

Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
To any of you folks.
Not being in regular routines has a lot of people working through depression and more.
If you need to talk to someone, I'm here.
PM me or we can exchange #'s or hop on discord, email, whatever and talk.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I had a phone session with someone today in hopes of talking to someone would help. That was about 4 hours ago and frankly, I feel worse at this point.

You have temporary problems and I know that really sucks and can beat you down. Just remember the shit is temporary and the permanent solution is just very sad and not worth it.

Don’t do that to your kids, I’ve seen that several times first hand and it ruins their lives. You don’t want them feeling like the same state you’re temporarily in right now. Stick it out man.
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<Prior Amod>
You have temporary problems and I know that really sucks and can beat you down. Just remember the shit is temporary and the permanent solution is just very sad and not worth it.

Don’t do that to your kids, I’ve seen that several times first hand and it ruins their lives. You don’t want them feeling like the same state you’re temporarily in right now. Stick it out man.

a large portion of my problems aren’t temporary in a sense. The causes aren’t anyway.

time will tell how I deal with them. What I’m feeling now though I wouldn’t put my kids through it. So I’m not going anywhere.
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
I had a phone session with someone today in hopes of talking to someone would help. That was about 4 hours ago and frankly, I feel worse at this point.
Hey bud. Haven't kept up on this thread. Have you tried a counselor that does cognitive behavioral therapy (talk therapy)?

Also have you considered meds to take the edge off? Hard to evaluate as depression is complicated, situational versus chemical, how much will x or y work. Maybe it's worth looking into.
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<Prior Amod>
I don’t wanna go on any meds. This all hit quickly and I’m not sure what the long term effects will be, if any, and I’d rather not start altering my brain chemistry just because things are extraordinarily difficult at the moment.
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Tranny Chaser
Why not? You do it all the time with what you eat. If it helps it helps. Fuck if it’s in pill form.


The Scientific Shitlord
I was that way for a long time too. Next time I talk to my Dr I am going to suggest dropping the duloxetine, but it helped out tremendously to shut my panic attacks down. If you aren't at the point where it is interfering with your day to day, I am 100% with you on avoiding drugs. But if it is affecting your day to day, I would talk to your Dr.
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Tranny Chaser
My diet hasn’t changed.
Maybe it should. F.inst. I’ve learned if I forget to refuel on vitamin D during the fall/months the sun is not helping us, I get hella depressed in these spring months, correlating with burka levels of d-vitamin. To me it’s sort of a base regulator. Along with exercise, semi healthy, varied and changng diet. As we grow older der body’s ability to compensate for our unhealthy choices is diminished, broadly speaking. I get objective blood works, the basic, and take it from there. Not saying jump straight to AD, but it’s not the end of the world either. If it helps you cope with what you carry? I’d talk to your GP first if you’ve not been there the last year. Hope it all works out for you, T :)


<Prior Amod>
I already make sure to balance my diet well and have a good intake of nesesasary vitamins. My activity isn’t what it could be due to my back and leg being injured.
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
I don’t wanna go on any meds. This all hit quickly and I’m not sure what the long term effects will be, if any, and I’d rather not start altering my brain chemistry just because things are extraordinarily difficult at the moment.
The depression hit quickly? On one hand I can understand not wanting to go on meds if it's more of a situational thing you haven't been dealing with for long.

On the other hand that's why meds can be there. Sometimes it helps in extraordinary circumstances to have them lift part of that burden. Maybe they help just enough so you can think straight and evaluate the situation.

Majority of anti depressants are relatively safe for healthy people. Don't be too worried about long term effects but discuss with your doc. Don't let your depression become crippling before you consider this route. It's not worth it, trust me.

+ You mentioned you have leg and back problems? If you have chronic pain or neuropathy I believe cymbalta could help.

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Covid bullshit got me down like a sad clown. Corona threads luster is wearing off and reality is starting to set in. Maybe the most depressing part is seeing others being so negatively impacted. Shit's sad.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I called and talked to a friend that I had a feeling being stuck inside was going to drive them up the wall. They said "Nope, but thanks I'm OK", the next day they sent me a very very long email detailing all the stuff they had been doing, followed by another one the same day. Found it interesting.


<Prior Amod>
My cat, who is 19 and I’ve had for 18 years has a bad eye infection. Upon a check up turns out he has some kidney and liver issues, and from the feel of his gut, the vet thinks he has cancer.

I didn’t opt for X-rays or ultrasounds. He’s 19 and I don’t want him to suffer through surgeries if he does indeed have it. So I’ll treat his eye with the medications and let him live his life how he always has (which is however the fuck he wants to). If I see he stops eating, grooming or shows any outward signs of discomfort I will reassess but for now we will just take each day as it comes.

dudes been my best friend for 18 years (had him longer than my kids) and he’s been with me through two divorces and a lot of shit in life. At one point after my first divorce all I had was my car, a suit case and him.

considering everything that’s happened this last month or so...this seems like a low blow that life coulda skipped.


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Vyemm Raider
Cure depression? Easy. Expose yourself to negative ions. Go to the beach. Find a waterfall. Go to a nature preserve and find a lake/river and walk near it.

"Hours of negative ion exposure may reduce symptoms of depression. High levels of exposure (like several hours or more) to negative ions caused people with chronic depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) to record lower scores on surveys of their depression symptoms. "
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<Prior Amod>
Lumi, thread carefully.

and full disclosure, I am outdoors more than in. I do all the things you mentioned all the time.


Tranny Chaser
If you find yourself having a real tough time get yourself another cat. Between Craigslist and all the rescues/shelters there are a lot of animals that would be eternally grateful if you took them home.
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<Prior Amod>
As much as I love Max, after 18 years of changing cat litter, he will be the last cat I have. I have two dogs as well and I’ll get a third at some point I’m sure but Max will be it for me and cats. Plus after having him almost half of my life...There’s no replacing him.
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