Epic Seven


<Gold Donor>
Have to say, cheers to whoever discovered this game and put it on the forum - having a ton of fun with it and find myself pretty addicted to it. Much to my wifes chagrin - gives me something to do while she's watching The Bachelor!

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Hazel should be getting her specialty change tomorrowish (maybe next week but im wanting to say tomorrow)? She should be pretty solid after that is done and her specialty tree is maxxed out. Grats on Bellona, I cant fawn over her enough, she's replaced Lorina as my go-to main dps. I've invested pretty heavily in her and plan to max out pretty much everything I can. Having that consistent def break on a unit capable of 40k+ crits on bosses is crazy good.
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Trakanon Raider
I've used a few friend bellona and she has impressed me.

That Hazel spec change hopefully will be nice, I use her in my golem farm team and she already a 5* from just using all her dupes on herself.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Man, I finally got one additional natural 5 star and it was fucking Ludwig. Fail. :( I have gotten 2 fans from the Bellona banner, but no Def breaker yet. Its frustrating because I really need a def break, I'm stuck on 59 in Abyss, and the only breaker I have is Kluri which doesn't work well for all content, sometimes you really can't afford to lose the extra DPS>
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<Prior Amod>
Have to say, cheers to whoever discovered this game and put it on the forum - having a ton of fun with it and find myself pretty addicted to it. Much to my wifes chagrin - gives me something to do while she's watching The Bachelor!
why doesn't she play too?
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Man, I finally got one additional natural 5 star and it was fucking Ludwig. Fail. :( I have gotten 2 fans from the Bellona banner, but no Def breaker yet. Its frustrating because I really need a def break, I'm stuck on 59 in Abyss, and the only breaker I have is Kluri which doesn't work well for all content, sometimes you really can't afford to lose the extra DPS>

Def break is definitely good, but I actually cleared all of abyss without one. Used C.Domi, Silk, Doris and Diene for most of it, swapping in Angelica maybe twice and Kiris once (on Lots floor). Also used Kromcruz every floor I think. There's quite a lot of strategy involved with kill order and when you pop all your skills, it's pretty cool how deep combat can be.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Finally decide to finish the story and do my moonlight summon and pull an Otillie, failfish. Oh well, on to more grinding.

Spent a lot of STA on this event for the 5* drop and haven't seen one. Was using it to buff fodder but think I'll go back to regular stages to finish unlocking Falconer Kluri and Commander Lorina.

Almost ready to 6* someone and am thinking about Sez for more general grinding, Kiris for Hunt grinding, or Kluri... Not sure, I don't progress very fast in this game.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Don't hate on Otillie too hard, she is pretty damn good if you plan to do any golem farming. Her S1 is a heal block and her passive S2 reduces aoe damage to your group. Sure, you could have done better with the ML pull, but you also could have gotten much worse (I'm looking at you, Gloomyrain)

Bumping Sez to 6* will definitely make your next 6* come along much quicker.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Will clear 10-10 soon to ml pull. Any units to look for!? Do you only get 1 pull?

You get 6 Gold Transit stones which you trade in for 5 moonlight thingermabobs. So don't just look to be handed the bookmarks straight up. Confused me for a second at first.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Well it's only one pull so personally I wouldn't get my hopes up. You could get some stupidly good character like ML Ken or C. Dominiel etc or just the usual Elson/Hurado/Arowell. There's some decent 3 stars out there like Pyllis if you don't have a tank, or Doris for healing, also the 2 upgradeable characters Lorina/Church of the Ilryos Axe

I don't know what to 6 star on my second account. Currently the only one is Ravi and really need some AOE, only really have Bellona for that so I guess that's where the promotion needs to go. Working on upgrading my Lorina but that's still about 25 urgent missions away (I know she ain't aoe but damn good anyways).
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Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Every month you will earn enough gold transmit stones from login bonuses to do one ML pull. You can also earn the stones by doing summons, every 20 summons is 1 gold transmit stone so if you spend money on the game for summons, the ML pulls will come quicker (daily free summons do count toward this total though). Some abyss floors will reward gold transmit stones, namely the last two floors (floor 79 gives you 6, floor 80 gives 15). Occasionally you can earn them via events but that seems pretty rare. Single ML bookmarks can be dropped by the Labyrinth raid bosses too.

