League Of Legends


A Man Chooses....
No thornmail when the only thing that can kill you is an AD carry seems kind of odd to me. No tenacity so they can peel you off the ADC. Visage with no self heal so only for the increased regen. Not only that, but in combat your job is to stick to the AD carry/back line and you will move slower with mobis in combat. RoA is just better than Warmogs if you get it in the first 20 minutes.

Good for you if it works. I don't like it.


Tranny Chaser
I don't like Thornmail on pretty much anyone unless I'm topping off after Frozen Heart and Randuins and I'm still get buttblasted by the ADC.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
No thornmail when the only thing that can kill you is an AD carry seems kind of odd to me. No tenacity so they can peel you off the ADC. Visage with no self heal so only for the increased regen. Not only that, but in combat your job is to stick to the AD carry/back line and you will move slower with mobis in combat. RoA is just better than Warmogs if you get it in the first 20 minutes.

Good for you if it works. I don't like it.
I will buy the potion that grants tenacity or get mercs if necessary. I'll swap sv for banshee if I need the extra shielding.
I'm 2-0 today with Sej.
4-6-22 and 10-0-3 were my scorelines and puts me at 10-5 on her since the patch


Buzzfeed Editor
Still newer, a while back Diana was mentioned for being a hard counter to a lot of current meta nightmares? Was wondering more about that, just for her slow yank to interupt katarina ult?

Going to play her/fizz for first time, everyone else this week is old to me or I have.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Still newer, a while back Diana was mentioned for being a hard counter to a lot of current meta nightmares? Was wondering more about that, just for her slow yank to interupt katarina ult?

Going to play her/fizz for first time, everyone else this week is old to me or I have.
Yea I been trashing up this thread with the Diana talk.
I had a heck of a hot streak with her a month ago, had 2 different runs going 12 wins in a row with her. I've since lost the "luck" with her (although she's still ~56% win rate for me).

Anyway, she does counter a lot of nightmares but with the meta changing your success may vary! She snowballs like an assassin so the key is just staying even or ahead in lane. Play safe and wait for level 6 where you get your power spike.

She counters assassins particularly well as long as you can stay at least even with your opponent.

E (knockup/slow) is a direct counter to Katarina.

Rush Abyssal against AP champions, this alone will make you tanky enough to destroy them.
Rush Zhonyas against Zed, once you have Zhonyas he loses.

Her shield keeps her tanky and does good damage. She can win against all assassins but some are skill matchups.
Leblanc/Ahri/Nidalee are about player skill. She can easily win but also easily lose.

She is very reliant on her Q skillshot to perform well.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Out of the free heroes this week the two that have been really fun for me were Morgana and Fizz.


Buzzfeed Editor
Fizz, not sure if lag, but was having trouble getting his 2nd jump to go off. Definately some fun tower ganks doing the AD BOTRK and Trinity with 3 defensive. Personally liked Dianna more.


Trakanon Raider
Faker just played Diana in Korea. The plague is spreading rapidly.

But more importantly, good guy SKT played Udyr right before that awesome new skin came out.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yorick top, Naut support, did Riot include free drugs with this patch? This week is crazy so far. Wonder if NA gonna be boring :p


Tranny Chaser
I've played a bunch of Naut support and it's almost good. He's held back by some lackluster stats, specifically his "tied for lowest in the game" movement speed. Being melee on top of having less movement speed than ranged characters is bleh.

It's a clever pick to throw into the mix though. A LCS caliber support player could pick him up and be competitive ready in no time at all and take advantage of a lack of character familiarity from the enemy team.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That might be the best (or at least most entertaining) match I've ever watched, holy shit. That ending


That might be the best (or at least most entertaining) match I've ever watched, holy shit. That ending
It's amazing how good Fnatic is at fucking up the nexus pushes. If you watch the replay, a bunch of people could've thrown in at least 1 extra autoattack to end it, but they tried to hold off UoL for some reason despite the fact that they had no health.

That was a crazy game.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Can anyone shed some light on why SK/CW are playing again? I was watching the first game, walked home from work, and they're restarting with different team comps.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Viktor bug or something so they had to do a restart and thus redo champ select since I assume they are now going to disable Viktor possibly?


Mr. Poopybutthole
UoL vs Fnatic is hands down one of the best lcs games I've ever seen.
Pretty exciting ending.


For those that missed it: