Fuck Comcast


<Prior Amod>
So got the issue figured out.

Come to find out there were two issues, had one not existed I would have had another one. The guy who split the wire at the jack did it wrong and signal wasn't getting to my DVR. The DVR would read this and shut up and refuse to power up because of it. I got it rewired.

Come to find out though even if it hadn't been wired wrong they put a DVR in my back bedroom as well and since I was only had one DVR on my account one of the boxes wouldn't have worked anyway.

So I got the DVR in the bedroom replaced with a normal HD box as well. After talking to the lady on my phone she was only going to comp my the tech visit today and I said that was BS, I shouldn't have had to pay for it anyway since it was their fault to begin with. She then got annoyed with me and said "we don't give credits to people just for inconviences" I told her to let me talk to her supervisor.

After talking with a supervisor they are going to look further into it and call me back. He gave me his number and extension in the mean time.

So sick of dealing with this.


<Prior Amod>
I guess this also brings up a question on behalf of my wife. She lost all her recorded shows of Castle and The Following (ugh) from this season and wants to be able to watch them. She doesn't want to download them all so what's a good place where she can stream them? I've never streamed TV shows before as I always torrent them.

She's super pissed about losing her The Following episodes and was wanting to watch the season again this week. (show is awful)


<Prior Amod>
That only has the last episode of The Following and Hulu plus doesn't have the full collection either.

why she is obsessed with such an awful show I'll never know.


<Prior Amod>
Fox only has 6 episodes on their site as well.


Molten Core Raider
Uhg, I like my 120/26 speedtest results but man... Sometimes Comcast just pisses me off. A couple problems have surfaced and it seems like this would be a good place to vent

I am moving to a new location in a different state 800+ miles away but will still use Comcast. There is old Verizon equipment left there and the previous owner said Verizon was available but their web page says no services are available... The verizon fios office that announced fios being available 6+ years ago is just 3 miles away too =p So hopefully a bug in their website Maybe if I contact a local rep I can double check because its sure sounding like a nice option.

Anyway... I plugged a new, self purchased, cable modem in at the new house and was given a Comcast website to enter my Comcast acct number and phone number. In less than 10 minutes after activating I had Comcast activated and working!

It sounds real easy and it was to get service at my new house... However it sounds like Comcast is a franchise and I technically need to transfer service to the new address. According to the website this will take a week+ to perform. So if I initiate the transfer I'll lose internet access at my new home and have to wait for them to transfer most likely I started to talk to a rep on the phone but they scare me now. Even though Comcasts website says you can keep all of your email address with your new account, the account rep said I couldn't keep my email addresses...

Technically there is nothing stopping me from getting service without any delay or wait, but Comcast procedure sounds like it will disable my service. I'd rather switch to Verizon if thats the case. Then find some stuff to complain about with them probably haha

Then there is another issue with Comcast...

I normally have the 105 Extreme service but was between moving and used the seasonal service Comcast offers. Basically your internet goes into hibernate mode and you only pay $5 a month until you re-enable it. Once the service was re-enabled I was able to get my 105/20 speeds just fine. However on My account overview page it still shows 'Performance Lite' as my tier. If I go to my services it also shows '
XFINITY Internet: Performance Lite' with a link to upgrade my service. If I click that link then expand my services it shows 'INTERNET SERVICE $64.95
EXTREME 105 $50.00 '

And only shows options to downgrade my service.

So apparently Comcast has multiple databases or tables that store your current tier. Seasonal service probably dropped them all to minimum, but restoration didn't upgrade them back to the correct level. Normally I'd just consider this a display issue since it doesn't actually affect the cfg my modem downloads. However Xfinity's new 'Xfinity WiFi' is basing access on the database entry that's causing it to show performance lite on my account. So I can useXFINITY WiFi Hotspot Map: WiFi Finder, WiFi Hotspotsat all which was recently launched in Utah whttp://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/57006822-79/network-xfinity-comcast-hotspots.html.csp which I would like to use when visiting...

