Fantastic Four


Silver Knight of the Realm
I like The Invisible Woman significantly more than Jean Grey. Jean Grey's power set has been just all over the place the past 20 years and the character is just crap.

Jessica Alba is more attractive than Famke Jennsen. So you lose on both counts.
I try to ignore anything that has to do with Jean Grey/Phoenix after Uncanny X-Men 137. My anger towards Kurt Busiek for coming up with the bad retcon knows no bounds almost 30yrs after it was done.

My question is, if Jean Grey was still in the shuttle under the Hudson, why the hell did the Phoenix Force apparently commit suicide?


<Prior Amod>
I try to ignore anything that has to do with Jean Grey/Phoenix after Uncanny X-Men 137. My anger towards Kurt Busiek for coming up with the bad retcon knows no bounds almost 30yrs after it was done.

My question is, if Jean Grey was still in the shuttle under the Hudson, why the hell did the Phoenix Force apparently commit suicide?
Jamaica Bay,

I think at this point, this was the only time the Phoenix decided to clone/copy someone instead of pick a host. All the other times we've seen the Phoenix it has influenced and corrupted ppl. But w/ Jean, it just copied Jean so the Phoenix became more human and just did what Jean as a human would do.


Got something right about marriage
Just saw the trailer in a commercial. Kanye West as the trailer music? Really? Shit looks terrible.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Anyone who says 'means to an end' is not misunderstood, he's just a villain.
I don't have time to do all of the screenshots, but in theDoomwarlimited series, Doom is judged by the Panther God. The Panther God has the ability to look into people's souls, etc. He looks into Doom's soul, and judged that Doom's motives are pure in nature.



Mr. Poopybutthole
We all know that Fox will screw up Doom once again. He deserves the Heath Ledger treatment, but that's not going to happen until Disney/Marvel get the rights back.



<Prior Amod>
Doom is Boss, he saved whatever he could from 616/Ultimate, when presented w/ the power of a god, Dr. Strange pussied out, and at least knew his limitations, that he was only good as a Doom Lackey and not fit to rule. (when you think about it, this is the Sorceror Supreme, bending his knee to Doom)

Doom is also ret-conned as the one indirectly responsible for 2 back to back climatic events, Avengers Disassembled/House of M.

Fox having a hold on the Fantastic Four, is horrible. Not b/c anyone gives a shit about the worst fucking superhero team in history, mr plastic, ugly rock guy, generic flame guy and a bitch whose main power for 40 years was to make a sandwich and disappear. Not these are shit head superheroes, it's what's associated w/ them that we want.

Look at Avengers, they had to use the crap tastic chutari (from the ultimate universe) instead of Skrulls. What other horrible substitutions does Marvel have to concede b4 they even have movie draft ideas b/c Fox owns shit?


Vyemm Raider
I'm not even as upset about them squandering doom as much as I'm upset about the ruined potential of silver surfer, galactus, ego, and mephisto.

See also: the waste of the entire venom/carnage IP.


<Gold Donor>
Lyrical can be a bit, shall we say fanatical, about certain things, but I have to agree with him about Doom. Doom is awesome, and is easily capable of being one of the best villains ever in a movie, comic, whatever. Unfortunately most of the time he isn't, but when he is done well he's the best.


<Prior Amod>
I don't watch the cartoons (no since 90s xmen/batman) do they do Doom right in those?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Only thing I've ever seen him in was Earth's Mightiest, and he wasn't even a villain there exactly. At the beginning of season 2 he sent Doombots to attack Avengers Mansion and the Baxter Building as a distraction so he could kidnap Sue, confirmed she was actually a Skrull, then when the F4 and the Avengers came to get her, he let them have her without telling them she was a Skrull. Later on, he blasts his way into Tony's lab to help him build a device that can detect skrull or something. So yeah, pretty lame.


Mr. Poopybutthole
"So you would deign to know the secrets of Doom. Very well, it is good that you would read of the majesty and power of Doom; the rabble must always glean knowledge from their betters. Take care that you dare not to use the knowledge enclosed in these pages against our person. To do so would invoke the wrath of Doom, and such a thing should not be invited lightly. Learn well of Doom and his lands, for the world will soon fall before them."

"The clapping shall go on for another hour. Have the first one who stops clapping brought out and shot."

"Pain? Pain is like love . . . like compassion! It is a thing only for lesser men. What is pain to Doom?"


Mr. Poopybutthole
Doom has been presented much better in the cartoons than in the movies, by far. Unfortunately, that's not saying much.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ms Marvel would have beat his ass ragged if she'd been part of the team at the beginning of the season. I assume that's why Thor was conspicuously back on Asgard too.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Doom is pretty fucking powerful, though. He is essentially the second most powerful sorcerer on earth, behind Strange, in addition to all of his tech stuff. The 2099 Doom series was arguably one of the best books Marvel ever put out, as well. People who complain about the Avengers not having a good villain to play off of since Loki have this shit show of a movie to blame. After this Hunger Games FF4 edition crashes and burns the IP, Disney won't even want the character back.


"The clapping shall go on for another hour. Have the first one who stops clapping brought out and shot."
Fucking retarded. You're going to write him as misunderstood in his desire to fix humanity forever and then make him literally Stalin.

Yeah, no.