Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
Made some tweaks to my raid farming team and now I can farm the trial version of king mog in about 4-5 turns pretty easily. WoL, Rikku, Tilith, Noctis, Trance Terra, with a friend Orlandeau. WoL does breaks, Tilith does healing, Rikku cycles HyperNullAll with her Limit, Noctis spends most turns dispelling with Fingersnap (Odin), while Trance Terra uses Chaos Wave to dps with friend Orlandeau (Chaos Wave chains really well with Orlandeau). It's faster when I can find the rare Orlandeau not using a holy weapon (Mog resists holy), but even with Excaliburs, I can push a 25% threshold every turn usually.

Next time a raid orb refreshes I'm going to try not bothering to dispell his def/spr buff. I suspect dispelling him every round is actually lowering my overall dps, because then I have to re-apply the ATK break (instead of the DEF break), Noctis has to dispel instead of warp break, and the friend Orlandeau always has his first hit nerfed from holy resist before his imperil is re-applied.

So, something that would be nice to have.... the Tonberry Call Shop ability from FF8. All these expeditions needing random storebought materials for bonus is time consuming.... oh you want 6 Fish Scales? Let me go look up on the wiki which town sells it, go to that town, track down the shop and spend 300 gil on a few scales. It's not like it's realistic to keep a supply of every single item in the game either as that would need some major inventory expansion.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I enhanced elza's break so now i can otk the king after setting up turn 1. Excalibur orlandu is still optimal because elemental chains build faster which adds up to a lot more damage and holy explosion drops his light resist back down to 0 anyway.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
my 5* pull was a double rainbow, Trance terra(not excited about) and freyvia( i had 19 of her moogles saved) no good 4 stars still,
my life for a chizaru( still none)


Golden Squire
Sinzar Sinzar I can set up my Orlandeau with Deathbringer if you want to try it. The dark damage should help retain the elemental chain and exploit his dark weakness. Has anyone noticed connection errors when connecting to WiFi? My phone and Nox both enter an infinite connection error loop because of WiFi. If I turn it off, it works. Also tried reinstalling Nox and FFBE and restarting. Nothing seems to work. I submitted a message to them to see if it can be resolved. I'm done with the FFX event so I want to get back to TMR farming.

Also, I am able to farm the Mog Raid challenge now as well with WoL, Cecil, Rikku, Tilith, Orlandeau and Friendlandeau. It usually takes 4 rounds.

I'm considering throwing trust moogles at Moogle or Kelsus for the TMR for Rikku. Thoughts? Or should I just TMR farm Jack?
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Trakanon Raider
Appreciate it, but I've been tweaking my mog trial farming setup, and I've found that just ignoring his def/spr buff is better than dispelling it (for my setup). As a result, imperils are more useful now, so I've been running the following with this skill usage, almost always winning on turn 3:

Tilith: Celestial Light -> Full Heal -> Full Heal
WoL: Arms Eraser -> Armor Eraser -> Embolden
Rikku: Synthesis -> HyperNullAll -> Limit Break
Noctis: Warp Break x3
Fryevia: Frost Flower Blitz x3
Friend Orlandeau or Fryevia: Divine Ruination or Frost Flower Blitz x3

I think that maybe I can drop Rikku for another dps and two round him, but eh, that would be increasing risk in case his meteor kills someone without the HyperNullAll mitigation buff up, and it's not really worth risking just to shave off one round. I think my Gilgamesh would do better than Noctis, since his Tri-Attack can chain partially with Fryevia/Ornaldeau (Noctis can't chain for shit), but because I have to share gear with my arena team, it has to be Noctis. WTB the patch that let's arena teams have their own gear pool.

I'm considering throwing trust moogles at Moogle or Kelsus for the TMR for Rikku. Thoughts? Or should I just TMR farm Jack?
Definitely don't use any on the moogle unit, as you can pull them from the raid summons for free. I personally farmed up 4 of Jack's TM last week (lapis refreshing) for Rikku, but I probably should have only farmed 3, because with 3 of Jack (or Kelsus) TM's, Rikku gets 6 LB per round passively, which is 18 per 3 rounds, which is enough to LB every 3rd round even if she gets zero crystal drops. The reason I did that was because supposedly the robot trial coming up drops no crystals at all if you're focusing the arms (that's the strat I plan to go with), so I wanted Rikku to have LB without any outside crystals. If you're going to use trust moogles, then there's no rush and you can do it on demand if there comes a fight where you really need that option.