Anyway, this wont be the only ML pull you do, they're just fairly rare unless you're dropping cash. Like Onigen said, prepare for potential disappointment though, the odds of a 3* are 70%, 27.5% for a 4*, and 2.5% for a 5*.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Finally decide to finish the story and do my moonlight summon and pull an Otillie, failfish. Oh well, on to more grinding.

Spent a lot of STA on this event for the 5* drop and haven't seen one. Was using it to buff fodder but think I'll go back to regular stages to finish unlocking Falconer Kluri and Commander Lorina.

Almost ready to 6* someone and am thinking about Sez for more general grinding, Kiris for Hunt grinding, or Kluri... Not sure, I don't progress very fast in this game.

I'd either do Sez or Kluri, and I'd agree Sez is the better option if you intend to grind for more 6 stars (Which is the fastest way to progress). Kluri would help you over a few humps on high end content though, she's pretty beastly, but Sez will get you more 6 stars sooner. He is one of the best farmers, and what's more, he's still an excellent DPS even late game--he falls off a little because he doesn't bring much utility, but his damage is still really good. (He's also excellent on Drake, since he consistently applies his debuff--while the debuff doesn't do anything for the fight, 9/10 drake requires 2 debuffs or else he doubles his attack. Since Sez has a 100% chance to apply every turn, it makes him pretty invaluable, as most debuffs are done by chance. E)


<Gold Donor>
Finished main story and pulled Assassin Cartuja. Seems like he’s decent. Thinking of going him as evasion tank/Ravi/Bellona/healer!? Bellona I think will be the first 6* I focus on


Blackwing Lair Raider
Assassin Cartuja is great, he's beefy with a good passive and defense break. He pairs really well with Violet btw, if you're planning to pull new banner.


Golden Knight of the Realm
1-10 stage in the newest side story is decent xp for fodders on normal (can easily run 3/4 + booster-friend). You're probably going to want to farm the event currency anyways for all the catalysts and other stuff, might aswell do it with good xp/energy ratio.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I recently pulled Challenger Dominiel. Seen a few ppl saying shes good but I have not invested anything in her yet.

Currently using:
6star: Sez, Commander Lorina, Angelica and Kise.
5star: Falconeer Kluri, Ken, Destina and Yuna.

Not sure where C Dom fits in that mix just yet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You'd run C.Domi, (Kluri or Ken for def break), (Angelica or Destina healer), flex spot. Your healer and def breaker will depend on what you're running, Ken for more offense kluri for more defense. Flex spot I'd usually run a dps or buffer, Yuna would be pretty nice for that role with 2 buffs and aoe attacks to charge domis passive. Shoot for 50% crit percent since crit buff adds 50% and is up most of the time.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Btw, not sure if everyone has this resource yet--its the datamined modifiers on skills. A lot of what makes a character good besides his kit are his stats and these mods. Most are pretty much the same, but a few are pretty skewed (And there are some hidden gems most people haven't explored, like the Ice Mage guy? He's got an insane mod on his S2. With the artifact that does 15% if target is debuffed, it does an additional 45% on top of a 1.5 mod, which is typical on S3s. Going to try building him next, to see if he's as nuts as I think he'll be in a group with Target Debuff from the Stars artifact, since its up all the time and will give yet another 15%.)

Anyone, Violet has pretty average mods, slightly weak actually because they come with a .9 conversion instead of .95 like most. He's niche, but I have a feeling in the right comps he'll be ridiculous for arena and PvE as a tank, but it seems like you'll need to set the whole team up around him and it will only work against single target attack mobs. (With the Dreamblade or whatever artifact and his own buff, he'll have a 50% evasion rate.)

Zeno has dogshit mods. Surprisingly though, Ras's S2 is amazing, especially for a tank. I've heard people build him because he does so well in the raids. Also Corvus's defense scaling is pretty insane, I have him at 50 and notices he does a lot of damage for a tank character, really thinking of pushing him to 60 for Golem, since he pretty much wrecks golem--even at 50 he lets me auto-it with a sub par group because he locks down the adds with Macerate and can transfer Golems armor break back onto it. He's pretty amazing on that fight, and I think built with 1300-1400 defense he could be really great given his mods.