change. Handled right most people would have been fine with it, hoping no one would find out and saying nothing was not the right course of action here. I know I personally will shit on them now every chance I get.

We actually lucked out that it happened the way it did, so that we could all move at once instead of the slow asphyxiation death the site would have suffered as they made incremental changes.
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The Scientific Shitlord
They did know what it was. There was no suggestion everyone would leave under a new owner, that's how the site was setup in the first place. We let a random person who almost no one knew host our site and we were fine with it. As long as someone was willing to provide the hosting without charging, we've never cared before. As everyone has said, he did absolutely nothing for years and we stayed, what difference did it make if someone else now owned the domain? Things could only get better, and in fact the hosting was much more solid after the transfer. The fact they owned mmorpg as well is the only reason anyone got scared, if it had just been some anonymous dude I bet we'd still be posting over there. The core group that were nervous they'd start moderating us left and that put everyone else in an impossible position. Either stay and have both communities basically die off due to being splintered so badly, or jump ship as well.

I mean, the ferris bueller vid in every single thread got the point across fairly well. They won't purposefully redirect traffic for a figure less then what they want to sell the site for, makes no business sense to do that. Anyone still posting there either has an account here as well, or is just done with the forum. Like I said, we are gonna lose some number of people in this move, happens every time. Nothing you can do about that.

Ideally, we get some kind of focus for the site that creates a draw for new traffic and fresh blood to enter. If we had a top 10 world guild/team in some game using our site as a forum (offer them free hosting?), or something along those lines, we could possibly get back to the golden days.

Noodlindz naked team twitch channel for Legion raids?
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Blackwing Lair Raider
This drama with is totally news worthy somewhere. This has to be unique in social media business - an entire community just up and moving after a sale?
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Pretty sure that's not unique to any business, there's enough scum out there buying and merging random businesses that brands are likely being bailed on all the time. Hell, when I needed to replace my floor fan and found out vornado moved their business to china and subsequently dropped to bargain bin quality I immediately went for something else.
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Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
I didn't know a_skeleton_03 and I were mortal enemies, but I'll take it anyway.

Some artistic license is always good for drawing viewership

Oh if i was to use artistic license it would be a story about a community that could only be saved if a Militant Atheist who's lineage can be traced as far back as Madalyn Murray O'Hair and an evangelical Christian ex navy seal who fought and beat cancer could overcome their differences and work together...
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The Scientific Shitlord
Oh if i was to use artistic license it would be a story about a community that could only be saved if a Militant Atheist who's lineage can be traced as far back as Madalyn Murray O'Hair and an evangelical Christian ex navy seal who fought and beat cancer could overcome their differences and work together...

Great Balls of Fires of Heaven?
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Oh if i was to use artistic license it would be a story about a community that could only be saved if a Militant Atheist who's lineage can be traced as far back as Madalyn Murray O'Hair and an evangelical Christian ex navy seal who fought and beat cancer could overcome their differences and work together...

Goddamn son, you have a point.

Someone get Steven Spielberg on the phone, we have got a fucking story to tell here folks!
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
The community stagnated under the oppressive SJW Communist mod team and Draegen's incompetence.

a_skeleton_03, good luck.

Its not over till the fat lady sings.
Ship could still sink anytime, hell we got Salty Swampmonkey shiting threads up here again. Also some batshit crazy stockholmers are eager to elect Tarrant, Tuco and Chaos back into oppresive sjw mod mode, again.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The solution to that last bit is to actively campaign for their defeat, or run against them.
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The Big Mod
Its not over till the fat lady sings.
Ship could still sink anytime, hell we got Salty Swampmonkey shiting threads up here again. Also some batshit crazy stockholmers are eager to elect Tarrant, Tuco and Chaos back into oppresive sjw mod mode, again.
Chaos and Tarrant have no chance in hell of being voted in. I suspect they probably know that and will spare themselves the embarrassment of running in the first place.
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Chaos and Tarrant have no chance in hell of being voted in. I suspect they probably know that and will spare themselves the embarrassment of running in the first place.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
God damn it is hilarious to see our forum members slaying lazy fucks out in the wilds of other forums. It really makes me appreciate the level of discourse required to be part of this community. You can be ignorant and post; but you at least have to put some effort into it.

Edit: Is anyone else super jealous of Hodj's join date?
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

There are no tiers to mods right now, and they're all temporary now as well.

Also, Tarrant hasn't done shit since he popped up as mod because I made that thread immediately as well.

Chill. Plenty of us are against him being a moderator in the future.
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