EVE Online


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Stealth buff today. Not in patch notes. Subcap warp speed got nice buff and warp deceleration got a buff too. Nice qol buff. Mach I logged out in is up to 4.95 warpspeed, not bad at all.

Cruiser from 3->4
BS from 2->3
BC from 2.7->3.5
T2 Cruiser 3.3->4.5
T2bs 2.2->3.5
T2 BC 3->4


Lord Nagafen Raider
Are you sure about Mach? Mine is still 3.0 base, 4.5 with bonus. That's without any nav rigs/implants.
So it looks like they normalized all sub-T2 BSs to 3.0, and bumped up T2 to 3.5.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
4.95 I had an implant I had forgot about, 10% warp speed bonus. Still a nice boost on the subcaps except frigates and destroyers. Also they bumped deaccleration as well from the data mining. Auto Pilot now gets you closer to your destination than it used to. Still sounds like a good way to get blown up tho.

I don't have one but a saved fit for a maraurder shows 3.85 now with implant I have implanted. Not bad.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
New event. More SP for just logging in. Pretty soon I guess they want to kill the injector market when everyone gets tons of free SP. I allocated my free SP I'd gotten over the last years events for logging in and kill a few npc's and it was 1.8m SP. Omega today was 250k.



Bronze Baron of the Realm
When you think things can't get odder in Eve. CCP has a halloween event where pvp kills drop 100% of modules and loot, so nothing is destroyed. Now zkill is getting kills of 150,000 plex apparently people using an alt to kill them and pad the killboard lol. Also lot of rumblings but no proof that the RMTers are using it as an easy way to move RMT around to people via a kill because no plex will be lost to RNG.

Several of these post. In a corvette/rookie ship.

Twitch plays Eve. I watched it for a few minutes. New player, they managed to get thru a wormhole. Died to a drifter on the other side while people were dicking with the vote on what to do.

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Bronze Baron of the Realm
They managed to get a few kills overnight on the twitch stream. I did notice challanges they had listed was get a pvp kill so they got that. One was "find the low sec gate to stain" lol.

I just looked and they do ok flying around and orbit/shooting stuff. They suck ass at docking up and fitting a ship. They left the station unfitted several times and had to come back and start again.

They also managed to get to Jita and scam some isk to buy some ships. I think they died a half dozen times or more in Tama.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Nobody would pad killboard stats would they? Nah. 22 trillion in one ship and kill it over and over again because it's a 100% drop now. Kill, loot, kill, loot, kill, loot. Even I could stay isk positive on kiillboard if I killed 22 trillion 10 times....maybe.

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Bronze Baron of the Realm
CCP jumps the shark. Ban in game lottery. Install in game game lottery/raffle for assets paid with real life currencty. Plex. I guess they had to weed out the competition. I fail to see how this insn't opening a pandoras box of legal issues.



Lord Nagafen Raider
Omega Clone State Upgrade Cancelled
You have cancelled your Omega Clone State upgrade.

Nice ~4 years ride, have fun with lootboxes.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Today was the first " no downtime". They're trying a schedule change and maybe down to 3 days a week downtime with none on the weekends. They showed a graph moving it around times versus time zones and only so many days a week. Time zone tanking may end, maybe.

Bet is still on something not working or an emergency reboot. One thing they mentioned is respawn of belts is not going to happen right for a while.

Local broke a short while after normal downtime. But it broke yesterday as well and this is an ongoing 1+ year problem.


Canuckistani Terrorist
I stopped playing this quite awhile ago, if your still playing this regular Borzak Borzak I'll offload my isk and shit to ya this weekend, or I'll just change password ect and PM ya, and you can pillage at your leisure. Think you were only FoH I really talked to lol. Prob get another billion or 2 out of ships/mods/ect. Think main was around 30m SP? I'm sure ya can figure something out with that too lol.

I'd just sell the account, but no clue how to do that shit, without getting ripped off. Hell I'd take a krono or 2 if it was worth it to someone.


I stopped playing this quite awhile ago, if your still playing this regular Borzak Borzak I'll offload my isk and shit to ya this weekend, or I'll just change password ect and PM ya, and you can pillage at your leisure. Think you were only FoH I really talked to lol. Prob get another billion or 2 out of ships/mods/ect. Think main was around 30m SP? I'm sure ya can figure something out with that too lol.

I'd just sell the account, but no clue how to do that shit, without getting ripped off. Hell I'd take a krono or 2 if it was worth it to someone.

When I sold my EVE stuff I did it by liquidating everything into isk the "legal" way by selling the characters on the forums and assets and piled all the isk onto a throwaway character and then just sold the account on playerauctions. It took some effort but it seemed a better way to find a buyer rather than trying to sell an account with a complex value.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm not playing regular. The last week the servers were almost unreachable for a lot of people due to a DDOS. But no I haven't played regular in months and probably back before that, it was just log in and dick around for a few.


Canuckistani Terrorist
When I sold my EVE stuff I did it by liquidating everything into isk the "legal" way by selling the characters on the forums and assets and piled all the isk onto a throwaway character and then just sold the account on playerauctions. It took some effort but it seemed a better way to find a buyer rather than trying to sell an account with a complex value.
I don't think I have all that much "value" on my account, at least not to go to that effort.

Do any of these sites have some form of currency exchange? I haven't been to PA since the first and only time I bought gold on WoW lol.


I don't think I have all that much "value" on my account, at least not to go to that effort.

Do any of these sites have some form of currency exchange? I haven't been to PA since the first and only time I bought gold on WoW lol.

You can sell ISK on there if that's what you mean. No idea what it goes for these days


Potato del Grande
Hmm I wonder how much i'd be able to get if I sold my char and maybe my alts...

Oh looks like nullsec blackout ended a few months ago, maybe i'll end up dicking around on it again in the near future.
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Off the top of my head I liquidated down to 35bil or so and sold it for $700. Looking at the prices now it would only go for $200.