So I've been going back and forth about should I chase Tidus or not, and I think I've convinced myself I can live without him. Rikku's beyond the first or Wakka wouldn't be any use, so if I missed him, I'd be really salty with no consolation prizes. Looking at alternative setups for the short term, I think maybe enhancing my new Ace's Tri-Laser for the -75% lightning imperil, then running 2x Ashe with dualcasting Thundaja's will be my best dps option for now. A dualcasted Thundaja caps out at 1400% lightning damage by round 3, and using 2 of them they will spark with each other, and with a 75% imperil, that comes to a grand total of 4900% lightning damage per round (before sparks/chains).

Looking further down the road (5-6 weeks away, roughly) I think I'll chase Onion Knight. With his TM, his exclusive materia, and someone like my Gilgamesh, I can do a 2x onion cutter chain of fire/ice/lightning elements of my choice and have Ace do the 75% imperil / mana regen.

Well, that's my theorycrafted future plans at least. We'll see what happens between now and then I guess.

Ps: Don't forget to farm the vault of treasure daily. Today was a bunch of enhancement materials!
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Golden Squire
I tested out Deathbringer on Orlandeau and it takes longer to kill King Mog. Just gonna stick with Excalibur and use Imperil. Cecil pretty much does DC Dispel/Imperil every round. The Challenge mode is definitely worth a lot more raid points/coins. I think it's like 1k more.

Still having issues connecting with Nox or Memu so TMR farming it out until that is resolved... I've tried reinstalling Nox completely fresh and even tried Memu for the first time and it still does not work. I'm not sure what happened with the last patch, but wifi/fixed internet is not working for me. I wonder if there is a router setting I need to change, but everything work working great before the update. In the mean time, I'm burning NRG in the Chamber of Gems. Free 10+1 got me another Xon for placebo boosted rare drop rates.
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Trakanon Raider
You can try disabling IPv6 on your router, which helped connection issues I was having a few months ago, but there's a few threads on reddit with lots of people having the exact same issue where wifi doesn't work but mobile data does. Supposedly using a VPN can get around the problem until it's fixed.


Golden Squire
Thanks for the tip. I will try it out.

Swapped out the router for an older one and everything is working again. Weird because the newer router was working great right up until maintenance.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
So, thinking I might buy that chest of renewal. I've done my best to stay f2p but it seems worth the price... so is it worth it?


Golden Squire
So, thinking I might buy that chest of renewal. I've done my best to stay f2p but it seems worth the price... so is it worth it?
I am very tempted by it too. Looks like a good deal, but only because lapis is so friggin expensive. I bought the $12 bundle though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I am very tempted by it too. Looks like a good deal, but only because lapis is so friggin expensive. I bought the $12 bundle though.

Yeah, I bought that back in the day too... and the 1$ new year thingy. But still, 48$ is tough for me right now but I'm having a great time playing this still.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Went back for the no-magic mission for Robo on JP even though world collapse is fucking terrible.


yeah baby


Mr. Poopybutthole
Eh, GL Vilheim will be able to get pretty close to that as soon as the FF12 banner comes out.


That's what power creep really looks like.


Trakanon Raider
So, thinking I might buy that chest of renewal. I've done my best to stay f2p but it seems worth the price... so is it worth it?
I grabbed it, seemed decent value. With Amazon discounts and coin-back promotions, total cost ended up somewhere around $37 or so, which isn't bad. Gave me some EX points too for additional value. Cheaper than paying a monthly MMO sub, which I did for like 8 years without a second thought.

It looks like most people aren't bothering to farm the mog king trial fight. I checked my ranking just for curiousity and I'm rank 182... and that's with missing like 8-10 orbs on the first day because of connection problems.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I feel like there's just not nearly as many people who can handle the top difficulty of the raid easily enough to be willing to do it 20 times a day as there are for normal raids. God knows when I did Ifrit I did a mix of pro and elt because i couldn't stand how long elt took me.

Could also be that people aren't looking forward to pulling on a shitty raid gacha 1000 coins at a time.
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Vyemm Raider
i spent the whole first day not knowing there was one past ELT. i'm not a smart man....


Golden Knight of the Realm
Been playing a few weeks still feel like I don't know what I am doing.

I did get lucky and pull Noctis fryevia olive tilith and WoL

Any tips on how to pick up some of the good equipment easily?