League Of Legends


Vyemm Raider
If I was awesome, I wouldn't be in Silver just now. If I was awesome and could dominate with a Karma Jungle I would be in diamond already, but I'm not. When you're playing with other people who are equal in skill level and you get a troll, an afk, a dc, or a feeder on your team, that's just enough to tip the balance. If the one game I was in didn't have an Ez that was just meh instead of feeding and trying to solo the other team, it would of been enough for a win.

Eventually, I hope to be good enough to carry hard and dominate everyone with a Sion mid, but until then, there is shit that just ruins your day.

Seriously though, there are just some games that aren't savable, especially when you have 3 people on your team where two are trolling, one is high as fuck as doesn't have the coordination to turn around, it's just time to try again another day. Most of the time, people come here to blow off steam, but then you get the people here who tell them they suck. Good one there.

I suppose that's why people always preface "Oh I'm not good at this game but..". So they don't have to read another guy telling them they are a shitty player.
I posted a series of incredibly awesome videos breaking down point by point how to reach platinum / diamond. Go watch them.


Tranny Chaser
I do not take the position that you should never surrender. There are plenty of times where I am happy to accept that I have been beaten and just want to move on. But I want the enemy team to establish they are better and that they aren't going to throw the game away. Getting wrecked during the laning phase isn't enough. I want to lose some team fights before I throw in the towel. We get aced trying a counter baron after the enemy team backed after taking an inhib and sure, that's fine. Pack it up.

But as a whole people are way, way too willing to give it up.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just played another jungle game as Nunu... I started off trying to counter-jungle enemy red, I got caught and ended up dying to top-laner Tryndamere.. My top lane was Nasus and he never raged, I felt bad though. I kept my head down and just started grinding. Bot lane and Mid lane both had deaths within the first 3 minutes of the game. Not a great start now. All lanes are losing before 5 minutes.

I just farm and apply pressure. I wasn't able to help secure many kills anywhere. Mid laner enemy was Katarina, hard to gank, top lane Tryn is hard to gank, Bot lane corki/sona are hard to gank.. Too many escapes.

I focus on objectives. We take first dragon. We force some kills but still behind in total kills. Nasus is losing 1v1 to Tryndamere. I have a Jinx/Leona bot lane that manage to get back to even though and a Brand mid that gets a few kills by roaming.

I Secure 2nd Dragon.

At 15 minutes I'm level 11 and prepare Baron. I pink it and take blue buff. Once I see enemy jungler bot lane with enemy mid I call over Brand to help me duo baron. We start it up and nasus helps eventually.

Baron secured at ~17 mins.

Even with baron buff we are too split up and get caught and a few of us die to a fully grouped enemy team. I have to tell my team to focus objectives... they start taking some turrets.

I Secure 3rd Dragon.

We finally group as 5 and are ahead in gold from all the objectives. We push straight down mid lane all the way to the inhib, taking the inhib. We back, heal, and push again, going all the way to the nexus for the win.

After the game the Nasus on my team was gushing all over me wanting to duo and be my friend and saying I was the only good player on the team for focusing objectives. I was 2nd in kill participation (14) my adc, Jinx, was 1st with 17. I try to give credit to jinx but Nasus ignores and says he's only honoring me etc. Was really funny! I gave his lane opponent first blood and the guy ends up friending me afterwards


2 Minutes Hate
Yeah, don't jungle at level 12 unless you really want to practice at it. 9 times out of 10 you'll be putting a teammate in a 1v2 lane that they have no idea how to play and as a jungler you are more rune/mastery dependent because while your opponents may not have better runes than you, the jungle doesn't scale down to your lower level.
The problem I had with low level jungles were people didn't know when to go in with the gank. You would go in and they would run away or keep farming. Or if you play a CC heavy jungler like Nautalus or Vi, they would never initiate or follow through with you. You would go in a 3v3 and you would die because your support/adc bot lane would just sit there.

It can get frustrating because you're the first person to get blamed by bads.

For example, if your laners have the lanes pushed hard (creep wave to the tower), you won't have any ganking opportunities, so you'll continue farming or if you feel saucy, counter jungle. Then when a laner dies, he will blame you for not ganking. Don't listen to this because that laner doesn't know proper lane manipulation.

