EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!


Trump's Staff
I'm holding out hope I'll get a "free" alpha invite old school way! Even Teso sent me a free one and they are sinking.. You would think they would try to monopolize before EQ.. Ha
Pretty sure the only way to get into alpha is purchasing a founders pack. You may get into closed beta though.


Still haven't upgraded, clinging on to my $60 tier. I think the biggest draw is the two day headstart but that's not really my $40. I wish they would have promised a little more with the Trailblazer pack.


Trump's Staff
Still haven't upgraded, clinging on to my $60 tier. I think the biggest draw is the two day headstart but that's not really my $40. I wish they would have promised a little more with the Trailblazer pack.
Livestream on Wednesday is supposed to be describing the nature of claims. May make it easier to decide if the head-start is worth it.


Guarding the guardians
David Georgeson @DaveGeorgeson

Oh, look at the calendar. There was an extra week left before alpha. Wasn't that just last week?!? Who took it! Lousy damn time lords.
Now, what exactly does that mean?


I means the end of January is RAPIDLY approaching. Every time you blink in this business you're a week closer to your deadlines.. heh.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
70x70x100 size

Can build next to each other

Can invis other players from blocking you building

Can give permission and build next to each other and interact

Claims wiped at end of CLOSED beta but not OPEN

Claims limited in Alpha (No number given)

Claims will cost more after certain number


Rasterizing . . .
When you place a claim, there's a visible bounding box to show you the regions (you can show / hide this for yours and others).
Claim size is yet to be determined but see Jim's post above as it may change.
You can filter out what you see in the world by type, keyword, rating, etc.
You can tag your claim with a title/description and others will see that when they reach your claim ie: "Pyksel's Castle of Doom".
You can rate other claims.
You can package up your claim and sell it or transfer it.
Claims will have an upkeep and if you fail to pay the upkeep, your content is saved but your claim will be released.
Anytime a wipe (that isn't a character wipe) will occur, all of your stuff will be packaged up for you so you don't lose it.
Fast travel will be available to your claim once you've gone through enough progression. Fast travel will also be available across the continent/worlds but you'll have to explore the world.
The expansion of your claim (adding on to an additional claim) horizontally & vertically (up) will be possible while vertically (down) will be somewhat limited. People can NOT build above/below your claim. They can mine under it but can't claim/build under/over it.
After alpha, you won't start with a claim flag as you'll have to go out in the world and earn it. (help to prevent griefing by creating multiple accounts)
They are "charging" for alpha because they want serious testers to come in and help since the game is so rough but you don't have to pay to play.
There will be an NDA during alpha.
Will there be danger & risk in Landmark? Yes! They showed a video of a man eating plant for example.

Day 1 of alpha and what you can expect:
Some basic form of crafting
*Combat will not be in at day 1 of alpha


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Can Mine on any server and Transfer to another (Must be in your vault)

Ability to transfer items before a wipe

Claims cost fee to maintain (If it drops, peeps can claim )


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Will be Map of continent and compass or Navigation aid

Fast travel to claim avail after progression (Exploration is key)

Claims cannot claim under or over your claim (100 height)- People CAN Mine under claim

They are stressing this is ALPHA and they will hav Dev blog to listen to ideas


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm.. So there doesn't seem to be much value in the 2 day head start?

As for paying for claims is that from station cash?? Sounds like a sub without saying its a sub...


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Upkeep of claims going to be pricey. (Should stop people from making multiple accounts and leaving claims)

Open Beta you will start with no claim flag, and must go get one. (No instant create account and claim)

More info in general will be coming quicker within Youtube, Facebook, etc.

Claims CAN be picked up and moved. not perm


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Again stressing the ALPHA and they want serious players to help develop. Will be Free to anyone after Beta

Day one Alpha will include basic claim, building and exploration. (Alpha is approx 60 perc of finished game) - No combat, Some Crafting