GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


<Nazi Janitors>
After last night:
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Buzzfeed Editor
hi jon snow, this cave full of dragon glass also has snow elf writing even though the snow elves never saw dragons because targaryens only showed up a few hundrerd years ago..

Dragon glass is just a name, it isn't actually made from Dragons. It's obsidian, it's formed from a volcanic eruption.

I think people are looking a little too far into the Arya beating Brienne in a sparring match. She certainly showed an incredible amount of skill and development and just might be one of the hardest of all badasses now, but if that was a straight up duel Brienne of Tarth would own Arya pretty badly.

What would be cool is if Brienne trained her like she is the cock God Pod and Arya further improved her capabilities by adding in some knight talents and skills to compliment her water dancing and assassin skill tree.

Except when Arya was able to point it right at Brienne's head, none of her other little stabs would have done anything.

Arya would have stabbed Brienne and her sword would have stopped, and Brienne would have cut her in half. People in plate armor fought using the armor as a weapon, too, their entire fighting style took the armor into account--the manuals we have from that era illustrate this. Part of their advantage was literally being able to let people hit them, while pushing closer to kill someone (And not wasting energy trying to dance or block shots. And unlike duels, you can't run away when your crowded in, or you can just pick a new guy to hack down, so the armored person doesn't have to worry about a Bronn situation.). The reality was swords like Arya's are useless in medieval combat, even cheaper armors would nullify it. Quick, thin weapons like hers (But much longer obviously) only became popular in the the Renaissance, after gunpowder and newer crossbows made armor somewhat less useful on the battlefield.

But even then, they weren't used on the battlefield. Pikes/Halbers were, in order to protect the gunpowder/crossbow lines from Calvary. At no point would a sword like that ever be a "war" weapon. It was a gentleman's weapon, something used for dueling within cities, or among the nobility to show off skill. It's the difference between a skeet shooting shotgun, and a modern military rifle, or a handgun and a modern machine gun. For someone casually traveling around, a small fast weapon is ideal, but in a fight where both sides are prepared, like Brienne in her armor? Nope. She'd have walked into Arya's weapons and just cut her in half.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Everyone keeps saying Bronn saved Jamie, but he was sinking in that water with full plate armor on and only one hand. How the fuck is he not going to drown? I won't be surprised if plot armor saves him and Bronn cuts him loose, but I am surprised no one has mentioned this yet.

Hell, we considered a knight charging at full speed suddenly getting tackled right before he's ash to be enough plot armor that he's probably safe. We'll see.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The dagger is the vehicle that started the War of the Five Kings because Littlefinger told Catelyn Stark that it belonged to Tyrion Lannister. Catelyn then went on to be a retard and kidnap Tyrion Lannister randomly, setting a whole bunch of events into motion. When in fact the stupid dagger was in King Robert's royal armory the whole time and never used it or gave a shit about it. Joffrey was just a moron and gave a priceless dagger to a random cutthroat to kill Bran.

Now Bran, Lord of Autism and the Three-Eyed Autist knows this. He told LF about his Chaos speech when Bran had absolutely no way of knowing it was ever said. Bran is probably going to mention to Sansa, Arya or Jon that it was Littlefinger who lied to their mother about the ownership of the weapon and that he intentionally betrayed their father for his own gain. The dagger is just the plot point for this.

He will probably say this at the worst possible moment.

Yes I'm quite aware of the dagger's history in the current story up to this point. My point is that the dagger will be used again in some fashion that is important to GMartin's endgame. There was also a drawing of it in one of the books Sam stole from the restricted stacks of the Citadel library. It didn't reappear this late in the story just so Bran can be all, "Littlefinger cannot be trusted". Sansa already knows he's a deceitful fuck.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Dragon glass is just a name, it isn't actually made from Dragons. It's obsidian, it's formed from a volcanic eruption.

Except when Arya was able to point it right at Brienne's head, none of her other little stabs would have done anything.

