
Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
That doesn't help much in games where you're getting chopped up by weapon+8 different <2 mana units
And Dirty Rat is so situational though if you're not playing a control deck.
The easiest wins I have had vs pirates is when an early AC rolled Misha. Slowing down that deck for a turn or two is usually enough.
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Trakanon Raider
Lost a lot last night. Surely I made some mistakes but I seemingly ran into ENDLESS opponents with perfect draws.

I was bitching a few pages back about this in arena.. and while I'm generally getting my normal 4+ wins now in most runs, I'm still seeing the most insane things. 3 bog creepers in a row when ive got them at 3 life so they come back to win. It was fairly rare to even get offered 3 bogs during WOTG with the offering bonus, the chances of that happening now are crazy. Then, he also drew all 3 and played them turns 7, 8 and 9. I was against a warlock, so I went face on turn 6 to get him down to 3 life, with about 6 or 7 power on board and some reach in my deck (I was also warlock, had felfire potion, hellfire, abyssal enforcer). Figured even if he played a big taunt, or two, I'd still likely win, never considered 3 bogs in a row..
A paladin with FOUR keeper of uldamans that he played in one game. ffs, he could have had more for all I know. Plus, I was playing priest and of course had 4 large targets that he got value off of. After the 2nd one I'm like 'surely he doesn't have any more left now..' and then get my bog creeper and y'shaarj keeper'd. :-/
Another paladin with 1 smuggler's run, 4 grimy informant (the 2 drop buff guy, not sure if that's right name) and an all minion opening hand after he played the smuggler's. Fucker was dropping 6/6 of that legendary 3 drop 2/2 divine shield, heal you when dealing damage paladin guy. He even discovered a 2nd one that got up to 5/5 as well.

Ugh, I hate bitching about RNG and I normally have a fair bit of tolerance for crazy shit. It's just been happening so consistently to me, lately.
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Trakanon Raider
I was bitching a few pages back about this in arena.. and while I'm generally getting my normal 4+ wins now in most runs, I'm still seeing the most insane things. 3 bog creepers in a row when ive got them at 3 life so they come back to win. It was fairly rare to even get offered 3 bogs during WOTG with the offering bonus, the chances of that happening now are crazy. Then, he also drew all 3 and played them turns 7, 8 and 9. I was against a warlock, so I went face on turn 6 to get him down to 3 life, with about 6 or 7 power on board and some reach in my deck (I was also warlock, had felfire potion, hellfire, abyssal enforcer). Figured even if he played a big taunt, or two, I'd still likely win, never considered 3 bogs in a row..
A paladin with FOUR keeper of uldamans that he played in one game. ffs, he could have had more for all I know. Plus, I was playing priest and of course had 4 large targets that he got value off of. After the 2nd one I'm like 'surely he doesn't have any more left now..' and then get my bog creeper and y'shaarj keeper'd. :-/
Another paladin with 1 smuggler's run, 4 grimy informant (the 2 drop buff guy, not sure if that's right name) and an all minion opening hand after he played the smuggler's. Fucker was dropping 6/6 of that legendary 3 drop 2/2 divine shield, heal you when dealing damage paladin guy. He even discovered a 2nd one that got up to 5/5 as well.

Ugh, I hate bitching about RNG and I normally have a fair bit of tolerance for crazy shit. It's just been happening so consistently to me, lately.

Lost 2 back to back arena matches yesterday to Mages with 3 Firelands Portals. I was mad.
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Trakanon Raider
I expect at least one flamestrike and/or firelands portal due to the class card offering bonus, but 3 and up is where it starts being ridiculous.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
It feels like the offering bonuses are insane, my last 3 arenas have all been above 70 rating on heartharena and have had multiple crazy good class cards such as a shaman with 3 fire ele's, a druid with 4 druid of the claws and 3 menagerie wardens, as well as a hunter with a bunch of beasts and 3 houndmasters. Then again thats all on EU, all of my runs on NA have been 64 or less garbage decks.

Although I did just have a game where a priest mind vision the kel'thuzad from my hand with a 1/5 chance and that is what won him the game. I am shocked I havn't broken a mouse over this shit yet.
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Trakanon Raider
y'know.. I just had a thought, that the offering bonus being higher for class cards, and there being so many now, may be causing an inflation of card quality. What I mean is, each card offered of the 3 is chosen individually. So, if there are a ton of class cards, all with bonuses, and the new set with the normal two bonuses stacked, you are highly likely to get at least one class card offered in the 3.
I'd have to see the actual numbers and ratios to see if that's really what's going on, but I wouldn't be surprised.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So the Jade Druid deck is getting pretty refined about now.

