Dark Matter


Vyemm Raider
Still watchable, but this episode was pretty dull. Bottle episode, waaaaay too much yapping from lezbot, and no midriff from Two. Disappoint.


Tranny Chaser
One doesn't seem to have any skis other than being nice...which doesn't jive with his rap sheet so what is he good at?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well it mentioned murder, piracy, etc.

Clone theory might be sound. I have a feeling that whatever is behind the locked door will answer a lot of things. However, it could also be a "nature vs. nurture" type scenario where they show what people are really like without any memory of the events that formally shaped them.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
It could also all just be a dream, or an elaborate experiment, just as likely as clones. I hope not clones, though. I kinda like the idea that these actual people get to be new people because memories are erased? Or can they be? To me, that's interesting. Just being clones or people being fucked with is less interesting.

My hope is the nice engineer girl is actually a trained spy, of a sort, and was a stowaway on the ship and tried to delete all of their conciousnesses or something as a method of stopping their advancement. It would be an interesting moral dilemma if they find out, because the old crew would have killed her without a second thought, but the new crew? Would they kill or, or thank her?

I dunno, but that kind of thing would be more interesting than them just being clones and behind the door are the originals in stasis, which is what I fear.


Trakanon Raider
One doesn't seem to have any skis other than being nice...which doesn't jive with his rap sheet so what is he good at?
It's not One's rap sheet. The guy at the end of the last episode was presumably the real Jace Corso. Lots of entertaining possibilities for where they take the plot from that one.


Registered Hutt
Hopefully the beginning of the next episode starts with Jace killing One. One is annoying.


Vyemm Raider
Not necessarily. The real Corso did mention reconstructive surgery as a possibility, and that clones only last 3 days. So, it's still left up in the air. At least until we see another "real" crew member, or One tests his DNA.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well the DNA would be the same I imagine. The 3 day thing is a misdirection, it is entirely possible someone cracked the means to make the clones last longer. What we know from the commercial:

1) The original person enters a pod. The clone wakes up in a transmission pod. Consciousness/memories are transferred. We can assume this is a fast process.
2) The clone's new memories can be downloaded back into the original person, which are then treated as that person's own
3) The commercial clones (allegedly) only last 3 days

Just because the general public clones only last 3 days doesn't mean the tech has a 3 day hard cap. It is very plausible that the major corps figured out how to make the clones last longer. The way they also explained the memory download/transfer also seems to confirm that they can selectively target certain memories to transmit.

Think about it: You have the tech to essentially make a fully functioning clone of your most elite mercs. The mercs can "die", but you don't lose them. What I think happened is someone fucked up the memory transfer protocol so that the clones were missing key information about themselves, which is where the main protagonists come in. If I had to guess, the puzzle girl also made a clone of herself, but she ensured that all the "deleted" memories were sent to her clone instead of the merc clones. I'm willing to bet that the ultra locked door contains the original mercs + the original puzzle girl in their clone transfer pods.


Vyemm Raider
Well, this episode seems to confirm the clone idea ;p
Watched all 4 back to back last night. I like it so far but i am a HUGE stargate fan. You can really feel it has the same creative team behind it.
I think (hope) the close stuff is a red herring. To obvious, like when 6 was int he doctors office and saw the commerical for the clone transportation.

I got a kick out of Torri Higginson's (Dr Wier on SGA) small roll as a mining executive.

Anyone wanna put some money on when Amada Tapping shows up as a guest star?

I really like the characters with the exception of 1 and 5. I might be in love with 2.


Vyemm Raider
Well the DNA would be the same I imagine. The 3 day thing is a misdirection, it is entirely possible someone cracked the means to make the clones last longer. What we know from the commercial:

1) The original person enters a pod. The clone wakes up in a transmission pod. Consciousness/memories are transferred. We can assume this is a fast process.
2) The clone's new memories can be downloaded back into the original person, which are then treated as that person's own
3) The commercial clones (allegedly) only last 3 days

Just because the general public clones only last 3 days doesn't mean the tech has a 3 day hard cap. It is very plausible that the major corps figured out how to make the clones last longer. The way they also explained the memory download/transfer also seems to confirm that they can selectively target certain memories to transmit.