All you can really do in that situation is help push the tower if you happen to be close by.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
I hate the never surrender mentality. The slim chance of winning that people seem to inflate is not worth wasting everyone's time and getting a new game going. If have lost an inhibitor, don't have a single inner turret down, haven't been nabbing every dragon and are significantly behind on kills, the game is over, just resign.
11% win chance once your inhib goes down and believe me, those winnable games are when the game is close in other aspects.
Never surrender mentality is HUGE in lower elos. Bronze elos simply refuse to surrender no matter what, to almost a scary degree. My entire time in bronze, I may of seen at most one surrender. That said, a lot of plat games end in surrender. Plat players know when you're down and when you're fucked. Theres a big difference, and you simply do not win 4v5 games in plat (You can win 4v4 if one of the 5 is dumb enough to be a 4). That said, the difference between being down and being fucked is hard to spot, and I'm not sure I trust people to know it in lower elos. I had a game very recently where -every- turret was dead and they had baron, and my team decided not to give up. We had a very strong wombo team (Leona mid, EZ, Teemo Support, Jarvan jungle, Rumble top). Long story short, one mistake and we were able to burst their whole team and win.

Just because never surrendering is a bad mentality doesnt mean that you should always surrender if you lose an inhib early. The lower elo you go, the worse teams are at finishing games. Any time a game doesnt finish, you have a chance to recover from being down. Those teams that lose their inhib still win 11% of the time, and the difference between a silver and gold elo player is smaller than that 11% win rate window.


2 Minutes Hate
I posted a series of incredibly awesome videos breaking down point by point how to reach platinum / diamond. Go watch them.
I appreciate the links, but I'm well beyond that point. I'm perfectly aware of what I'm doing wrong. It's just execution and practice I'm lacking. My play time is so sporadic that I don't get enough time to play a decent string of games with 1 or 2 champs a few times a week.
What are the Cons (if any) to customizing your UI?
Do you mean the options they give you as part of the game or third party mod stuff like WoW? I never did any of the latter, but I have my minimap much larger then the default size so I notice ganks or map rotations from the enemy team faster. Some people like to shift mini map/inventory position as well. If you are talking about those really flashy custom UIs you see some streamers have? That isn't actually on their game screen its a skin they use through twitch to give the viewers something nice to look at.


Golden Squire
I will surrender a hopeless situation but if a single lane loses, or hell even two lanes lose during the landing phase that is not a reason to straight up surrender. As I said, in silver, this game is League of Throws.


<Gold Donor>
I just saw some stuff about custom UI's. As I researched it more, it is more a of a re-skin.

Regarding the map size, is there a way to keep the map as big as possible whilst making the rest of the UI smaller? When I am going down on the map (yes, I suck maps) my abilities are affecting my field of view and it is kind of annoying.

EDIT: About to try Karma ...


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think he means from the purple team side, playing "down" the map. The overall UI and the Minimap are actually two different sliders in options, so yea you can set them separately. I make my general UI pretty tiny because all I really need to see is the map and if my abilities are off cooldown. It makes the target hp hard to read though >.>

Regarding the surrendering thing. Even 3 losing lanes isn't that big a deal. I just had a ranked game of plat/gold players where my team won every lane pretty hard but when 15-20 minutes rolled around we started losing every teamfight due to lack of coordination and just a worse 5v5 comp. We even lost the fight that started by me landing my Aatrox Q on their ADC + AP carry. Laning and teamfighting are almost separate matches within the same game and my ELO, and that's not even that low.


<Gold Donor>
Yep, what Amzin said ... but the problem I have is that the HUD Scale controls my map too. Do I need to click something else?


2 Minutes Hate
There are seperate sliders for the whole UI and the minimap. I forget, but there might be a master slider you might have to tick off or something. Also Karma can be fun. She's a beast mid game and pretty good bully. She falls off late game compared to other champs. In expert hands she can really be a beefy pain in the ass.

I've seen her do really well mid/top/jungle, but that is usually in the hands of a diamond/pro player so I don't know how that correlates to newer players.


Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>
Ok it has become apparent i wont make it from s1 to gold on my own, any pros want to duo up with me before i run out of time?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd be down for duoing with any high gold/low plat or above players that want to - according to lolnexus that's all I'm fighting despite being in gold v and I feel like doing it solo is slowing me down :p


<Gold Donor>
Bought Malphite pretty fun 1st game. Kill Stats weren't amazing because I got owned early by Nunu & the guy with the Anchor Scorpion style chain pull. Think I went 6/12/14, was a long game 53 minutes. Now that I see how Malphite plays I need to build my runes different but I am gonna stick with him Garen and Nasus.

I heard Lucian is free to play tomorrow and he really interests me as a ranged. Will definetly check him out.

Regarding the sliders for some reason this last match I was able to make the map big and everything else small, not sure why because I did the same thing before.


Potato del Grande
I appreciate the links, but I'm well beyond that point. I'm perfectly aware of what I'm doing wrong. It's just execution and practice I'm lacking. My play time is so sporadic that I don't get enough time to play a decent string of games with 1 or 2 champs a few times a week.
Sounds a lot like everything I was saying when everybody in the thread including you, I believe, was all-aboard on the YellAtWizardhawk train. Well, the first part. And the previous posts you made raging about your teams/losses.