Doctor Who


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Why does the old white guy have to be reading a paper in a fish & chips diner? That's so prejudiced.

Also why does the first female doctor get to pixie dust charm her new companions, can she not simply meet people like normal?

And if they're going for a 2:2 sausage to tuna ratio, which pairing would the biased trap card that SJWs will harass you for shipping?
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Millie's Staff Member
Why does the old white guy have to be reading a paper in a fish & chips diner? That's so prejudiced.

Also why does the first female doctor get to pixie dust charm her new companions, can she not simply meet people like normal?

And if they're going for a 2:2 sausage to tuna ratio, which pairing would the biased trap card that SJWs will harass you for shipping?
well the white man only makes up 33% of the UK and non whites rep 66% so Whitey Mc Whitehead should be grateful he was included at all. besides. diversity(less white people) is what Dr Who is about. only non white, gender fluid, trans are the show's base audience. nobody tunes in to watch a white man save the day. they just cause more trouble.


The Scientific Shitlord
Why does the old white guy have to be reading a paper in a fish & chips diner? That's so prejudiced.

Also why does the first female doctor get to pixie dust charm her new companions, can she not simply meet people like normal?

And if they're going for a 2:2 sausage to tuna ratio, which pairing would the biased trap card that SJWs will harass you for shipping?

At this point I expect them all to be intersectional genderfluid pansexual feminists.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Celebrities are not designed to be watched 24/7, especially actors. Most don't have charismatic personalities and are best when filtered through movies, shows, and prepared interviews rather than the rambling thoughts of their 3am twitter feed.


Yeah but it's so fun to be able to look at someone like Katie Cassidy and think, "I've seen you filled with dong".
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Potato del Grande
BBC's hiring policy is now to go off London's ethnic mix, which is like 50% non white. There was a show on another network (ITV) which didn't have a single black person on it in 20 years set in a 99.9% white area, people (journalists) complained.

There's no way this is going to be good.

Why does the old white guy have to be reading a paper in a fish & chips diner? That's so prejudiced.
It's "Fish and Chip Shop" or "Chippy", we don't have Diners unless it's deliberatly meant to be an American one (they sell burgers, just like EVERYWHERE ELSE).
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Millie's Staff Member
BBC's hiring policy is now to go off London's ethnic mix, which is like 50% non white. There was a show on another network (ITV) which didn't have a single black person on it in 20 years set in a 99.9% white area, people (journalists) complained.

There's no way this is going to be good.

It's "Fish and Chip Shop" or "Chippy", we don't have Diners unless it's deliberatly meant to be an American one (they sell burgers, just like EVERYWHERE ELSE).
we wouldnt call anything a shop or shoppe that serves food or drink unless its supposed to be fancy or pretentious in some way. dunkin donuts isnt considered a coffee or donut shop. but Starbucks is.


Potato del Grande
we wouldnt call anything a shop or shoppe that serves food or drink unless its supposed to be fancy or pretentious in some way. dunkin donuts isnt considered a coffee or donut shop. but Starbucks is.
Starbucks is pretentious but it isn't fancy at all!
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Trakanon Raider
If they wanted a female Doctor, they should have just created a new character. Make it his sister or something dumb like that. I'll give it a go because I always do, but it still seems off somehow.
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Potato del Grande
Not enough in the trailer to go off. Looks like she gets randomly teleported off planet with some random people who become companions.

It's weird to hear northern English accents in things like this but I guess Game of Thrones has made it OK now, it's also similar to Christopher Eccelston's accent.

If it's anything like Eccleston's season it'll be great.

I REALLY hope it's good. Otherwise we will be getting Doctor Gate.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I think the reason reason people are salty about the Doctor being a woman this time around is they don't know how to process those strange feelings they are experiencing, knowing that while the Doctor is female in this incarnation, they've been a dude for 50 years lol


Potato del Grande
I think the reason reason people are salty about the Doctor being a woman this time around is they don't know how to process those strange feelings they are experiencing, knowing that while the Doctor is female in this incarnation, they've been a dude for 50 years lol
Is anyone actually salty about it? I feel like if they cast a women instead of Matt Smith preGamergate there wouldn't have been any problems.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I just think of it as Doctor Who Go, curse Cartoon Network, and go off on how all reboots suck ass these days.