My problem with it revolves around MSG giving Druid INCREASED Ramp abilities with complimented synergy to Jade Golem (Jade Blossom/Jade Behemoth). So not only can they ramp more reliably and efficiently. It also aids in the stat ramp of the stupid golems. God.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, it seems like they are at 7+ mana before you know it on top of the token flood. Plus auctioneer shenanigans and of course the terrible idea that is the idol....pretty obnoxious shit.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Whats the refined version? Jade Druid still loses easily to renolock and aggro from my experiences.
Most people know to flood board ASAP against druid by now. Even dragon priest can win a decent amount of times.
I liked the idea I saw in Batstone of adding a Yogg for emergency clears. Need to try that.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
So I played a rogue last night that used an interesting tactic. He was playing a weird pirate variant. The play he made wouldn't have worked if he didn't have patches already in hand, since he played small time buccaneer early.

He played Emperor at some point and got 1 point of discount.
Maybe 2 turns(?) later he played patches, played gang up on patches, then played south sea captain x2 which drew the 3 copies of patches back out of his deck, and they all hit for 3 instead of 1, since they were buffed twice. If I hadn't been at 28 hp and him at 1hp, that would have been it.

Really novel idea that I hadn't seen anywhere before, but I doubt it's the least bit consistent.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
So I played a rogue last night that used an interesting tactic. He was playing a weird pirate variant. The play he made wouldn't have worked if he didn't have patches already in hand, since he played small time buccaneer early.

He played Emperor at some point and got 1 point of discount.
Maybe 2 turns(?) later he played patches, played gang up on patches, then played south sea captain x2 which drew the 3 copies of patches back out of his deck, and they all hit for 3 instead of 1, since they were buffed twice. If I hadn't been at 28 hp and him at 1hp, that would have been it.

Really novel idea that I hadn't seen anywhere before, but I doubt it's the least bit consistent.

Oh wow that sounds awesome. Imagine pulling that off with two gang ups on patches and following with some other pirate. Lulz.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Also, buff hunter has some real potential. I killed a priest in 4 turns the other night, faster even than the pirate cancer deck. Just a lucky/perfect draw, but still.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Whats the refined version? Jade Druid still loses easily to renolock and aggro from my experiences.
Most people know to flood board ASAP against druid by now. Even dragon priest can win a decent amount of times.
I liked the idea I saw in Batstone of adding a Yogg for emergency clears. Need to try that.

I've been playing a lot of Renolock and I could just be bad (usually get to rank 8 or when I try and before I get tired of the grind).

But generally, heres how the games go for me.

Jade Spirit, Ramp, Jade Behemoth or smth. I clear that shit with Hellfire or something. Put some things on the board. Trade a bit. They get a Nourish or Auctioneer turn and flood the board again. I clear it with Abyssal/Twisting Nether/or Reno back to full. They get another turn and board flood then I lose.
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<Bronze Donator>
Taking 4 damage turn 1 when Pirate Warrior goes second is just not okay. Blizzard wants to not print Heal, Taunt, or Board Clears for Rogue, but is okay with them just getting fucking annihilated by agro. Sounds like good game design.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I've been playing a lot of Renolock and I could just be bad (usually get to rank 8 or when I try and before I get tired of the grind).

But generally, heres how the games go for me.

Jade Spirit, Ramp, Jade Behemoth or smth. I clear that shit with Hellfire or something. Put some things on the board. Trade a bit. They get a Nourish or Auctioneer turn and flood the board again. I clear it with Abyssal/Twisting Nether/or Reno back to full. They get another turn and board flood then I lose.

I'm only playing a few games a day so no idea how fast the meta is shifting, but in your example Jade Spirit is a turn 4 play... A renolock needs to get things on board and just go face. I just played 1 game during my break and faced a Jade Druid, he had no chance. He did Coin+Blossom, I pinged off his 1/1 with Coil and tapped, he uses roots for 2x 1/1, I play Refreshment Vendor, he Nourishes, I go the 4/5 taunt guy for 5 and go face. Don't worry about trading into 1/1s. He uses a Swipe, I get to play Sylvanas, he uses another Swipe and clear my board, I use the 6/6hellfire guy on a clear board, he has no more good removal, I keep going face and make him trade. ezpz.

