House of the Dragon


Potato del Grande
There was a fuckton of houses we really never heard of in the start of this, I assume wiped out over time before GoT. One being a jogger camp doesn't seem out of norms.
Also was wrong about now being 162 years, the 172 years is after the 9 year time jump from the start.
The Velaryons (black house) were Targaryen loyalists so fell out of favour by GoT.

In the books one of them is on Cersei's shitty small council as Master of Ships, then fucks off with the navy to be a pirate on The Stepstones (islands between Westeros and Essos) - making her vulnerable at sea.

The Hightowers are technically Tyrell bannerman but are very powerful as they rule Oldtown which is the only other city (where Sam was learning to be a Maester).

Any others could have fallen out of favour as Targaryen loyalists, gone extinct or just not been in the story that much.

The Velaryons are from southern Essos and have boats, so I'll accept them as joggers. Targaryens must have super dominant white sperm because the book family trees have them marry Velaryons and Martells constantly - and Martells are in canon Iberian skintone.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I decided to give it a watch against my better judgement and want my however-the-fuck-many gigabytes back.

Matt Smith was the only remotely interesting character amidst a cast of wooden boards with extra chromosomes.

King Viserys I was dull and uninteresting.

Rhaenyra came across as an OC fanfic Arya, but also a Targaryen.

The Hightower girl was giving me an early Sansa impression except if she was likable, although there was not enough development to get much out of her, either.

We don't know the queen remotely long enough to give the faintest fuck that she died, and also, are we really supposed to buy that this was a Roe V. Wade statement when just that leak was only recently this year? They filmed this shit long enough ago that it's painfully obvious when they're just trying to win brownie points by throwing in some writing degree thesis interpretations that fit if you're retarded enough to believe their virtue signaling in earnest.

The whole time I felt like I was watching a Game of Thrones knock-off instead of a spin-off. There wasn't any of the charisma or engagement that the first episode was capable of doing. Watching GoT without reading the books, you still had a good enough grasp on who the characters were, what they were like on a surface level at least, what the motivations and basic conflicts were, so on and so forth. Here, I was kind of just lost wondering why I should give a shit about anyone or anything that was happening. And what better way to cap it all off than to remind us that this was all about getting a Targ on the throne to stop the Mildly Chilly Evening? It wasn't even bad, either, there just wasn't any soul or substance.
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Vyemm Raider
She was always going to be the final boss

She was always going to be a bad guy - the show just did an absolutely retarded job of conveying that appropriately before DnD decided to rush to the climax.

Baelish should've been the final boss and the show was literally setting him up to be. He was a lot like Kefka, always scheming in the background without anyone noticing. I think it would've been way cooler if Baelish was somehow working with the Night King or something. Idk I just feel like even if they didn't rush that ending it still would've been pretty meh.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
She was always going to be a bad guy - the show just did an absolutely retarded job of conveying that appropriately before DnD decided to rush to the climax.

had to rush off to go fuck Star Wars up, whoops
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
She was nothing like arya
It was mostly her wanting to do things that female royalty wouldn't, but also with some Daenerys crossover factor of Daenerys to crank it up to dragon riding. She's certainly more feminine, not a hard bar to clear, but again, that was just the impression I got from her and I would have hoped that they could have given all of the characters far more distinctive personalities considering they only had to focus on a single house full of people who predated the original show by nearly two centuries.

The best way I can put it is that the characters all came off like something an AI fed GoT scripts would conjure up, but at least the AI would probably sprinkle in some outrageous things that at least give you a laugh, and it would do it for free, too. Whether it was Rhaenyra or the King, I felt like I've already seen the same strains of this show's DNA before, but better.
had to rush off to go fuck Star Wars up, whoops
And then Disney fucked Star Wars up - expectations subverted!
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I watched the first episode with my wife last night. It was...ok, I guess. My expectations were rock bottom, so that helps. She enjoyed it more than I did, but she's also not terminally online like I am.


Lord Nagafen Raider
15/10 bestererest thing ever made for TV, universe changing experience. 6 out of 5 urinalists would recommnend it. Watch this instead of We shit on Tolkien: Dildos of Power up yours.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The best way I can put it is that the characters all came off like something an AI fed GoT scripts would conjure up, but at least the AI would probably sprinkle in some outrageous things that at least give you a laugh, and it would do it for free, too. Whether it was Rhaenyra or the King, I felt like I've already seen the same strains of this show's DNA before, but better.

That's a good way to explain the lack of charisma felt throughout the cast.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hopefully they have Jogger in law steal a dragon at some point.
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First few episodes of GoT didn't grab me either

Haven't watched this yet

In retrospect I think I would have waited till the season has finished. This apparently picks up A LOT in episode 2 and continues getting more action oriented (and better) from there. IDK LoTR is releasing two episodes to start, probably due to the same issue. The Boys does it, Hell even Wandavision had to do that because they were worried people wouldn't "get it" off of the first episode (which is ironically my favorite one)