League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
Love playing Morg support, but it can get old after a while. Decided to pick up lux. So pretty much I went from a Dark chick, who snares, shields, and slow ass dot over time to a white chick busting out the burst while shielding and landing snares. Both fun as fuck, but Lux's E and ult are just lulzy.

Sitting at 5/4.7/18 kda so far. Think I found my new flavor of the month.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, Morg & Blitz are probably my two go to supports now a day for just having fun. If you really want to have fun, do a morgana/lux bot lane. Most likely you won't be able to do it in ranked due to people saying u troll but I've done that bot lane with a friend a few times, even a game or two in ranked lol. You lane 1 root and can basically chunk anyone so hard because of double root + pool + lux e + auto attacks. It gets even more hilarious at level 6 because then add in even more CC with morg ult but then dmg from lux & morg ults is hilarious.


Molten Core Raider
I hate playing support, probably because I suck at it since I rarely I play bot lane. However, I got stuck supporting last night against Lucian & Nautilus and sorta panic-picked Zyra (I was with Vayne) since they had Nautilus and a Sejuani jungle. Everything went better than expected! Also, I sorta get that people stopped picking Zyra back when the meta favored assassins, but it seems people forgot that she can cc tanky champs for days and does pretty good poke damage, especially in early levels.


Started play ranked on my main the last week. Placed bronze 1 then got to s5 in a few games, won a few more and promos and jumped two divison to s3. Checed my MMR and I should jump another two to s1 if I win my promos again, so should be able to get gold if I keep at it.

According to my stats I should just play jungle or support in ranked because I have like a 90% win rate when I play those two roles, not too far behind is top lane. Sucks because I have the most fun playing ADC or mid but I have an atrocious win rate on those roles, like 40% or less. 38% win rate on jinx which is my favorite champ. Lol.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Started play ranked on my main the last week. Placed bronze 1 then got to s5 in a few games, won a few more and promos and jumped two divison to s3. Checed my MMR and I should jump another two to s1 if I win my promos again, so should be able to get gold if I keep at it.

According to my stats I should just play jungle or support in ranked because I have like a 90% win rate when I play those two roles, not too far behind is top lane. Sucks because I have the most fun playing ADC or mid but I have an atrocious win rate on those roles, like 40% or less. 38% win rate on jinx which is my favorite champ. Lol.
Some of that is also because jungle/support tend to be unpopular roles so being good at those frees up those who are really good at the more popular roles to do their thing. I tend to wind up in the same spot filling support/jungle. At least I enjoy most support heroes and there is a good amount of diversity there if you are in the mood for something different like pulling out blitz/leona. I actually had some good luck with the river king but he is a guy who its really easy to screw up your targeting of your chomp in a big melee.


Trakanon Raider
Watching this NACS finals for the auto-qualifier...
I can't tell if Cris is now good or if RF Legendary is really that bad.
But, I'm pretty confident Shrimp is that good and Crumbz is that mediocre.

revision: pretty much everyone involved in these games are terrible.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
just got my first penta this season, at Plat V as Akali. Won the game too, was a close one the whole way... Yasuo was so fed on enemy team. Next game was a 10 min loss after ADC quit.. this game sucks.



I've setup a ranked 5s team called "EverCrack Addicts" Tag: EQ FTW. 9 Roster slots, my first thought was gold+ priority, rest to fill.

Willing to do whatever you guys want. If you want in, add jarrettmp as friend and I'll invite.

let's do this!! like raiding lord nagafen


I've setup a ranked 5s team called "EverCrack Addicts" Tag: EQ FTW. 9 Roster slots, my first thought was gold+ priority, rest to fill.

Willing to do whatever you guys want. If you want in, add jarrettmp as friend and I'll invite.

let's do this!! like raiding lord nagafen
I'm in! Gold V and unbanned and we can play Wednesday night and figure out a rest of a schedule just let me know.


Lord Nagafen Raider
CLG vs TSM in the finals, good ol' NA LCS. Should be pretty awesome. CLG BABY LET'S GO!

CLG just dismantled TIP, so good. Rotations on point, every lane winning, so good.

Wildturtle in game 1 doing work on Jinx, dear lord. But man, Azir op.

Fnatic vs Origen should be pretty top notch too. Can Fnatic keep the streak alive?

CLG > TSM 3-2
Fnatic > Origen 3-1
My preds.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
CLG vs TSM in the finals, good ol' NA LCS. Should be pretty awesome. CLG BABY LET'S GO!

CLG just dismantled TIP, so good. Rotations on point, every lane winning, so good.

Wildturtle in game 1 doing work on Jinx, dear lord. But man, Azir op.

Fnatic vs Origen should be pretty top notch too. Can Fnatic keep the streak alive?

CLG > TSM 3-2
Fnatic > Origen 3-1
My preds.
TSM all the way. Regi fixed their problems and CLG will choke as usual.

Fnatic will probably win but it should be a good game. I have been rooting against Fnatic simply because I feel like they aren't really THAT good and need to get back to reality. I totally see Fnatic bombing at Worlds because they've cruised through EU LCS. I do like Fnatic but I like Origen players more. I hope they can pull off the upset, which might actually benefit Fnatic in the long run.


Trakanon Raider
just got my first penta this season, at Plat V as Akali. Won the game too, was a close one the whole way... Yasuo was so fed on enemy team. Next game was a 10 min loss after ADC quit.. this game sucks.

Put your shit on color blind mode to turn your health a different color so it helps keep track of you jumping around better. Or LSI and custom all the colors.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
are you colorblind? just wonderin

the green stands out from red/blue pretty well for me


Trakanon Raider
biggest surprise of today's match is how little Quas contributed over the 4 games. game 3 his CC was on point, but I expected more from him.
the illusions of my world are crumbling around me - dyrus has been repeatedly outplaying his toplane opponent.
i do worry about TSM's drive in the finals next week. yeah, they're professionals playing against their rivals, but they've still already qualified, so that slight fall off in intensity for the week of practice could be enough for clg to finally beat them.

eulcs - dream scenario is the backdoor sweep from Origin for the maximum lulz. but I don't think origin can overcome huni and reignover in a best of 5.
and I agree, they are good, but they take dumb fights and make dumb mistakes, yey still manage to win. shit is baffling.

edit: saw a reddit post with mid/bot damage numbers from the series
"Game 1
Bjergsen did a whopping 50k damage compared to wildturtle 32k.
Thats 45% of tsm damage on Bjergsen and 28% on wildturtle. Which is suprising considering how many early game kills got funneled into wildturtle.
On Team liquid side fenix did 25k and piglet did 43k damage.
Game 2
Bjergsen does 54k damage and wildturtle does 25k barly beating dyrus that sits on 22k damage on gnar.
Percentage wise bjergsen did 41%, wildturtle did 19% and dyrus did 17% total damage to champions.
On Team liquid side fenix did 30k and piglet did 36k damage.
Game 3
Bjergsen does 40k damage and wildturtle does 20k.
47% of tsm damage is on bjergsen and 23% is on wildturtle.
Fenix and piglet did 45k and 33k
Game 4
14k damage on bjergsen lulu, 20k on wildturtle.
Meanwhile everyone on liquid did less then 10k damage in a 37min game."
biggest surprise of today's match is how little Quas contributed over the 4 games. game 3 his CC was on point, but I expected more from him.
the illusions of my world are crumbling around me - dyrus has been repeatedly outplaying his toplane opponent.
i do worry about TSM's drive in the finals next week. yeah, they're professionals playing against their rivals, but they've still already qualified, so that slight fall off in intensity for the week of practice could be enough for clg to finally beat them.

eulcs - dream scenario is the backdoor sweep from Origin for the maximum lulz. but I don't think origin can overcome huni and reignover in a best of 5.
and I agree, they are good, but they take dumb fights and make dumb mistakes, yey still manage to win. shit is baffling.
dyrus has always been a different beast during pcs playoffs so im not really surprised he is playing well. He will get destroyed at worlds like he always does though.

Fnatic is c9 from a couple seasons back. Looks great because their region is just plain horrible. When they meet real opposition at worlds I bet they dont make it out of groups.


Trakanon Raider
are you colorblind? just wonderin

the green stands out from red/blue pretty well for me
Naw. Just seems to make my champ stand out more when engaged in team fights. I play with everything maxed so I get the eq effect of spells and do at times wonder wtf I am because of a random Vayne condemn or something dumb. Was just an idea to toss at ya. Good job on the penta tho!
I use colorblind mode as well. Just seems to make things pop out more.

Was discussing quick cast settings with a buddy. He doesn't use it at all whereas I use it exclusively. I was just wondering how people here do it. No quick cast, quick cast with range indicators, or total quick cast?