Heroes Charge (android)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
DK tanks crusade Hard Mode for me from stage 1 to 15 now, level 64. I tweak the rest of the team behind him from stage to stage as needed, but it's mostly him, Machinist, Old Curse, Chaplain, Mystic. Swap in Death Mage, Commando, or Phoenix occasionally for some stuff but DK stays around.

At some point I'll mess around with the DM tanking idea, but right now I don't see how that's going to work on the front loaded damage teams with Commando. DM's heal doesn't really heal til the end of her skill and some of those teams will definitely kill her before the skill runs it's course. I'm probably missing something.


<Gold Donor>
Ive experienced the same problem with my dm. guess it could be a level/stars thing. Only level 66 and 2star on my dm. She just dies too quick for the heal to kick in.

15/15 crusade hm erry day, typically win the non-tank heavy fights in about 15 seconds:



Karazhan Raider
For commando team, you have to use her ultimate before DM gets stunned. You really don't take that much damage because her skill constantly interrupts skills. You really need to pair her with FM and Mystic to get the damage up (and commando is good as well)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
FM is next on my list, I think... Got her 3* already with all the current crusade points, but still dumping my skill ups in to Ember Blade.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Since double coin bonus, I have listened to the feedback here and placed the DM on the front line and she does hold her own. Surprisingly she does well with her low HP with the fill in on DK or IH to let her regain. She usually dies 13/15 and I sub in high DPS to finish off.


Lord Nagafen Raider
DK tanks crusade Hard Mode for me from stage 1 to 15 now, level 64. I tweak the rest of the team behind him from stage to stage as needed, but it's mostly him, Machinist, Old Curse, Chaplain, Mystic. Swap in Death Mage, Commando, or Phoenix occasionally for some stuff but DK stays around.

At some point I'll mess around with the DM tanking idea, but right now I don't see how that's going to work on the front loaded damage teams with Commando. DM's heal doesn't really heal til the end of her skill and some of those teams will definitely kill her before the skill runs it's course. I'm probably missing something.
With DM you pretty much have to start the fight at full charge and let loose right away. I actually have the opposite problem with the DK. I hired one today for giggles and he gets toasted real quick plus he does no damage. I feel that Crusade HM is all about the best defense is a good offense (you gotta kill the other team quick) since the lack of heals. I only use tanks situationally and for round 1 to charge up DM.


Karazhan Raider
Yep, and you should be able to use DM ultimate every fight. Her ultimate is very good at getting kill shots.

In the later stages I pop DM ultimate, then use FMs ultimate if it's up, Mystics if it's not. That still allows DM to get the killshots


Lord Nagafen Raider
....and if she is fully recharged at the end of the battle and there is opponents still standing; dont let it loose again...let your other Heroes finish off whats left. If you use her twice in the same battle she will not be able to fully recharge for the next round. That was my mistake...


Karazhan Raider
....and if she is fully recharged at the end of the battle and there is opponents still standing; dont let it loose again...let your other Heroes finish off whats left. If you use her twice in the same battle she will not be able to fully recharge for the next round. That was my mistake...
Depends on how many are left. 3+ and you can let it lose and she will likely be full again, but generally ya I wouldnt use it again


Karazhan Raider
Yep, same with me. Even the purple chests I have been getting 2x stones instead of pulling the actual hero


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is there any point to attack in the regular arena other then for daily claim points? I understanding defending for points towards Heroes.


Is there any point to attack in the regular arena other then for daily claim points? I understanding defending for points towards Heroes.
Yes - to improve your rank which improves the nightly reward you receive in the mail.


Karazhan Raider
Once you unlock grand arena you can pick which one you want to focus on. It picks the max rank of the two for the nightly reward.

I pretty much only focus on grand arena, it's kind of a double whammy. The higher rank you are the more grand arena coins/hr that you get and If you are high in rank at 9 pm you get the regular arena coins for it


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yup, DM Crusade tank works pretty well. Really no more tweaking needed than DK once you get it rolling. And DM/Phoenix/Lirune/Ember all charged up just steamrolls the hardest stages.


Karazhan Raider
Honestly, just DM and Pheonix will wreck any round if you have FM/Mystic/commando. Their US gets buffed to hell and just wrecks


Karazhan Raider
The level 75 portals are a big jump up in difficulty. I think I can finish 3/5 of them at level 75.

The one that throws spears just does too much damage to everyone with his AE spear. The burrower guy I just don't have the best heroes for.

I can beat the flying one by the skin of my teeth, end up with like 5 seconds left and poisoned one one shot from dead


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Getting quite annoyed with Cloud Walker during Arena. If he has the chance to get his ult. off, he does tons of damage. However, I would say 9 out of 10 times he dies before that happens, or dies as it goes off. I have had to bench him in my arena lineup due to that. He absolutely rapes face in crusade and campaign though. Who knows though, I am only level 49. Maybe it will get better later


Lord Nagafen Raider
Getting quite annoyed with Cloud Walker during Arena. If he has the chance to get his ult. off, he does tons of damage. However, I would say 9 out of 10 times he dies before that happens, or dies as it goes off. I have had to bench him in my arena lineup due to that. He absolutely rapes face in crusade and campaign though. Who knows though, I am only level 49. Maybe it will get better later
I agree, I dont have him unlocked however his skill is sick when it goes off however I usually kill him before or right when it goes. Congrats on having him at 49.