Just keep the pressure on his face and force him to do removals, you should win over 60% of the time. Renolock has way too many tools. If you make it to late game you try to get the full-board poly from Kazakus, leave him with 7 1/1s and keep going face.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Taking 4 damage turn 1 when Pirate Warrior goes second is just not okay. Blizzard wants to not print Heal, Taunt, or Board Clears for Rogue, but is okay with them just getting fucking annihilated by agro. Sounds like good game design.

I really don't understand it. Hunter is only class close to rogue on so few options but they do have a taunt creator and better stall tactics. Hunter has better(slightly) board clear options as well.

priest- lotta clears
warrior- one good, some weak ones
druid- meh but there are some
pally- several
lock- shitloads
shaman- see above
mage- same as lock
hunter- meh but several options
rogue- two fairly limited and awful ones. I'm not counting vanish honestly.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Hunter deck idea: Noah's Ark Hunter, cause it's a flood of beasts. Basic idea is to generate as many tokens as possible and use them to fuel scavenging hyena, to draw cards with cult master, or buff them with mukla's champion, as the game dictates. Silverback patriarch over animal companion because it's a buff target and a taunt to hopefully help vs pirates/aggro decks. Explosive trap for the same purpose. I've got this version tailored to be more midrangey, but you could lower the curve a bit with alley cats and possibly timber wolfs to be more aggressive.

I'm unsure whether cult master or starving buzzard is a better solution to hunter's card draw problem, it's worth experimenting with.

Sorry to post all of these deck ideas, it's just this era of the game that comes right after an expansion is my favorite time of the game, with theorycrafting and wild deckbuilding ideas before the top players refine the meta into the best possible decks and everyone copies them :)
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Hunter deck idea: Noah's Ark Hunter, cause it's a flood of beasts. Basic idea is to generate as many tokens as possible and use them to fuel scavenging hyena, to draw cards with cult master, or buff them with mukla's champion, as the game dictates. Silverback patriarch over animal companion because it's a buff target and a taunt to hopefully help vs pirates/aggro decks. Explosive trap for the same purpose. I've got this version tailored to be more midrangey, but you could lower the curve a bit with alley cats and possibly timber wolfs to be more aggressive.

I'm unsure whether cult master or starving buzzard is a better solution to hunter's card draw problem, it's worth experimenting with.

Sorry to post all of these deck ideas, it's just this era of the game that comes right after an expansion is my favorite time of the game, with theorycrafting and wild deckbuilding ideas before the top players refine the meta into the best possible decks and everyone copies them :)

You should lose Silverback and Mukla's.
Add 2nd Hounds
Cult Master is probably better in most cases

I feel like this style of Hunter is in weak shape. To power through the renos, dragon priest and other aggro decks you need to be super aggressive. Losing Kill Command and Bow hurts your burst potential. Sometimes you just need to do that 15 damage turn to win games.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
If anyone needs to play paladin and wants to try something new, I've been playing a control paladin with a lot of new cards. Probably slightly over 50% win rate with it as I've moved up steadily with it. Don't think it has any hell match ups, it can win or lose to anything. Its very strong against control though, all the minions get buffed so much everything becomes a threat making it difficult for other control decks to deal with. For example, if you know you're playing against control just don't play stuff the the mistresses of mixture until they get buffed a few times. Once they are 4/4, even as a 1 drop, they are threatening.
Paladin - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn
Just recently put in the don honcho so haven't gotten to see him too much to know if he's worth it or not, if you don't have him you can put in an ivory knight or cairne or w/e, but I'm thinking of removing the n'zoth since I have removed cairne and there aren't very many deathrattles. Of course just getting a 2nd tirion is worth it, but a 10 mana clogging up your hand otherwise isn't ideal. Thinking about maybe doing a getaway kodo and ideally playing it with a grimestreet enforcer as it is the mvp of the deck, very strong card.

Edit - Holy crap, I forgot about Sergeant Sally until just now. I had been trying to fit her into a deck and couldn't make her work, but this deck is actually perfect for her. Going to replace n'zoth with her and see how it goes. Also the neutral epic minion that draws two cards if you have a 6 health minion could be decent in this deck if you don't have one of the cards. He draws the 2 cards if he has 6 health himself.
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