Think about it: You have the tech to essentially make a fully functioning clone of your most elite mercs. The mercs can "die", but you don't lose them. What I think happened is someone fucked up the memory transfer protocol so that the clones were missing key information about themselves, which is where the main protagonists come in. If I had to guess, the puzzle girl also made a clone of herself, but she ensured that all the "deleted" memories were sent to her clone instead of the merc clones. I'm willing to bet that the ultra locked door contains the original mercs + the original puzzle girl in their clone transfer pods.
1. There's no need to list information that we all just saw in the episode.
2. A DNA test would debunk the reconstructive surgery, and confirm the clone theory, IF it's the same. Hence, why you need a test in the first place.
3. I said the real Corso "mentioned" that clones last 3 days. As did the commercial. As far as WE know so far, that's true.
4. We can "imagine" anything we want, but until the show gives us evidence proving otherwise, it's true.
5. Clones don't have belly buttons.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The commercial and Corso mentions 3 days, but it doesn't state why that is the case. Simplest answer is a control mechanism, kind of like how Moon and that Ah-nuld clone movie did. So yes, if all we take is the info from the show, all we know is they last 3 days. However, since we know this is a TV show, anytime multiple sources of info say something as a matter of fact in the same episode, that pretty much means it will turn out not to be the case in the show.


Trakanon Raider
Think about it: You have the tech to essentially make a fully functioning clone of your most elite mercs. The mercs can "die", but you don't lose them. What I think happened is someone fucked up the memory transfer protocol so that the clones were missing key information about themselves, which is where the main protagonists come in. If I had to guess, the puzzle girl also made a clone of herself, but she ensured that all the "deleted" memories were sent to her clone instead of the merc clones. I'm willing to bet that the ultra locked door contains the original mercs + the original puzzle girl in their clone transfer pods.
My bet at this stage is on a particularly ballsy heist. One is either the guy who was sending help to the miners or one of his guys. He pretended to be Corso to get on the ship, then mindwiped the crew so he could get them to help the miners instead of killing them. It fills a few gaps in the story - like why the Raza had a shipment of weapons if they were there to kill the miners, why One had the medallion to identify himself to the miners and why the help and weapons shipment didn't show up.

One bit still missing is exactly how the Raza was intending to wipe out the miners - 5 against quite a lot of miners isn't great odds, I'd guess the locked door has something to do with that myself.


FPS noob
loving the syfy friday night block of Defiance, Dark Matter, and Killjoys. Each show is similar but different enough to be enjoyed on its own - Defiance and Dark Matter are grimdark mystery-revolving big-idea shows, Killjoys is a space cowboys action show.

The fact that the DNA scanner didn't evaluate six as a clone is interesting too, I thought it was leading up to that. I doubt the actual reveals will be as interesting as what we can theorize, but looking forward to more. Its kind of funny how they are slowly throwing in all the scifi tropes, this episode we got more of big bad corps and now space emperor and his assassin son. Pretty sure the finale will bring us aliens.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm glad we're seeing scifi again period. Couple of the fall shows look good too. Nice to have Friday nights back on Syfy.

I'm pretty sure the vault on the ship is just "Dark Matter" that was used to clone them.

It still feels like a Corp. cloned them to do the job without having to worry about dealing with the actual merc's and set it up so the merc's couldn't make the ship. Either that or the vault is just the other merc's locked up


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm guessing it is the other Mercs. Clones is the most likely answer because it gives the writers a lot of meat to work with, since they can delve into the metaphysical and philosophical aspects of having the "same" person, but with the memory/experiences wiped from one.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Crap. I don't know what happened, but I didn't record any of the friday scifi shows.

Fucking bullshit. Till I read this section, I thought they had just taken friday off because it was a holiday coming up.