Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


Molten Core Raider
Saw it tonight. Was good, not great.

For phase 2 would place it 3rd behind Captain America 2 and Thor 2 but ahead of Iron Man 3.

Really wanted to like it more, but being that it was an introduction film for it's characters it was hard to be much better than it was.


Trakanon Raider
Guardians of the Galaxy is 2 hours of Andy from Parks and Rec dreaming he is Han Solo.

If that one sentence review seems like something that would amuse you then it is worth seeing. For what its worth I enjoyed Avengers and Cap 1 the most but GotG was pretty fun.


Molten Core Raider
What would it mean to someone who has never seen Parks and Rec like me?

Seriously the only thing I knew of Chris Pratt from was bit parts in Money Ball and Zero Dark Thirty. Still think he did fine as Star Lord.


Trakanon Raider
What would it mean to someone who has never seen Parks and Rec like me?
If you haven't watched Parks and Rec then you wouldn't care. That's why I threw in there that it was fun but not as good as the Avengers and the first Cap. GotG was much more of a comedy than the usual Marvel movies. I had a good time with the little throw away jokes and the frequency at which they were tossed at the audience.


The Big Mod
great movie and i didn't expect to like it. the action wasn't quite as good as Captain America 2 but the humor made up for it, i'd say i enjoyed both equally.

a hell of a lot better than that piece of shit xmen movie.


Log Wizard
Dialogue was cheesy at times, but then they immediately mock the cheeze. Great.

Avengers #1, Cap 2 #2, and this is probably 3rd place right before Thor 1.

GROOT ruled.


FPS noob
just got back, awesome movie really enjoyed it a lot more than the recent comic book movies like iron man 3, thor, and spidey. Had very much a old school star wars + firefly vibe.

There is a 30 second post credits scene, was really weird but cool

downloaded the comic books gonna check it out, can't wait for GoTG2


The character interactions and dialogue were brilliant. I think this has the most rewatchability out of all the marvel movies. Though I thought it was lacking a little in the fight actions scenes.

Ronan's "what are you doing?" was epic.


<Gold Donor>
I liked it as well, but not as much as Cap 2 for pure entertainment. I sort of feel like Keg did, where I enjoyed the other aspects of the movie more in this one than some of the others, but the action wasn't quite up to some of the others.

The one thing that strikes me most about this movie is that it wasn't really what I expected at all...except it was? If that makes sense. I mean, obviously it is a sci-fi movie with humor and if I described it everyone would say duh, that's what we expected, but it wasn't really anything at all like I expected it to be. That's confusing, I know, but I was really surprised at how much it didn't go at all like I thought it would for most of the movie.

Definitely worth seeing, of course, and I'd give it a definite thumbs up. Just not as excited when I left the theater as I was after CA2 (and Avengers obviously). Not sure where I'd rank it really. I'd probably put Iron Man ahead of it too, since that one is really hard to beat for an origin movie. Better than both Thors (I wasn't a big fan of the second one like everyone else here).

EDIT: Oh yeah, Groot was awesome, but I think Rocket stole a LOT of the scenes, and was maybe the best character. Hard to not like Starlord of course, and he had his share of awesome, but Rocket really surprised me.


I only saw one after-credits scene (no mid-credits scene) and it wasn't that much of a story reveal as much as it was a quick laugh.

Howard the Duck makes a crack at the Collector, whoop whoop.


Apparently the teaser is a bit more complicated than what was shown.

In the Thor 2 mid-credit scene, they showed Sif and Volstagg bringing The Collector the Aether. As they walked through his collections they pass a weird green thing that is apparently a big cocoon. In the post credit scene of GotG, it shows The Collector, Howard, and Cosmo, but it also shows thatwhatever was in that cocoonis now out.


Just got back and for me I'd rate it above Avengers, was literally crying about 1/3 of the movie from laughing at the jokes and character interactions but then Rocket has always been in my top 3 comics with Batman and Lobo so I was just overjoyed they didn't fuck him up.

To be fair I missed Thor 2 and Cap 2 so they may cause me to adjust my scale once I can be bothered buying them but James Gunn wrote a great script, movie was well paced, everyone played their roles well (even Batista was better than I was expecting) and that throw away line at the end by Yondo's guy has me really wanting to see the next one asap.

I don't think anyone that has enjoyed the Marvel movie revival will be disappointed in any way unless you go in with the mindset that Rocket and Groot are just there to sell toys to kids.


Riddle me this...
This movie is simply awesome. I've always been a fan of the "B" teams in the marvel universe so I was worried about this movie. I had nothing to fear, the writing was top notch. I was worried about Batista playing a wrestler who was playing a char but I think Drax was the perfect role for him. Like knytestorme said I was laughing through 1/3 of the movie.

Also, Thanos is shown and heard and my god, he is done right.


I only saw one after-credits scene (no mid-credits scene) and it wasn't that much of a story reveal as much as it was a quick laugh.

Howard the Duck makes a crack at the Collector, whoop whoop.
I feel like Marvel just trolled the fuck out of us.

Groot rules.


Trakanon Raider
More trucks of cocaine was spotted being delivered to Marvel Studios Execs this morning!

I got roped into seeing it last night even though I had 3D IMAX tickets for Saturday. After seeing it, I have no problems watching this again and again. Whoever said great watchability is spot on. Rocket was awesome.


FPS noob
what will the wife think?
wife loved it, chris pratt takes his shirt off a few times and the supporting women all kick ass and aren't goofy big boobed retards like most comic book movies. the humor really makes it work too, and the fight scenes are followable and no shitty hand cams or mega super fast cuts ala transformers


I will say the only underwhelming part of the movie, was it seemed Drax never really did anything all that worth while. Every fight he was in (save maybe the prison one) he got his shit pushed in it seems like. I mean for a guy named Drax the Destroyer I kind of expected him to whip a little more ass than he did.

(I went into this movie knowing absolutely nothing about GotG so if that is like some running joke that Drax looks all bad ass but never really kicks ass then it was done well. :p)