When I talk to an account rep they see the correct tier in whatever tool they are using so they can't help me. I then get transferred to technical support and they try and troubleshot my home router as if my home wifi is not working and they cant do more than follow a script anyway so that doesn't help. I talked to 8+ techs/account reps and none could help me. The best response I had from one person was if my tier of service was higher than the hotspot I can't connect and I'd have to downgrade my service to match that hotspot to use it.... right. Maybe only get speeds equivalent to their tier but higher tier users not allowed to user lower tier hotspots? That response had to be a lie. Really the root cause is apparent because of the display issue I see indicating I'm a performance lite user in some but not all cases. I loved it when the techs would reboot my cable modem 1000 miles away at my home to try and resolve the issue...Yeah they are low paid techs that follow a script, but at the same time they couldn't escalate or report a ticket to have my issue resolved.

Seasonal service is probably a more uncommonly used feature, but at the same time its people that sometimes use seasonal service that would also be taking advantage of mobile wifi hotspots while traveling. My seasonal service ended 2+ weeks ago so I don't think its a matter of just waiting for everything to turn back on. I'll try a few more account reps... But I don't have much confidence they will be able to help.


So I finally had it with with Comcasts shit and switched to Centurylink. Note of advice, if anyone else is thinking of doing the same, just buy the $100 kit they recommend for a router during check out. I thought I would be all uber geek and get my own and ended up buying an ADSL instead of a VDSL modem and had to fuck with that for a bit before I figured out what happened.

With that said, it was the same price for a 20mb connection as it was for a 40mb so I got the fourty. Now I just got the service, and its fucking FREEZING here, but speed tests show me getting around 20mbs. Anyone else who has centurylink or DSl in general have the same issue or should I call and bitch to customer service?


Potato del Grande
Bitch at customer service till they put on a pretend manager that says fuck you and you are S.O.L.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I know this thread is primarily about Comcast but I had to vent this somewhere.

AT&T owns our tiny ass little county and of course for those of us who live out in the county at large that means we don't get any internet. We also have Comcast but it's much the same issue: They have stopped about 2 miles from our house and have no plans of going any further. I have learned to begrudgingly accept this fate, and use my Verizon 4g connection as sparingly as I can. Fast forward to this January, and my father in law who is on the county council tells me that the Electric Company approached him, and they are running a fiber trunk to all their branch offices. In the meantime since they are laying the main line, they also are going to offer fiber to all customers. Well to get this accomplished in the land that is supposedly founded on the principles of a free market, they have to get approval from the state legislature. The state senator and house rep both sign on and its in. Home free.

Until a few weeks later, AT&T's lobby catches wind of the bill to get approval and they come storming in with their lawyers saying they will fight this (IE threaten the politicians on their dole) and get it squashed. To further this, they have successfully done this before when a nearby phone cooperative tried to do the same thing. They laid down a map and showed they offer the county plenty of coverage via their 4g and that is good enough, and it's not with their business model to run lines out to us in the country. Well everyone in the council has tucked tail, because we are so small, and I want desperately to fight back but I have no idea where to start. I absolutely loath how our communications are handled in this country, and I think long term it's going to bite us in the butt. I don't believe in forcing companies to do anything, but if there was actual competition allowed... there would be no need.

If anyone knows of any sources that specialize in fighting this, making it public, let me know as I'd be more than happy to share my story with them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You're fucked. There isn't a whole lot you can do. Maybe get grass roots campaign going. Could check over at stopthecap.com for some resources.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, DSL is pretty much dependant on how good your wires are and how far down the line you are. You pretty much get what you get.


Honestly 20megs is just fine for what I do. Any idea once my new customer discount goes away and the prices go up if I switch to 20megs instead of 40, will I still get around 20 (just not higher) or will I then instead get 10megs?

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
Have you by chance tried doing the speedtest plugged directly into your modem instead of through your router?


Blackwing Lair Raider
You're fucked. There isn't a whole lot you can do. Maybe get grass roots campaign going. Could check over at stopthecap.com for some resources.
I know and thanks I will check that out... I knew I remembered a site that kind of specialized in this. I really just needed to vent and figured I'd throw some spaghetti out there to see if it stuck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I know and thanks I will check that out... I knew I remembered a site that kind of specialized in this. I really just needed to vent and figured I'd throw some spaghetti out there to see if it stuck.
Its a problem all across the country, where the big players like ATT and Comcast are buying off state and local politicians to stifle competition. ATT basically ghost wrote a law in Kansas that would hamper municipal based broadband and google fiber from expanding in the state. The best thing you can do is get the word out about ATT stifling the competition. It might shame some politicians but I doubt it.