EQ Never


<Gold Donor>
Wondering if I should buy a Saturday pass and head down to the strip tomorrow. Tad ask someone if I will get abeta for doing that. Thanks!

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah the Kerran looked pretty over the top "Disney". I understand about the facial art style facilitating the delivery of user expressions into the game, but it might be a little too "cartoony".


Elisha Dushku
So are these "rallying calls" going to have everyone on the server racing to them when they happen and you wind up with thousands of people bitching about lag because they can't attack anything?
No. Slow travel remember. Also half the players will be trying to grief the other half by luring ogres and orcs to the area.


Elisha Dushku
Wondering if I should buy a Saturday pass and head down to the strip tomorrow. Tad ask someone if I will get abeta for doing that. Thanks!
I am trying to find that out. So far


Vyemm Raider
or they will be level locked content where you have noone at the lower ones after the first month
They are one-time events with magic, hidden triggers that we're supposed to believe are all programmed into the game from the start and not something they patch in every now and then like WoW has done for years.


Elisha Dushku
I called you out on being a 50 year old moron, that doesn't make me nuts.

I think I am the only one who sees this game realistically. I said it's amazing, I think it will be a massive success. I just think it is also a piece of shit. I know this kind of thing can be very hard for simpletons like you to understand but give it time, maybe you will come to terms with it eventually.
I think you need to wait for further info on the meta-game. How will storybricks play out. How do the dungeons/raids play out.

Basicly Kruegen's point: you've shown the sandbox, need to see more of the game.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
I think one of the cool things that could possibly be done would be to have the dungeons move around the world during the time of the voxel 'healing". Would be a great way (or possibly really annoying) to ensure that people don't just beeline from point A to point B.


I liked the lady. Lion was a bit too american football.

Technically I have no idea how they are doing the destruction stuff. Fixed sized shapes cut into the collision tree in real time? Some kind of voxelly octree like people are using for indirect lighting nowadays? I dunno.

The best part is really the smarty pants AI. It's a mix of Raph's virtual ecology stuff from UO and the half-mad ravings of an ex soe designer I know that has been talking about that sort of thing for 10 years at least. I guess it is finally doable on mmo scale.


<Gold Donor>
Let me know, please and PM me if you don't mind. This thread is moving pretty fast, I would hate to miss your post.


Too much shit happening during combat you can't even see the characters. Seeing 1 guy smash 30 mobs makes me not want to touch CC in this game. Planned on playing a chanter too.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Ok after a full view this looks pretty interesting. I'll give it a shot for sure. They have a long way to go though - a lot of talking about shit with about 5 minutes of scripted in game action. I want to see more of the combat because it sounds like they took GW2 and went from there, and I hated GW2.

A lot of good ideas that I don't think this team is capable of pulling off. I look forward to seeing Blizzard copy it, though.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
I think you need to wait for further info on the meta-game. How will storybricks play out. How do the dungeons/raids play out.

Basicly Kruegen's point: you've shown the sandbox, need to see more of the game.
tad, one of the things I am most interested in finding out is how the storybricks tech is implemented into EQNext. Hopefully you can give us details on that!


Buzzfeed Editor
hehe, agree with Cinge there. We haven't been shown shit. We've been told a bunch of vague goals, and given some terrible looking evidence of those goals.
If your beef is with the visuals, youre entitled to your opinion.
I hate the graphics but I could live with them if the game was good. I put up with WoW for a month after all. My beef with this game is that it's just another disposable summer blockbuster. That's what all gaming companies do now, I get it, I don't really blame SOE.

But they are fucking scumbags for talking it up and starting the presentation with how people have formed serious relationships in EQ and got married, had kids, all that stuff. They say all that and then they present "Guild Wars Craft 3", designed 100% with the intention of sucking in a few million kids and getting them to blow their pocket money on orzum swordz before they realize it's 'ghey' and look for the next game to hop to.

How you could not be excited with the possibilities that the voxel engine brings?
I was playing with voxels in the 90s with commanche and shit. I've heard the hype a million times before. This really does take it to the next level, the engine is amazing, the technology is amazing, is is going to provide a whole new angle and direction for the future of MMO's.

I just think it's one that will be lapped up by easily manipulated, simple minded tools. Anyone else will not fall for this shit.

Now, does the combat look somewhat suspect? Yes. However, we have seen very little. I'm hoping for less flash and more strategy and I have a feeling you agree with me on that. We have to wait and see. I am done with ta targeting but dont want a button mash fest either.
Is there a word for getting deja vu of a previous deja vu of a previous deja vu? Because that's what I'm getting now. EQ2 was the big hope, then Vanguard, then Age of Conan, then Warhammer, then Rift, and GW2, blah blah blah. They are all full of shit. They don't care about me one bit, I am part of an audience of maybe 1 million people if we're lucky, maybe half of that. They only care about the audience of 14 something million people who played WoW. Even if you only manage to attract half of them to play your game, if that 7 million people play it for a month or two and each buy a kool badazzz mount and sword, then you double trippled or whatever multipled your money spent making the game. That's all SOE cares about now.

McMMO's are here to stay.

I think you need to wait for further info on the meta-game. How will storybricks play out. How do the dungeons/raids play out.

Basicly Kruegen's point: you've shown the sandbox, need to see more of the game.
But I saw no sandbox. I saw Guild Wars 3.
i kinda like the idea of rally calls. there's a communal feeling. also there will be something new to do every x months or so.

hopefully though, this pve stuff will be a side to the eve-centric/pvp .


Golden Knight of the Realm
The best part is really the smarty pants AI. It's a mix of Raph's virtual ecology stuff from UO and the half-mad ravings of an ex soe designer I know that has been talking about that sort of thing for 10 years at least. I guess it is finally doable on mmo scale.
This is the part I'm most sceptical about though. Rift's invasions were hyped in pretty much the same way, and turned out to be pretty tedious most of the time. Then GW2's dynamic stuff was hyped in the same way, and is really just the same. I guess the key is whether or not these AIs are truly autonomous and result in genuinely diverse scenarios, as opposed to being on-rails (like GW2) or inconsequential (like Rift). Also, if every single mob in the game works like the orc described (ie no static spawns), then that would certainly be good.