Arya would have stabbed Brienne and her sword would have stopped, and Brienne would have cut her in half. People in plate armor fought using the armor as a weapon, too, their entire fighting style took the armor into account--the manuals we have from that era illustrate this. Part of their advantage was literally being able to let people hit them, while pushing closer to kill someone (And not wasting energy trying to dance or block shots. And unlike duels, you can't run away when your crowded in, or you can just pick a new guy to hack down, so the armored person doesn't have to worry about a Bronn situation.). The reality was swords like Arya's are useless in medieval combat, even cheaper armors would nullify it. Quick, thin weapons like hers (But much longer obviously) only became popular in the the Renaissance, after gunpowder and newer crossbows made armor somewhat less useful on the battlefield.

But even then, they weren't used on the battlefield. Pikes/Halbers were, in order to protect the gunpowder/crossbow lines from Calvary. At no point would a sword like that ever be a "war" weapon. It was a gentleman's weapon, something used for dueling within cities, or among the nobility to show off skill. It's the difference between a skeet shooting shotgun, and a modern military rifle, or a handgun and a modern machine gun. For someone casually traveling around, a small fast weapon is ideal, but in a fight where both sides are prepared, like Brienne in her armor? Nope. She'd have walked into Arya's weapons and just cut her in half.

There's a fantastic scene in season 1 with Jorah that proves exactly this point. He fights a Dothraki 1-on-1, and his armor allows him to absorb a hit from the (surprised) Dothraki and then land the killing blow.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Jaime should of took Robert's advice from S1: Only a fool would fight the Dothraki in an open field.

That was a great episode, you guys nitpick the funniest shit. Who cares, it's about entertainment like Dragons roasting bitches and Dothraki getting impaled by 20 foot arrows.

I'm very surprised Bronn survived that. My thought was on that 2nd arrow shot he hits Drogan right as he gets blasted with dragonfire.
I will say I was amazed at the Lannister army in that scene.

I mean, even with the Dothraki they all held the line. In what was basically a guaranteed slaughter. They were outnumbered, and by an army entirely on horseback. When you consider that they were the "stragglers," it's astonishing they didn't just say fuck it and flee.

But then even when the dragon shows up and fucking roasts hundreds of them, they still fought. Fight or flight at that point says you say "fuck this" and run, but the Lannister army stood their ground.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
There's a fantastic scene in season 1 with Jorah that proves exactly this point. He fights a Dothraki 1-on-1, and his armor allows him to absorb a hit from the (surprised) Dothraki and then land the killing blow.

While the scene is still cool even if it is unrealistic. The sheer weight of that broadsword, Brienne's size and reach wouldn't have even allowed Arya to parry shit.

Still cool though.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
A hell of a lot better choreography than the Sand Snakes mess. I guess they learned their lesson some.


FPS noob
Pretty sure Jaime gets captured by Dany and her army, that sets up a nice dichotomy of Euron holding Yara, Cersei holding Oberon's lady, and Dany holding Jaime

what'd be cool is if Tyrion can convince Bronn to switch sides
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Buzzfeed Editor
I'm pretty sure it was mentioned last episode or the one before where it is made from melting rock with dragon fire.

I don't think so. I could be wrong, but I really don't remember that. I know in the books they specific mention it is volcanic in nature.


The Big Mod
While the scene is still cool even if it is unrealistic. The sheer weight of that broadsword, Brienne's size and reach wouldn't have even allowed Arya to parry shit.

Still cool though.
Yeah those swings would have gone right through Aryas guard and sliced her in two.
  • 2Worf
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
why is this show trying to make arya look like a badass. she is not a badass. she is some ugly cunt
  • 4Picard
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<Silver Donator>
Arya fighting Brienne was dumb
Shut your whore mouth.

Episode was very "hollywood" with a lot of WTF moments, but I really liked it despite all of the (valid) complaints. Bronn and Jaime should definitely be dead, though....just like the hound should have been after his fight with the Amazon Knight. Show writers are too afraid of killing some people off, which is part of what made Grrm's stuff so good.

Arya has been pretty awesome the whole way through the show, but I really like who she and Sansa have become, as shown in this episode.

Bran is fucking boring as shit and needs to fall out of his wheelchair in a shallow puddle of horse piss to wrap up that line.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
He shot his dad on the toilet.
To take the throne himself. LONG GAME BRO.

