Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


<WoW Guild Officer>
have 91.4 on my olive, is it worth it for me to wait till end of month and put 8% into her then, or use the 10% i have and waste the % from the moogle?
Do you have a 5% right now? There are 1% available from KM.


Silver Knight of the Realm
no i'll have a 5% at end of the month, from monthly log ins, and i just planned on gettign the 5 1%s after maxxwell trial


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't know what has changed, but I get a connection error and told to move to an area with better reception through Nox. I can't seem to find any other info or if this happening to anyone else.


Trakanon Raider
New Maxwell trial is out (and the old one re-released). I cleared the new ELT version with Cecil, WoL, Tilith, CoD, and Noctis (no friend for 5 man mission). I forgot that Destiny is an auto-kill (and failed the no death mission because of it) so had to run it a second time for the last mission and grabbed a Maxwell friend for that one.

I geared everyone on the team in 100% holy resistance after Tilith's buff, so Maxwell's damage was extremely low, which made the fight pretty easy. Just keep in mind the scripted attacks and no deaths isn't a problem (if you can reach 100% holy resist that is). WoL is very useful here even as a 5* unit, since with Rune Blade and Bushido, he can dispel your holy debuff and only deal minimal damage to your units, and he has innate 50% holy resist and he's very tanky even at 5*.

Video of my kill (both of them): Trial of the Creator ELT

I thought the free summons began today? Guess not.


Golden Squire
I finally got to clear the original Maxwell trial. I messed up and forgot to dispell on turn 5 and someone died. Got the LB kill though. 15% dark resist materia is not worth it IMO with Garnet's materia. I will attempt ELT later. I accidentally sent Cecil on a long expedition. Anyway, Maxwell is friend unit decked out with extra man killer and trident for killing Vargas.


God is dead
Got my first 5* base from a ticket/daily/free...

Seabreeze M. fina

No need to ham now.
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Trakanon Raider
Maxwell was much easier this time but I'll need to go back for additional challenges. The main one I want is the no deaths. I got the 5 members one already.

Even though she's physical resistant I put my leader back to Noctis with Deathbringer. He does pretty good damage with it. I'm leaving him on Odin. Diablos would increase his damage quite a bit but you'd have to deal with the extra damage from the loss of holy resist.

I've got some openings if anyone needs another follower since a lot of people on my list have quit: 084 999 090


Mr. Poopybutthole
I set a 6k hp Ling with Diabolos and 30% light resist as my companion unit for Maxwell if anyone missed her and needs the breaks.


Golden Squire
A couple of things I've noticed from Expeditions so far that may not have been mentioned. Unit level and equipment does matter for the higher difficulty expeditions. I've only noticed a difference of 1%, but every bit helps. I'm not sure what the Bonus counts towards because it does not make a difference with the success percentage. Maybe it affects the Success/Great Success/Amazing Success rates? I always try to stack as many Bonus units as I can and I seem to be getting a majority of Great and Amazing successes. Could just be dumb luck.


Vyemm Raider
I don't see a change in the % of Success unless i add whatever item that adventure needs. I see some units apply a BONUS, but can't tell what that does.


Golden Squire
Ok. I messed up and sent Rain on a long expedition and he is needed for a couple story missions. So lame... looks like you will need Rain, Lasswell, and Jake for missions later.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Ok. I messed up and sent Rain on a long expedition and he is needed for a couple story missions. So lame... looks like you will need Rain, Lasswell, and Jake for missions later.
You should have gotten an acceleration token already.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Heh, got my Noctis about as cancerous as I can. 95% evade, status immune, and ling's dagger equipped to make flasks even more annoying.
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Trakanon Raider
Make sure you do the equipment quests in the Vortex. 300 Lapis and 3 Summoning tickets. Just make sure you have some maxed out story units. If you gear them up with TMRs and event gear you can, easily, finish in two rounds or so.


Trakanon Raider
Finished off the new story content. We can get Apocalypse now (the non-elemental 105 atk greatsword) from keys, as well as a few nice items from the next tier of keys (equip fists, dragon mail, demon killer). Lakshmi seems like a weird esper, worse stats than carbuncle for a healer, and poor stats for other roles too. I guess she's a non-elemental esper, so useful when you just want to stay neutral on resistances.

I looked it up and the free summons and guaranteed 5* etc come out Thursday. Not sure why I thought it was coming out with the patch, but it's for the actual anniversary date (makes sense).

The story ended on an interesting cliffhanger for this update, but I won't post spoilers.