Having these quotes back to back made me chuckle just a bit. On to the story, those ballista bolts may not kill a dragon but Qyburn may have more tricks up his sleeve later like poison, etc. Most of the plot armor has viable explanations. Jon knowing about the old stories is easily explained, people getting lucky during battle(outside of Jaime's charge), and even the water. Episode gave me hope for more good stuff. Top 10 episode easy and it was the shortest.

On to Arya. It was sparring so not super serious. Arya was sick of being marginalized so this was meant as a talent display. Arya isn't meant to battle armored knights on the field of battle and she knows it. The match was just another fantastic part of this episode.
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, all you need to explain Jon knowing things is to say Sam read it in the Castle Black library and told him about it. Not worth wasting time on really.

Plot armor is a tired complaint too. You don't tell a story about somebody that got hit with a stray arrow and died in a battle. I think that the fact that we are hearing a story about someone is enough explanation for the fact that they did something improbable in a lot of cases. If they didn't do something improbable, why tell a story about them? Not necessarily speaking about anything specific to this show, but just that particular nerd complaint in general.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Aren't the "Old stories" about the Children pretty known(At least in the north)? Old Nan raised the kids on those stories, didn't she?
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Pretty sure Jaime gets captured by Dany and her army, that sets up a nice dichotomy of Euron holding Yara, Cersei holding Oberon's lady, and Dany holding Jaime

what'd be cool is if Tyrion can convince Bronn to switch sides

I'm not sure there would be much "convincing" beyond a big ol' sack of gold and a promise of a castle. The great thing about Bronn is that he gives no fucks and will do whatever is best for him.
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Gunnar Durden
Right before the picture I posted above they show Jamie's shocked and sad face looking at them trying to get to the water. I assume it was to highlight being someone he knew more than just the fact people are burning.

Jaime isnt a monster. Seeing dozens of men melting in front of him would shock anyone. I think that shot was to show you how brutal the dragons are.

the likelihood of the gold being "just inside the gates" so the plot could advance and the rest of the army exposed to get slaughtered by the Westeros equivalent of Muslims is about the same as if your cat walked across your keyboard and posted something coherent, reasonable and intelligent rather than the OH BOY DRAGONS TEE HEE fag shit that you shit out

They arent Muslims, they are Native American stand ins. Hence the incessant yipping and Red Man fighting style. The Dothraki are pretty much Braves. Get your SJW shit right you fucking white male.

How does John know the story of the Snow Elves? I thought only Bran hung out with them and knew their backstory about the Walkers?

The Starks still practive the old religion of the first men, and thats a major part of it. Why do you think they all hang out with trees with faces?

Man, some ignorant, shitty-ass consumers of fine quality entrainment up in this motherfucker.

Imma be back in the am to drop hard knawledge.

Nobody asked Jew.

Speaking of that, the scene in the crypt with Sansa and Arya I'm just sitting there looking at the two of them like, "This casting is terrible. These two don't even remotely look related. Is Arya a bastard too?"

Sansa looks like Cat, Arya like Ned. And they were cast at like 14 and no one knew Sophie Turner was going to end up being the tallest person on the show other than the mountain.

I'm pretty sure it was mentioned last episode or the one before where it is made from melting rock with dragon fire.

I dont know where you pulled that idea out of . Never once was mentioned. You think they just took a dragon in a cave and said HEY SHOOT ROCKS WITH FIRE when they could just it outside.

Pretty sure Jaime gets captured by Dany and her army, that sets up a nice dichotomy of Euron holding Yara, Cersei holding Oberon's lady, and Dany holding Jaime

what'd be cool is if Tyrion can convince Bronn to switch sides

Bronn will fight for whoever pays him.

Yeah those swings would have gone right through Aryas guard and sliced her in two.

I agree, but she was using a dull practice blade so it would probably just knock arya the fuck out.

Also, people who keep saying they "knocked out the Lannister army" missed the fact that it was just the tail of the army slowed down by broken wagon wheels. They probably only lost about 1000 men.

Sure the scorpion launcher didnt kill the dragon, but it fucked it up and force it to the ground. Build enough of those around Kings Landing and you dont have to worry about them melting the red keep.
  • 2Worf
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